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View Full Version : Spirit Bear/ Kermode sighting

bear buster
06-26-2011, 08:01 PM
Seen this guy today, left my tow truck running on hwy and followed him for a good km to get some pics of him. I was amazed to see a bear like this up here, pics dont do justice, he has rubbed quite abit, even his feet were white, he was all white except his nose and inner ears, far from a blonde phase bear which we have seen lots of. What are your thoughts?
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/270577_10150312049634673_774369672_9086390_3801137 _n.jpg

06-26-2011, 08:10 PM
its a white phase black bear , blackbear hold a rec gene to produce the white variation regardless of region

no such thing as a spirit bear .

nice picture by the way

Bear Chaser
06-26-2011, 08:31 PM
Agreed nice pic.
Spirit Bears are a figment of some twits imagination.
Rest assured if I saw him during hunting season only his "spirit" would live on. The rug or full mount probably would outlast me though.

bear buster
06-26-2011, 08:40 PM
Agreed nice pic.
Spirit Bears are a figment of some twits imagination.
Rest assured if I saw him during hunting season only his "spirit" would live on. The rug or full mount probably would outlast me though.
maybe you should read the regs? they are protected.

bear buster
06-26-2011, 08:42 PM

Bear Chaser
06-26-2011, 08:45 PM

Like I said a figment of some twits imagination.

06-26-2011, 08:52 PM
Nice pic. Someone needs to read the regs!

06-26-2011, 08:56 PM
I saw one this year up by the Nass river. From what I have heard and read the whole "spirit bear" is nothing but a pile of bs. Yes fine they ca be protected that way the white phase of black bears are protected but why are they called spirit bears? Its a albino black bear! Hmmmm is there such thing as a spirit moose? Na they just call it what it is, ALBINO MOOSE :)

bear buster
06-26-2011, 09:10 PM
In order to ensure the sustainability of bear hunting, bear
hunters are requested to:

1. Be patient. Don’t shoot the moment you see a bear!

2. Observe carefully and select an adult, male bear, especially
a male grizzly bear.. Bears can look deceptively large.
Adult males have larger home ranges and will tend to be
encountered less frequently than females and younger males.

3. Be aware that there is no open season on any bear (grizzly
bear or black bear) less than two years old or any bear in its
company (e.g., the sow). Take the time to ensure that cubs
are not nearby.

4. Be aware there is no open season on white (Kermode) or
blue (Glacier) colour phases of the black bear.

5. Contact the nearest MoE office immediately for important
information if you shoot an ear-tagged or radio collared bear.
See Ear Tags and Collars section, page 14.

06-26-2011, 09:16 PM
Looks light blond to me. Snow is white.

06-26-2011, 09:18 PM
What are your thoughts?
Anyone that helps perpetuate the spirit bear myth is doing bc hunters a diservice

06-26-2011, 09:24 PM
I saw one this year up by the Nass river. From what I have heard and read the whole "spirit bear" is nothing but a pile of bs. Yes fine they ca be protected that way the white phase of black bears are protected but why are they called spirit bears? Its a albino black bear! Hmmmm is there such thing as a spirit moose? Na they just call it what it is, ALBINO MOOSE :)

If it was albino it would have a pink nose, its a colour phase.
Cool pic, no matter what you call it I would love to see one some day!

06-26-2011, 09:37 PM
Looks exactly like the Kermode bears I have seen here. Nice pics and thanks for sharing.

06-26-2011, 09:46 PM
my thoughts is, "you are lucky no rig-pig stole your truck", :mrgreen:

good picture,

I spotted one of very similar color on the 500 Road this spring but he vaulted over a mud bank and disappeared into thick willows,,,

06-26-2011, 10:02 PM
Great photo, thanks for sharing.

06-26-2011, 10:11 PM
Anyone that helps perpetuate the spirit bear myth is doing bc hunters a diservice

Here Here. Barracuda is right, it's a rare gene. Sure they're protected in the reg's, but that's only due to an emotion based decision and some political appeasement.

Still would be nice to see one in the flesh. Great pic.

06-27-2011, 07:30 AM
It's human nature that we like to see rare or unusual animals out there. Just because this is an "emotional" response doesn't make it any less real. Is it such a hardship to have to pass on shooting a white bear so that the rest of the population can enjoy seeing it? Hunting isn't stamp collecting, just because something is rare doesn't mean you have to have one to decorate your living room.

06-27-2011, 07:41 AM
It's human nature that we like to see rare or unusual animals out there. Just because this is an "emotional" response doesn't make it any less real. Is it such a hardship to have to pass on shooting a white bear so that the rest of the population can enjoy seeing it? Hunting isn't stamp collecting, just because something is rare doesn't mean you have to have one to decorate your living room.

that rational would give way to stop the hunting of ANY species,,,

the vast majority of the population has never even seen a common black bear in the wild,,,,,,
to those,,this means there cant be very many of them ?? and no one should hunt them,
gimme a break ! :?

06-27-2011, 08:25 AM
Even if you live in Vancouver, you just have to drive up to Cypress bowl (or around Coquitlam on garbage day) to see a black bear. The "vast majority of the population" isn't as stupid or as sheltered as you would like to think..

06-27-2011, 08:51 AM
But they don't... and yes they are that stupid and sheltered....

I was one of them, and my family largely still is...

Now I live in the country (real country) and am seeing the world in a different light... It ain't all fuzzy peaches and "spirit bears" for **** sake... If it comes down to feeding a family and providing a "picture" oppurtunity for the all wise city folk, I have two words for ya....


God I get more redneck everyday.... kinda feels nice ;)

1/2 slam
06-27-2011, 09:25 AM
Anyone that helps perpetuate the spirit bear myth is doing bc hunters a diservice

I couldn't agree more. Well said.

06-27-2011, 09:37 AM
2 things 1 i didnt catch where you saw it and secondly i remember as a kid being told the odds of female black bear giving birth to a Kermode is about 1:100 im 24 and ive been lucky to see 3 of them now

06-27-2011, 07:32 PM
Now I live in the country (real country) and am seeing the world in a different light... It ain't all fuzzy peaches and "spirit bears" for **** sake... If it comes down to feeding a family and providing a "picture" oppurtunity for the all wise city folk, I have two words for ya....
lol, real country hey? And might I ask where abouts you live? Does the real country have the internet? not IMO...and as for feeding your family, seriously? You have the internet, but the nearest grocery store is 1 days ride, 2 if its raining...lol. Thanks for the post though, was a good laugh!

06-27-2011, 10:05 PM
I'm further out than you think actually...the internet is new out here, don't even have full high speed, no cable,no sewer or running water...last owners built our street which is this stuff called gravel,you may have seen it in your neighbours rock garden... province only took over care for it less than 10 years ago... I'm not at the end of the line, ohh no the folks end the end of our main road do travel 2 hours to get gas...not remote though eh...I'm 20 mins on the highway doin 115km/h to get food or any fancy city stuff... were as far out almost as we could be for a realistic commute... I have a mountain in my backyard (thats gotta be worth a point or two at least) ummm lets see.... it costs me more in fuel to go buy eggs than the eggs themselves...

I can shoot anything I want in my yard safely and not really bother my neighbours... My nearest "lumberyard" is a portable sawmill owned buy a buddy of ours...

And when it snows...well quite often we plow the road with a d8 cat...

Guess what? where not the only ones out here either!!!

FYI, my neighbours survived off game meat years ago when he lost his job...fiddleheads, morels and game meat to feed the kids...so yeah it happens...still does ask the co's up here where their meat goes sometimes (families in need).

Ferndale BC look it up!

06-27-2011, 10:12 PM
Didn't the government mandate internet for all areas of canada...so that means we don't have any country any more???

I said country... not ****ing middle of the wilderness... it would be a good days ride to go to town... maybe i'll try!

06-27-2011, 10:30 PM
But they don't... and yes they are that stupid and sheltered....

I was one of them, and my family largely still is...

Now I live in the country (real country) and am seeing the world in a different light... It ain't all fuzzy peaches and "spirit bears" for **** sake... If it comes down to feeding a family and providing a "picture" oppurtunity for the all wise city folk, I have two words for ya....


God I get more redneck everyday.... kinda feels nice ;)

Your only going to get a pink neck....your too close to the big city!!! ;-)

06-28-2011, 07:53 AM

If your redneck, where does it turn hillbilly? Upper Fraser???

06-28-2011, 08:41 AM
Once you round the corner before the old Giscome school.....start with the first place on the left, and work your way down the evolutionary ladder from there. :-)

06-28-2011, 10:13 AM
All this debate about "Spirit Bear/Kermode", "blonde-phase". You're all wrong. It's a polar bear who, as a result of global warming, is lost and has traveled too far south.:wink:
Of course, I live in the city and am no redneck so don't take my word for it.

06-28-2011, 10:14 PM
The house with the old bus...hahaha I laugh every time we drive by... was gonna take pics and send it to friends to show off our new house...lol

Thats why some city folks hunt.... getting back to whats "really" important... 30 years in vancouver... I know something about it!

Good people come from everywhere, and unfortunately so do idiots! hahaha...

06-28-2011, 10:28 PM
It's human nature that we like to see rare or unusual animals out there. Just because this is an "emotional" response doesn't make it any less real. Is it such a hardship to have to pass on shooting a white bear so that the rest of the population can enjoy seeing it? Hunting isn't stamp collecting, just because something is rare doesn't mean you have to have one to decorate your living room.
Well said!!

The Dude
04-17-2012, 12:27 AM
Question: Let's say I'm in Dawson Creek, and see a really light blonde-phase bear, and shoot it. I'm stopped by a CO with a stick in his tailpipe, who claims I shot a kermode. I protest quite strongly that it is a blonde-phase black bear, was a male on its own, in season, and is therefore perfectly legal. The CO confiscates it and charges me.
NOW, my question is, since Kermodes aren't albinos at all; at what point in the colour spectrum do they become illegal?

04-17-2012, 03:16 AM
True "spirit bears" only live in the "great bear rainforest" on the north coast. It would be a pretty lost spirit bear if you found it near Dawson. I was under the impression the scientists had identified the specific genetic mutation that causes the white phase - exactly the same gene that causes ginger hair in humans!

04-17-2012, 05:40 AM
If it`s white you can`t shoot it anywhere in B.C.If it`s blonde then nail it.

04-17-2012, 07:44 AM
since Kermodes aren't albinos at all; at what point in the colour spectrum do they become illegal? Not possible to enforce, so a judge would probably have to toss the case. Especially for an interior bear.
Now if it was some coastal bear that was the poster child of some bear watch company making dollars off viewing there would be far more outcry, but really still not enforceable IMO

The Dude
04-17-2012, 07:58 AM
True "spirit bears" only live in the "great bear rainforest" on the north coast. It would be a pretty lost spirit bear if you found it near Dawson. I was under the impression the scientists had identified the specific genetic mutation that causes the white phase - exactly the same gene that causes ginger hair in humans!

A Kermode is the pure white phase of the black bear, non-albino. Laws don't dictate where they are at all, only that you can't shoot Whitey.
My question was, at what point are they "White" and at what point "Blonde". Is there a DuPont Color chart somewhere?

04-17-2012, 08:49 AM
Get a colour wheel from the paint section at Rona.

04-17-2012, 11:37 AM
Question to all those who would shoot that bear: Would you be proud of having a dog sized whitish blonde bear on your wall (probably fit on the cupboard)? That bear looks like 3yr old skinny juvenile to me.

04-17-2012, 11:49 AM
if you view a trophy as something that is once in a lifetime chance or relativly difficult to harvest in the species being hunted then things like a large bear skull or particular colour phase would fit the bill.
So legalities aside yes it would very rare trophy indeed regardless of size.
Besides it would be cheaper to have a rug made from a small bear then a large bear so its a win win right:-D

04-17-2012, 12:25 PM
I was curious to see if anyone had been charged with shooting a white phase black bear in away from the "great spirit rainforest" or what its called and found an article about some bear cubs that were causing trouble in Elkford last november. Two black sows had white and ginger cubs. Biologists were taking hair samples to determing if they were somehow related to the kermode bears. Now when I read the regs it says only the "kermode" white phase black bear is protected. If biologists have to use DNA to determine if a white blackbear is a "kermode" bear than by reason there must be non "kermode" white black bears out there that I can hunt. Or am I wrong? The biologists are the ones classifying saying that not all white black bears are "kermode", not me. I am just some dumb schmuck with a black bear tag.

This is the article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2011/11/01/bc-white-bears-nuisance.html

And, no I would not shoot that bear in the pic, not to give someone else a chance to see it but because his coat looks horrible. I would try to find him next spring earlier, and perhaps a little bigger. :-D

04-17-2012, 12:50 PM
that particular bear looks like it is young enough to be still be part of a family unit

04-17-2012, 01:45 PM
lol so true

lol, real country hey? And might I ask where abouts you live? Does the real country have the internet? not IMO...and as for feeding your family, seriously? You have the internet, but the nearest grocery store is 1 days ride, 2 if its raining...lol. Thanks for the post though, was a good laugh!

04-17-2012, 06:24 PM
There was a Kermode shot here in Terrace quite a few years ago, a large boar locally nicknamed "Gimpy" apparently from wounds caused by a run in with a vehicle. The defense was that the hunter thought it was a blonde grizzly and as he had a tag he thought it was perfectly legal. Turned out he made a field judging mistake, the bear was the local mascot and a court appearance ensued. The fine and license suspension were not that large, but the lawyer costs trying to prove innocense were, not to mention being labelled as the guy who shot Gimpy forever. Regardless if you think that it is wrong to protect these genetically recessive black bears, it is against the law, and you will pay, lots, and you won't have your bear to show for it. So if you have money and a reputation to burn.......

04-17-2012, 06:26 PM
or go to alberta or saskatchatoon and plug one I think it is still legal there:twisted:

04-17-2012, 06:56 PM
Nice picture of the white bear.

04-17-2012, 10:00 PM
There was a Kermode shot here in Terrace quite a few years ago, a large boar locally nicknamed "Gimpy" apparently from wounds caused by a run in with a vehicle. The defense was that the hunter thought it was a blonde grizzly and as he had a tag he thought it was perfectly legal. Turned out he made a field judging mistake,.He shot a Black bear on a Grizzly tag. So what has that got to do with a kermode thread ?

04-17-2012, 10:06 PM
I apologize, the regs do clearly state no shooting of a white colour phase of a black bear, but as stated above, at what point does it stop being blonde and becomes white? Or shoulg we just shut about this before someone makes it illegal to shoot a blonde bear.

04-17-2012, 10:06 PM
Go bruins!!

04-17-2012, 11:03 PM
boxhitch, The fact that a kermode was shot and killed, and the hunter was charged and convicted is what it's got to do with this thread. Whether you're grizzly or black bear hunting or both, one must be 100% sure of the bear that you are about to kill especially if you are hunting in an area with different color phases and "recessive genes" of either bears. If you are hunting bears in BC and happen to see a very light blond bear, you might want to consider the overall consequences before you kill it if it turns out to be a kermode. Can you imagine if a kermode was shot and killed by a hunter nowadays? We are slowly losing the available hunting area here on the coast because of the kermode "poster bear". This would give the anti's more fuel for their fire.

04-18-2012, 06:02 AM
Your post was unclear as to what the actual charges were.
Compliance reports show things like 'hunt wildlife not within the open season' and such. Have never seen a case of shooting a Kermode.

04-18-2012, 06:09 AM
from Alaska

A white colored black bear near Skagway, Alaska. These white colored bears are also known as Kermode, Spirit or Ghost Bears.

Certainly one of my highlights last summer was spotting and photographing this rare bear. You may have remembered me writing about it here: Spirit Bear (http://www.my-photo-blog.com/spirit-bear). The local residents were so excited to have such a rare bear around, that they lobbied and convinced the State Board of Game to pass a law protecting the taking of a white black bear.
Last Saturday, the Anchorage Daily News reported that someone named Thor Henricksen allegedly killed this popular bear on June 9 during the spring black bear hunting season. Black bears are extremely prevalent in Alaska, there probably hundreds in just the Skagway area alone – why someone would kill this particular bear is absolutely beyond me!
To add insult to injury, the paper also reported that “state biologist determined that the bear that was shot was not fully white and therefore not protected under the regulation” Clearly the intent of the regulation was to protect this bear – sounds like Thor may be friends with some state biologists! Not surprisingly, the state has refused to allow the hide to be viewed by reporters from Juneau Empire.

.330 Dakota
04-18-2012, 06:27 AM
I personally think it is quite RACIST that we only shoot the black ones

04-18-2012, 07:20 AM
David Friggen Motorcycle and friends wanted all blacks on the Charlottes and west coast protected as "Black phase Kermodis"
Hows that for horseshit.

The Dude
04-18-2012, 07:26 AM
David Friggen Motorcycle and friends wanted all blacks on the Charlottes and west coast protected as "Black phase Kermodis"
Hows that for horseshit.

Sawmill, I love your work, but............

Ya GOTTA have a link for THAT one!

.330 Dakota
04-18-2012, 04:40 PM
Even if you live in Vancouver, you just have to drive up to Cypress bowl (or around Coquitlam on garbage day) to see a black bear. The "vast majority of the population" isn't as stupid or as sheltered as you would like to think..

Wanna bet, guess youv'e never engaged a teacher in meaningfull conversation

04-20-2012, 12:18 PM
David Friggen Motorcycle and friends wanted all blacks on the Charlottes and west coast protected as "Black phase Kermodis"
Hows that for horseshit.

If I remember correctly, this is true. It is because they argued that all the bears carry the "kermodi" gene, but because it was recessive not all would be white. They argued that if you shot a black BB you would be removing this gene and stopping the creation of future white bears. The fact that all the bears may carry the gene may be true, but by this logic you can never get rid of kermodes beacuse as long as you have BBs you have the potential for white ones. Seems to me then that we should be able to shoot the white ones as well because two black ones will make a new white one. But then again biology is the only class I ever failed so I may be out to lunch

04-21-2012, 07:19 AM
If I remember correctly, this is true. It is because they argued that all the bears carry the "kermodi" gene, but because it was recessive not all would be white. They argued that if you shot a black BB you would be removing this gene and stopping the creation of future white bears. The fact that all the bears may carry the gene may be true, but by this logic you can never get rid of kermodes beacuse as long as you have BBs you have the potential for white ones. Seems to me then that we should be able to shoot the white ones as well because two black ones will make a new white one. But then again biology is the only class I ever failed so I may be out to lunch

You are my new best friend,see Dude,it is out there.

04-21-2012, 07:53 AM
Make a nice set of coat and slippers.

Cool sighting for ya.