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08-31-2006, 04:49 PM
I'd like to consider hunting the area(s) you hunt and where your uncle hunted. Would you be able to share those areas? I'd like to see if I've got what it takes to find a big buck where they hunted. :)

Seeing all those big buck pictures posted by Rockybluffs over on huntshoot makes me want to hunt the same general areas. Can you help?

From the sounds of it, its tough hunting and I'd like to have a crack at it.

08-31-2006, 05:57 PM
I wouldn't mind big fella but I don't think my hunting buddies would like it. If I got a new hunting guy to come along, sorry big guy. I wouldn't worry too much about Rocky big fella, its Jel your talkin to. My cousin is someone I talk to, not about, and I don't recommend that you should either, you don't know Rocky. I on the other hand enjoy this big game part of this site. Go to the chat part where we can chat about anything you care to talk about, otherwise lets not tie up the big game forum. To answer your question about its a tough area, and Rams wants to take a crack at it, what are you implying? Go to chat and maybe I can help you. Don't tie up this part of the forum ,see ya in the chat room we can talk. and if I can't Dodge ya, I'll Ram ya! Oh ya all the spots I hunt are already on one thread on this forum you can look them up anytime you please there already on, no use repeating them. You haven't been doing your research or you would have seen them, well, it will give you some thing to fill in your empty time space.It will keep you busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. See ya in the chat area. Rams the Dunster Diver Jelly Roll

08-31-2006, 06:54 PM
grin - just call me JR (jelly roll) for short !

Thought you'd get me pointed in a more specific area. Guess I gotta put a GPS tracking system onto your truck !