View Full Version : Hunting Store Near MEC Vancouver

07-10-2011, 09:15 AM

Looking for a hunting store to buy some hunting clothes near MEC or UBC. I will be staying at UBC for a week. Thanks.

digger dogger
07-10-2011, 09:33 AM
The only one I can think of is Italian Sporting Goods, on Commercial Dr in E.Vancouver

Bow Walker
07-10-2011, 11:00 AM
Reliable Guns is on Fraser St - just off Kingsway Ave. Easy bus ride from UBC.

There's also an outlet that sells military surplus on Broadway (9th Ave) just east of the college campus (Kilarny?), and just west of Commercial St. Another easy bus ride from UBC.

07-10-2011, 11:00 AM
3 Vets is just around the corner as well, they have some cool stuff.

07-10-2011, 11:01 AM
reliable is a good one

digger dogger
07-10-2011, 11:05 AM
oops!Forgot about Reliable..They have been good to me and family!

07-10-2011, 11:36 AM

Looking for a hunting store to buy some hunting clothes near MEC or UBC. I will be staying at UBC for a week. Thanks.

Just for the fun of it, drop into MEC and ask them the same question.... :mrgreen:

new hunter
07-10-2011, 12:21 PM
I saw an outfitter across the street from the mec thats downtown {not the one in north van } . I really suck at street names so hopefully you know the one I'm talking about . If your looking for camo gorrilla surplus has tons for cheap , I picked up a m65 field jacket {alpha industries } for $170 there . My waterproof pants came from mec on north van {$30} as well as last years boot {leather hikers $100} .
Good luck

07-10-2011, 01:18 PM
AJ Brooks is right across from MEC. Not a lot of stuff there, no guns, and its on the expensive side... but hunter friendly. 3Vets is more like an army surplus, its a few blocks north west of MEC. They always seemed like a wanna be hunting store to me, but you can get a few things there. Its generally a bit more expensive than MEC even though it looks like a cheap place. And there are half a dozen hiking stores like along that strip including MEC that have hiking gear (Valhalla Pure, Outward bound, etc). Reliable Guns is about a 30 minute walk from MEC on Fraser. They deal with more firearms and have a smaller selection of clothes and gear. Italian Sporting Goods has firearms and a bigger selection of packs, clothes, and gear but they are much farther east.

Just for the fun of it, drop into MEC and ask them the same question.... :mrgreen: I've done so a few times, never batted an eye. I also know I've seen one of their guys in Reliable buying a used rifle. You'd be surprised how many urban hikers support hunting these days. Its all about sustainable ethical meat.

07-10-2011, 02:07 PM
Take a look at Taiga Works for some good gear too.

Peter Pepper
07-10-2011, 02:22 PM
I'd go into MEC price out your stuff, then get offended by their anti views. Tell the manager why u are not shopping there ,then go buy it from a hunter-friendly store.
I can speak hippe (lived in Tofino) so i like to chat with them, show that I love and respect nature, and for me; part of that is living off organic, sustainable, tasty wild meat. Plus guns are fun

07-10-2011, 02:47 PM
tell them your perfecting the 100 mile diet :D
maybe then the hipsters will be happy?

07-10-2011, 10:06 PM
Thanks guys,

We love MEC, hense why I was looking around there. My wife is looking for camo pants for hunting. Otherwise, all our outdoor gear comes from MEC. Seeing we live up in northern BC, it is hard to get stuff, and MEC ships really cheap (free over $140 purchase).

I got enough places written down, so if someone wants to delete this blog, they can.

Bow Walker
07-11-2011, 05:08 PM
You do realize that MEC is a company that is definitely anti hunting, don't you?

new hunter
07-13-2011, 10:29 AM
Mecs not bad , theyre not all smelly hippies . Just like any store that doesn't cater to hunting , you just have to be careful who you ask . Instead of asking the high strung looking rock climbing chick or the pony tailed pchuly smelling douche , look for the middle aged heavy set looking guy , hes probably working the knife case or sleeping bags , not the mt bike or rock climbing section .
I've had open minded discussions on hunting boots or grizzly hunting in mec , and I had some stupid b1tch talking sh1t about the creepy guy that dared buy a hundred rounds of #4 in the walmart hunting section (at walmart).
I don't think MEC is really an anti hunting organisation , they are a coop that encourages people to use the outdoors responsibly and makes efforts to conserve and protect the bush , which is something I think we can all support . At least I hope they aren't anti hunting , I've been a member for nearly ten years and I couldn't support an organisation that was , regardless of how high minded theyre goals may be .

07-13-2011, 10:35 AM
Just for the fun of it, drop into MEC and ask them the same question.... :mrgreen:

HAHA please do this!

07-13-2011, 10:48 AM
I don't think MEC is really an anti hunting organisation , they are a coop that encourages people to use the outdoors responsibly and makes efforts to conserve and protect the bush , which is something I think we can all support . At least I hope they aren't anti hunting , I've been a member for nearly ten years and I couldn't support an organisation that was , regardless of how high minded theyre goals may be .

They do fund via grants "anti-hunting" organizations such as the Raincoast Conservation Foundation, you can go through the lists at the following link and anything to do with Suzuki is pretty safe to say not "pro-hunting". :wink: http://www.davidsuzuki.org/issues/wildlife-habitat/

I am trying to recall off the top of my head but the Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club I believe (don't quote me) have initiatives to end hunting in various areas of BC.


07-13-2011, 10:48 AM
They have this little project going on called the big wild, where they want to protect half of Canada.
They have a current petition to reduce hunting in SE BC.

07-13-2011, 11:29 AM
not sure thebigwild is anti hunting


Here is an article on their website that seems "pro" hunting to me

07-13-2011, 11:53 AM
That link doesn't seem anti, but this is the petition right off thebigwild

Dear Prime Minister of Canada, Minister of Environment, Premier of British Columbia, and Leaders of Opposition Parties,

CC: Kootenay-Columbia MP, David Wilks and Kootenay East MLA Bill Bennett

Please protect this very special wildlife corridor in Canada’s southern Rockies, home to species at risk like grizzlies and more types of plants and wildflowers than anywhere else in Canada. Give wildlife enough space to adapt as the climate changes.

I support creating a national park in the lower one-third of BC’s Flathead River Valley. I also support creating a Wildlife Management Area in the rest of the valley and adjoining habitat.

A Supporter of The Big Wild

It does seem a bit anti hunting

07-13-2011, 12:00 PM
Just for the fun of it, drop into MEC and ask them the same question.... :mrgreen:

There is a guy who works at MEC (distinctive looking guy with long beard and lots of tats) who I have seen perusing firearms at Reliable Guns. They are not all anti.

07-13-2011, 12:18 PM
I buy almost all my outdoor gear at MEC, and often say I'm using it for hunting or fishing. Never had any trouble or derogatory comments by staff members.

Secondly, I don't think it's fair or reasonable to call them "anti-hunting" by virtue of the fact that the cooperative funds *some* groups that advocate against hunting. Glancing through the list there are also programs for building trails, introducing kids to wetlands and protecting whales. (If you're a whale hunter, my apologies),

If, however, your criteria is that a company is anti-hunting because, say, it supports the David Suzuki Foundation, you should also be trash-talking and boycotting: Indigo/Chapters (Heather Reisman), Futureshop, IBM, Vancity bank, Royal Bank, and Jim Pattison's company, which includes hundreds of car dealerships, Save on Foods and Buy-Low.

For those of you saying you should go in to MEC and tell the employees that you're anti-hunting, I'd love to see you go into Royal Bank and tell them that you're closing your account because you're a hunter.

new hunter
07-14-2011, 05:18 PM
I looked at the links provided in the previous posts and I must say I'm not convinced that they are anti hunting . Granted if the listed petition goes through and that area becomes a park we wouldn't be able to hunt there , or would we ? I may be wrong but aren't there some parks that do allow hunting ? I believe the upper lilloet is considered a park and I know it is open to hunting and trapping . Some protected areas are open as well , I know that Clendenning behind Squamish is { just realised upper lillooet is a protected area not a park }.
Besides if an area becomes a park and does mean we can't hunt there ,does that really mean that the organisation is biased against hunting , or are they just trying to protect a set area from all development ?
If MEC is an anti hunting organisation then f?ck them I won't be shopping there .

07-14-2011, 07:05 PM
Can't hunt in a national park. They might not me anti, but by creating a national park they're going to reduce hunting opportunity.

new hunter
07-15-2011, 09:08 AM
What about provincal parks , are you allowed to hunt in those ? I wander if MEC supports ducks unlimited or the BC wildlife foundation . If they support those hunting - conservation programs it would suggest unbias . If they don't then I would be inclined to believe they are anti hunting.
As a previous poster also said , I am quite open about how I intend to use MEC products in my pursuit of game , I have never got a particularly negative reaction { preppy looking girls kind of pause for a second , but they do that even if they don't work at MEC } .
If they are anti hunting it must be a burn to use theyre products for something theyre {supposedly} trying to ban .
I think I'll buy one of theyre kayaks and an ice climbing axe and use it to kill a whale:twisted:

07-15-2011, 09:43 AM
I was trying on an internal frame backpack at Taiga some years ago and asked the sales attendant if it could handle packing 100 lbs of meat. The attendant left me and a different one finished the sale with me. I left that store with a bit of a smirk as I wasn't as bothered about him being aghast as he was about me planning to kill something and cut it up.
I apologize for the highjack but Taiga does make reasonably priced and very durable packs that are suitable for the high country hunt. I have two of them and my original one is still in service; the newer one has more external pockets so it is easier to get at specific gear when you need it.

07-15-2011, 10:57 AM
You can hunt in some Provincial parks, there's a list online. Not all of them though.