View Full Version : Search and rescue

06-13-2011, 03:56 PM
I have recently purchased a spot connect that i am using with an Ipod touch.It is working well and look forward to using it on my upcoming remote hunting trips.
When you are signing up for the spot service you have an option to purchase extra insurance with Geos for $12.50.In BC Search and Rescue is free so Geos may not be needed.My question is How is Search and rescue deployed in BC?Does it work on a Que system or are there stations throughout the province.What is the average deployment time?Another member brought up a point that in the off chance our Search and rescue was unable to assist Geos would send a private service to look for you.With a budget of 2 incidents per year at $50,000 dollars each.
What do you think? Would you get the Geos insurance?

06-13-2011, 04:47 PM
For a major search and rescue operation, $50 000 is not a lot to go one. A helicopter for aerial searching starts at about $1000 per hour, plus the cost of equipment, man hours, and every other fee. That being said, I believe search and rescue does respond within reasonable timelines.

06-13-2011, 05:02 PM
I wouldnt get the insurance in BC.....there are very competent S&R units throughout the province...time lines are usually very very prompt..once someone is confirmed lost ..or an identifiable situation...and agin no cost for that..

the problem is not S&R...once you activate your SPOT...you dont need finding but wahtever emergency prompted that call..ie medical emergency..in that case the "team" would include the BCAS..Paramedics..these costs are again very small....

As a Paramedic in BC...kinda have lots of info on that one also...

send me a PM with your # and I will call you..


Flingin' Sticks
06-14-2011, 08:46 AM
The provincal government covers costs for SAR opperation costs in BC. While some other places are starting to charge for some operations (one of the national parks in Alaska, as well as some others), there isn't a push to do so here.

Remember, there is a difference between the 'help' command and the 'emergency' command on a SPOT. the Help command will send a message to your contact person, while the emergency will put you straight through to the emergency center in (I believe) Texas.

That being said, once you've hit the emergency button, you've probably still got a few hours until SAR personnel get on-scene. Because they are tasked by the RCMP, the task has to go through the proper channels, which takes a fair bit of time. add mustering, gathering equipment, and transportation, and it adds up quick.

If you have any questions, shoot me a PM and I'll be happy to answer them.

06-14-2011, 08:57 AM
Hunter Airlifted From Northern B.C. Coastal Mountain Range http://www.findmespot.com/en/spotemergency/images/M_images/pdf_button.png (http://www.findmespot.com/en/spotemergency/index.php?view=article&catid=55%3Aspot-saves&id=109%3Aspot-rescue-alert-outside-of-cell-phone-range-man-uses-his-spot-satellite-gps-messenger-to-summon-emergency-assistance-for-his-elderly-father-on-a-remote-canadian-highway&format=pdf&option=com_content&Itemid=31) http://www.findmespot.com/en/spotemergency/images/M_images/printButton.png (http://www.findmespot.com/en/spotemergency/index.php?view=article&catid=55%3Aspot-saves&id=109%3Aspot-rescue-alert-outside-of-cell-phone-range-man-uses-his-spot-satellite-gps-messenger-to-summon-emergency-assistance-for-his-elderly-father-on-a-remote-canadian-highway&tmpl=component&print=1&layout=default&page=&option=com_content&Itemid=31) http://www.findmespot.com/en/spotemergency/images/M_images/emailButton.png (http://www.findmespot.com/en/spotemergency/index.php?option=com_mailto&tmpl=component&link=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5maW5kbWVzcG90LmNvbS9lbi9zcG90Z W1lcmdlbmN5L2luZGV4LnBocD9vcHRpb249Y29tX2NvbnRlbnQ mdmlldz1hcnRpY2xlJmlkPTEwOTpzcG90LXJlc2N1ZS1hbGVyd C1vdXRzaWRlLW9mLWNlbGwtcGhvbmUtcmFuZ2UtbWFuLXVzZXM taGlzLXNwb3Qtc2F0ZWxsaXRlLWdwcy1tZXNzZW5nZXItdG8tc 3VtbW9uLWVtZXJnZW5jeS1hc3Npc3RhbmNlLWZvci1oaXMtZWx kZXJseS1mYXRoZXItb24tYS1yZW1vdGUtY2FuYWRpYW4taGlna HdheSZjYXRpZD01NTpzcG90LXNhdmVzJkl0ZW1pZD0zMQ==)
On September 11, 2009, expert outdoorsman Rick Stephens was airlifted from the Coast Mountain Range of Northern British Columbia after sending his GPS location coordinates using his SPOT Satellite Personal Tracker following a serious accident.

On September 11, 2009, Stephens and his hunting partner Trent Bossence were 7 days into a 12 day hunting trip, 55 miles from the closest town of Dease Lake and four miles from their base camp, when his hunting knife slipped and badly cut his leg just below the knee, severing a tendon.

“Night was nearing and there was no way we could make it out for help on our own,” he explained. “We tried to treat my injury and prepare for what we thought would be a long cold night on the mountain. But I happened to have a SPOT Satellite Personal Tracker so Trent was able to instantly send a 9-1-1 message and our GPS location coordinates.” The SPOT Satellite Personal Tracker™ is a personal safety device which enables users to communicate via satellite technology from remote locations around the globe and initiate check-in and emergency response calls independently of cellular networks.

Within minutes of pressing the 9-1-1 button, an employee from the GEOS Emergency Response Center called Stephens’ wife Joy to notify her of the emergency signal and to gather vital information on his travel plans. Within 2 ½ hours of the signal being sent, the rescue team located Stephens and his partner and airlifted them off the mountain.

Stephens’ wife credits SPOT with saving his life. “If we didn’t have the SPOT messenger, we would be telling you a very different story,” she said. “Rick and Trent were not due to be picked up from for another five days, in which time any number of circumstances could have claimed his life.”

pretty fast service if you ask me.......

06-14-2011, 09:38 AM
I have recently purchased a spot connect that i am using with an Ipod touch.It is working well and look forward to using it on my upcoming remote hunting trips.
When you are signing up for the spot service you have an option to purchase extra insurance with Geos for $12.50.In BC Search and Rescue is free so Geos may not be needed.My question is How is Search and rescue deployed in BC?Does it work on a Que system or are there stations throughout the province.What is the average deployment time?Another member brought up a point that in the off chance our Search and rescue was unable to assist Geos would send a private service to look for you.With a budget of 2 incidents per year at $50,000 dollars each.
What do you think? Would you get the Geos insurance?

How much does it cost to send a personal message with it? The one thing I would be worried about is the battery life of an ipod touch isn't very good and the ipod is not water proof..... I still like my original spot and the second gen spot. Waterproof, rugged, high vis orange, and all in one unit. Don't have to pack two things around for it to work.If you fall in a creek and your ipod gets wet, your spot connect is useless.

06-14-2011, 11:43 AM
Battery life is exceptional...have had mine last 1 month set "on" Ipod is waterproof to imf 7

There is no extra charge for messages or check ins..part of the service..I send check ins for places I just want to check out on the map later at home..



Paramedic BCAS

SPOT rep Canada(Western)

06-14-2011, 01:32 PM
Battery life is exceptional...have had mine last 1 month set "on" Ipod is waterproof to imf 7

There is no extra charge for messages or check ins..part of the service..I send check ins for places I just want to check out on the map later at home..



Paramedic BCAS

SPOT rep Canada(Western)

According to Spot canada you do have to pay extra for the type and send messages, this feature is the only reason to get the spot connect over the original Spot....



500 Msgs

100 Msgs

Individual Msgs

Is this wrong??? According to you a Spot rep. these messages are free??????

And the ipod is not waterproof without being in a waterproof case. Not too sure what you mean by "imf 7"

The battery life in my ipod touch sucks! I hardly use the thing and am lucky if it works for more then a couple hours. Nothing I would want to rely on for a 12 day sheep hunt.

06-14-2011, 01:38 PM
No..you did misuunderstand me...thanks for clarifying..

THE SPOT generation 2..NOT this new hybrid machine..just the plain old vanilla SPOT..

I miss-typed SORRY oops..the regular SPOT NOT the IPOD...nor this new dual machine..

When you use the SPOT and merely check in.. no charge or send a HELP message to your listed contacts or sending a SOS message again no charge..

The DELORME setup..is gonna cost you ....

IMF is a the standard setting for waterproofness...ie GPS'S etc...(certain feet underwater for so many minutes..)


06-14-2011, 01:44 PM
Haha, I don't get what your getting to here...... Were getting way off topic here.

06-14-2011, 03:18 PM
Haha, I don't get what your getting to here...... Were getting way off topic here.

On the spot connect unit there is a Emergency button that will work without the Iphone or itouch.So you can send an sos signal regardless .I will just be turning the Itouch on when i want to message so the battery will last a very long time.As an option there is a Battery charger by Brunton that stores 3 full charges for your iphone ,Touch it is $50.00 at Rei .

06-14-2011, 03:32 PM
I take mine everywhere, and you always have the option to upgrade to the insurance later if you plan on taking it out of the country. Its a great tool to use when backpacking or cruising somewhat remote locations while on holidays. Search and rescue could definitely add up there!
Love it!