View Full Version : Texas Creek FSr Info

07-11-2011, 10:31 AM
Just wondering if anyone has any updated info on the Texas Creek FSR just south of Lilloet that they are willing to share. A few years ago it was rendered inactive by a shale slide about 3 km. in and the washout of the bridge at about the 10 km. mark. I have heard that active logging has resumed and these have now been "fixed". Can anyone confirm that. TIA.

Swamp mule
07-11-2011, 12:34 PM
Yes logging has occurred in early 2009 by Interwest timber. That is their area for harvest. I made it as far as 12km to look at their loggin. At 11.5km is a junction and the road to the left to cross the creek has been fixed as their block also goes onthe other side. However the next fridge after that has been pulled. Not by them but rather BCTS. As for beyond the 12km on the Texas FSR is up to you though. There are potential areas that are composed of shale and may have or are failing. best take you shovel.I am not sure if Interwest has taken any further timber out of the area but I would assume so since the Planer mill was running for a bit and the timber company did have several cubic metres of timber on the ground since 2009.

07-11-2011, 01:17 PM
They were logging up texas creek last week. They been in there for couple weeks. Sorry can`t help with how far up. Heard them on the radio.

07-11-2011, 01:32 PM
I drove up there last October. The road was in good shape. I drove my Explorer up to over 8,000 ft on the Molybdenite Creek Road and also up to Molybdenite Lake. No probelms at all. Beautiful country.

07-11-2011, 02:24 PM
Thanks for all the info,guys

07-12-2011, 11:00 AM
Hope for a slide agian, it keeps the traffic down. Good hunting when there isnt so many dirtbikes and people driving around. Its been about 7 yrs since I have been in there. It is very pretty. Seen grizzly every trip and a pack of wolves on the last one. A guide outfitter used to operate back there and shoot any legal buck they found. It can snow on you at anytime.