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07-25-2011, 02:28 PM
I have hunted the western side of region 8 for close to 30 years..... during this time more roads have been pushed and punched in.... All the loggers I have met have been very friendly and usually a smaller company....

Yesterday my son and I head up to an area we have hunted for the last 15 years or so..... many very old slashes to one huge one from last year. At the end of the this new slash is where we hunt a "loop" of probably 15kms.

At the end of last years slash is a sign that says "no trespassing past this point", below that it says active logging, keep out! Past that point has seen no major logging in the last decade, just some selective clearing. No one was around and I didn't want to ruffle any feathers if there was since I was with my son.....

My question is, can they legally keep me out of this area? There was no company name listed on the sign, no phone numbers, just this damn sign.....

Thanks for your input!


Mikey Rafiki
07-25-2011, 02:36 PM
Could be some loggers that want to get themselves a "private" hunting area. I have seen and heard of this done when they have access to these types of signs.

Check the land use maps to see if it's crown or private land. If it's crown I wouldn't be too worried about checking it out. If it's private or owned by the foresty industry I would do some more investigating.

Helps having someone in government that can do title searches for places like this. It has settled a few disputes when certain peoeple claim to own land.

07-25-2011, 02:38 PM
If the outfit outfit bought the land then yes they can. This is what keeps Us Islanders out of the bush.

07-25-2011, 02:47 PM
I suspect it's an illegal sign. If it was private forest land, ranch land, a MOE or MLFRO sign that information would be on the sign.

07-25-2011, 02:47 PM
Call the MOF and they will give you an answer..Most of the time its a safety issue. Could be falling timber roadside and don't need to worry or lookout for road users.

07-25-2011, 02:58 PM
too many peeps put up signs when they have no right. Most of the turf on the mainland is leased timber rights, not actual owning of the land. A simple phone call would do the trick, but honestly, I wouldn't even bother. I'd head in as I always have, screw em if they don't like it.

4 point
07-25-2011, 03:09 PM
My guess is it's fake. Check it out of course to be sure. One area we hunt has in reg 3 has active logging signs up on a main and several spurs for over 10+ years and the logging has been well over, land replanted and lots of deer back in there and a good place to go. But to a newbie going in may be enough to keep them out.

07-25-2011, 03:16 PM
If it's crown land it is probably signs they had up when selective logging the area, if it looks like an older sign and nobody is around I would walk right by and check it out.
What's the worst thing that could happen, nothing.
Jel .. If it's crown the signs come down .................

07-25-2011, 04:04 PM
I have hunted the western side of region 8 for close to 30 years..... during this time more roads have been pushed and punched in.... All the loggers I have met have been very friendly and usually a smaller company....

Yesterday my son and I head up to an area we have hunted for the last 15 years or so..... many very old slashes to one huge one from last year. At the end of the this new slash is where we hunt a "loop" of probably 15kms.

At the end of last years slash is a sign that says "no trespassing past this point", below that it says active logging, keep out! Past that point has seen no major logging in the last decade, just some selective clearing. No one was around and I didn't want to ruffle any feathers if there was since I was with my son.....

My question is, can they legally keep me out of this area? There was no company name listed on the sign, no phone numbers, just this damn sign.....

Thanks for your input!


No, they can't keep you out of Crown land. The "no trespassing" does not even apply if it's an active logging area on Crown, but WCB or Forest Act provisions may restrict access temporarily. Trespassing law does not apply.

I have a hunch that if the sign is as you describe it, it is possibly someone trying to "assert rights" on the land. Saw one similar years ago in 8-08.

07-25-2011, 04:09 PM
I think I may have seen those signs in late May Mike, there's was no logging then, it was 4' deep in snow. Maybe they just "forgot" to pull the signs when they were done the big block?

07-25-2011, 04:35 PM
I think I may have seen those signs in late May Mike, there's was no logging then, it was 4' deep in snow. Maybe they just "forgot" to pull the signs when they were done the big block?

Was up there two weeks ago and no sign Dave...... road was being plowed 1/2 way in by the time we left..... all grass taken off the road sides, pull outs widened etc.... the last clear cut is the biggest i have seen in this area and they had no signs, also were a group of good guys!

If I had one of my usual buddies with me I would have drove on through the whole thing, having my son, well lets just say I didn't want him to see me get a little testy if we came across anyone....!

Big Lew
07-25-2011, 06:26 PM
There is a sign similar to your situation north of Princeton on an old road between two newer logging areas. It has been there at least 10 years and it does discourage many from using the road. I asked about it's validity and was told to just ignore it, it wasn't legal, as it was crown land and there was no current logging in it's immediate vicinity. It was suggested that the newer logging the old road eventually accessed had restrictions during former active logging, hence the sign.

07-25-2011, 06:28 PM
Take it down then, your arm broken? lol

07-25-2011, 07:09 PM
set up some trail cameras. hide them well. a picture is worth a thousand words and i'll be you have your answer very quickly.

07-25-2011, 07:14 PM
It could possibly be private land. Sometimes roads are built through private land to access the timber on Crown land behind. Normally a deal is struck with the landowner by the Company to allow the logging trucks to haul across their land. The deal is normally so much money per load hauled accross. To the average joe, if no fence is up, it just looks like a normal logging road. Some landowners don't care after the road is built that the general public uses the road. Some landowners do care and signs go up and sometimes gates as well. The landowner is totally within their rights to do this in most cases.

07-25-2011, 07:31 PM
If there's no contact info on the sign I wouldn't respect it. It's probably a fake.

Lots of guys put up signs to keep other hunters out of their super secret hunting spots. I've even seen trees, logs, rocks and other obstructions put across roads. I've even seen gates and fences.

I think all no trespassing and no hunting signs should have contact info on them if they want to be taken seriously. Prretty hard to respect an anonymous sign.

07-25-2011, 07:35 PM
..When i see a sign in the forest and i am not sure about what it means, i just go ahead. it is my country after all. then, if someone challenge me, i introduce myself politely and explain them what i am doing there. if they have a valid reason for me to turn back, i will. but, they better be polite!

07-25-2011, 07:45 PM
If the landowner puts up a no tresspassing sign at the only entrance to his land, you cross it, you are tresspassing and you can be charged accordingly. Best to find out first whether the sign is legit before you willy nilly cross it. You could end up having a long talk with a CO that you really didn't want to have.

07-25-2011, 07:49 PM
..When i see a sign in the forest and i am not sure about what it means, i just go ahead. it is my country after all. then, if someone challenge me, i introduce myself politely and explain them what i am doing there. if they have a valid reason for me to turn back, i will. but, they better be polite!
Most landowners aren't going to be polite when they see tresspassers on their land. You will probably get an ear full. People who disobey signs are the reasons why a lot of landowners don't allow hunting access, because the tresspassing jackasses ruin it for everyone. Be it cutting fence, littering, leaving gates open. You name it. If there is a sign, best to obey it if you don't want legal trouble.

07-25-2011, 07:56 PM
Some roads go through a farmers land but the road is open to drive on, I know of some. There is a sign No Shooting but it's only until the fence line then after it's Crown. Some people think it's closed to drive on and turn away.
Don't be scared of these modern day hobby farmers you don't owe them nothing.
Drive by and flip em the bird who cares. He ain't got time to talk to every hunter that drives by his house nor does he want to, just don't blast an animal on his piece of real estate unless you want a confrontation.
The wild animals were there b4 he was anyways so drive through and flip em the bird.
Jel .. flippin the bird .. Don't believe any thing these so called "Ranchers" tell you.
Research it yourself

07-25-2011, 08:24 PM
There are signs like that between Savona and Tunkwa Lake. The locals say the farmer puts up no shooting signs but its still LEGAL to hunt. Maybe not a good idea but no real problems if you do. So much land to hunt why bother with the hassle. Slashed tires or water in your gas are easily avoidable.

Big Lew
07-25-2011, 08:31 PM
Take it down then, your arm broken? lol (Yes)

I would if I could, but it's 15 feet up and I'm getting too old and apprehensive to shinny up that far after busting my hip and left elbow to bits a few years ago from a fall from half that height.

07-25-2011, 08:39 PM
If your confronted by a jacked up rancher and he starts to spout off, this is what I said to one.
I stopped on a gravel road up by Savano to take a whiz, in the ditch along side a ranch at Duran Crick and guess what, here comes farmer John.
My buddy is in the pick up too. The rancher guy jumps off his tractor and comes over. Hey I hope you don't plan on shooting around here like the idiot did the other day? Tried to shoot a deer on my ranch here and I was over there.
I looked at him in the eyes and smiled a bit. I said hold on there big guy, first of all I was taking a leak if that's ok with you lol. I ain't going to shoot nuthin here anyways I wouldn't do that with you out there for sure. I ain't no dummy ok.
He kinda settled down a little, he said well if you think your going to hunt here I'll give you a phone number you can call and let us know in advance.
I said no thanks I hunt in the ridges up over there. Farmer says, ah well that is our range area as well. Well I said I've been hunting there for years and I ain't stoppin now. He said oh ok well if you want that number. No thanks I gotta go.
That was it.

bc mike
07-25-2011, 10:02 PM
When I restrict road access for road building. I post a prime contractor sign with contact info. It gives you a chance to call me by radio or at home after work. Then a danger keep out sign. If you keep driving and I fall a tree on your head then what????? Sounds like the signs are not written corectly. The loggers bad. Their intention may be to keep you from getting hurt. I wouldn't take them down or you may get the next guy killed. Call the M of F or the local forest company first. Just my 2 cents.

07-26-2011, 07:28 AM
..When i see a sign in the forest and i am not sure about what it means, i just go ahead. it is my country after all. then, if someone challenge me, i introduce myself politely and explain them what i am doing there. if they have a valid reason for me to turn back, i will. but, they better be polite!

And is because of crap like this that we have more and more access restricted.......these are the same people who, if injured because they ignored the sign, will try to sue the crap out of any one because they cannot take responsibility for their own actions. If you are not sure, go find out before pissing off people, believe it or not, most signs are there for a reason. Seen a couple accidents because hunters refused to follow the sign.


I would check out the reason for the sign, call the major licencee in the area or the MOFLNRO to get clarification. Usually a PP/keep out sign is not something that a logging company posts. They usually post a road closed/active logging/active falling etc. w/ the prime contractors name and number, plus radio feq.

You can send me the area and I can see what I can find out if you are not sure how to go about it. Send it to my work addy.



07-26-2011, 12:49 PM
And is because of crap like this that we have more and more access restricted.......these are the same people who, if injured because they ignored the sign, will try to sue the crap out of any one because they cannot take responsibility for their own actions. If you are not sure, go find out before pissing off people, believe it or not, most signs are there for a reason. Seen a couple accidents because hunters refused to follow the sign.


I would check out the reason for the sign, call the major licencee in the area or the MOFLNRO to get clarification. Usually a PP/keep out sign is not something that a logging company posts. They usually post a road closed/active logging/active falling etc. w/ the prime contractors name and number, plus radio feq.

You can send me the area and I can see what I can find out if you are not sure how to go about it. Send it to my work addy.



Thanks Ken!

I have been thinking about it and might just make another day trip this weekend.....:twisted:..... this time I will take a couple of buddies up that hunt the area for me!

07-26-2011, 01:16 PM
..When i see a sign in the forest and i am not sure about what it means, i just go ahead. it is my country after all. then, if someone challenge me, i introduce myself politely and explain them what i am doing there. if they have a valid reason for me to turn back, i will. but, they better be polite!

It's guys like you that piss me off. You don't have any right to be on private property. Oh-yeah, I'm very rarely polite to trespassers, but I do try to keep myself in check when there's children present, although I have been known to blow my top anyway.

07-26-2011, 03:04 PM
What people are confusing is roads that are indeed FSR's that the Ministry of Forests has obtained aneasment and therefore the Crown owns the land the road is on. There are roads all over the place just like this. Private at the bottom with fences on either side that say No Tresspassing but the road itself is perfectly legal to be on. Then there are the roads I mentioned. These are not FSR's. They are company roads through private to access the wood behind the private. The company has struck a deal with the landowner and has gained permission to haul wood over his land, normally at a fee per cubic metre that comes across his land. Once the logging is done, the landower can restrict anyone from crossing his land as he still owns the land the road is on. Sometimes the orginal landowner didn't care, but then he sold and the new landower does care. This is not rocket science. You ignore the signs, you are breaking the law, plain and simple. Do it while hunting and you are no different than a poacher.

yamadirt 426
07-26-2011, 05:22 PM
Keep it clear and legite and people will stay out. If not then tough luck

07-26-2011, 05:41 PM
One fella in Kammy Loops was pleading not guilty to the judge over the No Trespassing sign he dint honor and the rancher was livid and phoned the CO and he arrived and charged the trespasser hard.
The offenders lawyer stood up and said," Your Honor, my client is a harmless individual who takes pride in his hunting ability helping his poor family be strong through the cold winter months." He does not have a working or reading ability in the English language, he spends most of his time hunting for the family and missed out on his school years.
We understand tying up the courts for such a matter is not expedient at any time but my client needs his hunting and we feel it's a matter of extreme importance to him and the his whole extended family and will appeal if convicted.
The judge, tilted his glasses up after reading the evidence on his desk.
The lawyer asked his client to stand and hear the judges ruling.
I have some happy news for your client said the judge because he can not read English from childhood and because he thought the sign said, " NO TREE SPACING."
I must acquit, the judge slammed the hammer down and looked at the man and smiled.
JElvis .. The Rock says, "It doesn't matter what you think!"

07-26-2011, 05:47 PM
Most landowners aren't going to be polite when they see tresspassers on their land. You will probably get an ear full. People who disobey signs are the reasons why a lot of landowners don't allow hunting access, because the tresspassing jackasses ruin it for everyone. Be it cutting fence, littering, leaving gates open. You name it. If there is a sign, best to obey it if you don't want legal trouble.

yes. i agree with you. i did not say i would tresspass if i see a "no tresspassing" sign. i say that i would go ahead if i was in doubt about the meaning of the sign. no tresspassing at the entrance of a private road means no tresspassing. but, sometimes, we see no tresspassing sign on the side of the road and, one is to believe that, the road itself, is not out of bound, if one stay on the road. or, if i want to talk to the owner of the land, i do have to tresspass to make it to his house. and, since we are civilized people, i find perfectly normal, to introduce myself politely to him and explain him that i did see the sign, but that i wanted to talk to him. to be insulted in this sitation would make me very mad!

07-26-2011, 05:55 PM
These ranchers love their cows more than you could imagine.
In the old days you and I would get hung rustlin his little cows.
It's not the deer he cares about imho, it's his heffer's.
If he sees your not after his little calves he won't give a rodents dare e air.
Jel .. C'mon little doh gee .. lol .. these ranchers are obsessed with their livestock :-D

07-26-2011, 08:48 PM
These ranchers love their cows more than you could imagine.
In the old days you and I would get hung rustlin his little cows.
It's not the deer he cares about imho, it's his heffer's.
If he sees your not after his little calves he won't give a rodents dare e air.
Jel .. C'mon little doh gee .. lol .. these ranchers are obsessed with their livestock :-D

...that is good. because i am absolutedly not interested in someone else live stock. So, i am harmless :) (well, mostly harmless :) :) )

07-26-2011, 09:04 PM
A couple ranchers in town in the southern interior when attending an after party on the day of the yearly castration of the bull calves were heard saying you can ++++ with my wife or my --n or -------r or my machines and live, but you touch one of my cows your h-----g from that there tree.
They were drinking but the one community helper said, "Hey when yer drunk yah tell the truth Junior, honest ta god, and yer drunker than a skunk right now cowboy." lol.
The truth came out that night.

07-26-2011, 09:07 PM
There are so many signs out there it would take forever to check them all out. If you go past a sign and its legal most ranchers would tell you to turn around, big deal