View Full Version : Grizzly question

06-13-2011, 12:52 AM
I have a question for you grizz hunters. I know that by law you are not required to take the bear for consumption but does anyone do it?

I will never put in for a grizz draw, I would love to experience the hunt and the hard work and have an amazing rug from a once in a life time hunt but personally I don't think that I could kill such a creature for just it's hide. I know how snippy people can get on here sometimes and I'm not putting any of you grizz hunters down all I'm saying is that it's not for me personally. I do however enjoy reading your stories and seeing the impressive accompanying photos.

But I am curious if there is anyone out there that has eaten their grizz kill and if so how was it?

I just my small black bear done into pepperoni and smokies and they taste great, but how can you go wring with smoked meat and spices. Next year I will also try hams and as suggested, chorizo.

06-13-2011, 01:05 AM
Why not put in for grizz and if you get your draw for grizz kill one and turn it into smokies and smoked meat.
It should taste like black bear i would think .

06-13-2011, 02:18 AM
This is an old thread from this site it might help you make your desision.
Mike http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showthread.php?65947-Removal-of-Grizzly-Meat&highlight=grizzly+pole

06-13-2011, 06:42 AM
Smoked grizzly hams are pretty tasty if they've come off the right bear. Some can be pretty foul smellin'.

06-13-2011, 07:10 AM
One Spring we made the effort and saved all our Grizzly meat that we took out of the Rivers Inlet watershed and had it smoked and made into sausage to try to eat the meat. It had a strange purplish hew to it and tasted like rancid fish. Basically it was not edible and was not something you would want to feed to anybody. Interior bears that do not eat fish may be a different story.

The sausage work was done by a credible sausage maker and the Coastal bears have never been what I would call edible for that reason not to mention the many worms that are found in their gut. Personally I would rather eat something that eats plants like hooved animals.

Foxton Gundogs
06-13-2011, 08:01 AM
I've not processed an G bear meat myself but have eaten a good deal of sausage done from them and it was all great the best being something called "spicey hunter sausage" apparently it is a regular hunter sausage with a bit of pepporoni spice added FANTASTIC. I will add that everything I have eaten has all been from Interior and Northern bears not Coastal,

06-13-2011, 08:35 AM
I eat grizzly meat.
Taken from a ountain side away from fishbearing strams.
Tasted ok to me, no diffrent from black bear.

06-13-2011, 08:39 AM
It depends were you get it .I have eaten many Griz as long as they are not on spawning streams or dump bears the taste the same as a black .It all depends were and what they eat

06-13-2011, 08:41 AM
Yep what they said...... I took the hams and loins out on mine, front shoulders were toast so they were left behind.

06-13-2011, 09:29 AM
had some good grizzly meat, had some aweful grizzly meat/ again when and where..spring or fall in the coastal areas..nope..

later interior G bears ..yes..had a roast once @ Rod& Gun club bANQUET one of the best I have ever ate...

they dont have the equirements because that so many g bears eat massis of dead /dying salmon and interior G bears eat carrion...=bad..and sometimes disgusting meat thats truly not eadable


06-13-2011, 08:26 PM
nothing wrong with the meat, I ate all of mine and it tasted just like my spring black bear. Had the hams smoked and the rest into sausage. Everything was excellent.

06-13-2011, 10:46 PM
This is an old thread from this site it might help you make your desision.
Mike http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showthread.php?65947-Removal-of-Grizzly-Meat&highlight=grizzly+pole

Thanks Moose2, no need for any help making a decision as I already know where I stand on the topic as far as my personal choice goes. I read through the whole thread and was glad to read of the many who have and some who will continue to take more than just the trophy hide.

I can understand how location can change bear taste as well for both black and grizzly. I know how fish taste differently from various lakes. I myself took a black bear this year even though I had said I would never hunt bear after trying it twice and being disgusted with it, but both of those bears were fall bears.

I said this year that I will try a spring bear and if I also found it un palatable my bear hunting days would be over. However as it stands my girlfriend, her kids and all of my friends and co workers who have tried it quite like it so I just may take another next year.

06-30-2011, 06:26 PM
tried it once and it tasted just like I thought it would....like a rotting corpse..lol. Black bear is much better.