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05-12-2004, 07:16 AM
So what is your guys opinion on the new shared hunts for all the moose draws in leh

05-12-2004, 07:51 AM
i think its kinda of a good idea if u look at it...if u go in with a group of 4 u have 4 chances of gettin drawen so ur odds get better...and i like the idea if ur 4th cant make it the rest of u can still go...and u get 2 moose between 4 people thats a lot of moose meat still...but i still like that fact that i can still apply solo...

05-12-2004, 07:57 AM
:? I think its a great idea, more hunting chances and more hunters in the outdoors. Some meat is better than none. Puppy. :wink: :wink:

05-12-2004, 08:03 AM
people said its more of a money grab then anything...and in a way it kinda is cuz if a group of 4 get drawen then people have to get moose tags...but its the same if u all apply solo and get drawen u all have to get moose tags...i buy a tag wether or not a get drawen anyways so thats not a big deal with me...if i dont get my leh moose i just chase lil bulls if i see them...last year i seen a few :)

05-12-2004, 08:44 AM
I think that there is a good chance we are going to end up with 3 dead moose and only 2 tags..

05-12-2004, 08:56 AM
I think its all about money, I agree with Gatehouse, more animals left in the bush. Everybody in the hunting party will have to have radio communication or every time you hear a shot you will wonder if it is your party or someone else'

05-12-2004, 10:01 AM
good points guys...i agree with u on that part too...but they have been running the shared hunt in region 3 since what 2001 there must not have been many problems with it cuz they wouldnt have opened it up through the hole province right??? i could be wrong though

05-12-2004, 10:16 AM
I'm not big on the "no restrictions on methods of communication", anyone else have a problem with this? I'm with coaster and gatsie on this one.

05-15-2004, 12:02 PM
To be honest, i think it's a good idea.

Lets be realistic. People have been shooting other people's tags for years. A guy gets a draw and two guys go into the woods and people decide that whoever sees a moose shoots.

This is just putting a framework to that and making it controllable. and it means if you have 100 moose and 200 hunters, you can still get everyone into the feild hunting. With modern frs and the new models it's not hard to keep in touch. Yes, you have to be carefull. Yes, it's not as nice as everyone having a tag. But i still think its a good idea. It helps streach out the moose population amongst a larger group of people and still keep our sport active.

If you want less animals left in the woods - ditch the forked bull - shit rule. That's a moose killer for sure. They should just make it 'no palm'.

05-15-2004, 01:01 PM
Lets be realistic. People have been shooting other people's tags for years. A guy gets a draw and two guys go into the woods and people decide that whoever sees a moose shoots.


Yup, people have been shooting each others moose for years. It's wrong, plain and simple.

What has happened now is that it is legal, even though it is wrong.

05-15-2004, 06:21 PM
I like to shoot my own...thank-you!! If someone invites me along i am simply back-up plain and simple.

Two people get one moose...four get 2. do three get two??? If a part of six wants to go better to do what is the best combo/??

05-15-2004, 06:56 PM
i believe it's one tag for 1-2 people, two tags for 3-4. So a party of six would best apply in two groups of three, -- BUT if one party didn't get drawn only 3 people could take a moose. If both get drawn that's 4 moose between 6 people. That'll fill your freezer :)

05-16-2004, 12:16 AM
ya warren thats the way i read it too...either way i still think its an alright deal...although this year i m applying solo still...

05-27-2004, 04:06 PM
So what happens when 3-4 people apply that all have enhanced odds working against them? Does the draw only get re-entered once for the group or is it different? A group draw as far a l understand it, is only re-entered once if enhanced odds are present. l am thinking of applying with some 3 other guys that all have enhanced odds as well as myself.
Personally l think its an alright idea.........there is alot of meat on one moose, enough for two families....

05-31-2004, 08:02 PM
shared hunts for the big stuff, works for me-, can spread out the wealth a bit. Also enhances the safety margin a bit, kinda forces a team approach-and yet put plenty of meat on the table for all,---
still a money grab though, increase the leh cards; and dole out less tags- my .02 later, rrfred :wink:

05-31-2004, 09:09 PM
to those who say its its a money grab......

how do you figure its a grab at our cash? l am assuming the harvest limit is set by what ever yardstick the gov't uses to determine sustainable numbers and healthy heards. The harvest, whether a general opening, special openings or lehs..........what difference does it make to our pocket book with the shared hunts?? The desired number of animals will be harvested irregaurdless of the method of the hunt. The only difference l see is more opportunities for more hunters, who, if they want the option of hunting for what ever is available under an leh, have to buy the card anyway.
Whether a person applies as a group, solo or shared we are still buying the cards.................any other thoughts out there???

05-31-2004, 10:09 PM
That occurred to me too actually - but i suppose one could view it as a 'money grab' because people will tend to be encouraged to put in more. And hunters won't complain as much if fewer tags are issued because they're still being 'drawn'. But frankly, i don't think it's much of a money grab - as you say, we'd all still try so we'd pay our dough anyway. And they'd get the same amount of money for the tags regardless as i understand how it works (maybe i'm wrong there - maybe if 4 guys draw they all pay for tags, whereas 2 would have under the 'single' system). I think if anything it's just a way to lower the number of hunters who are pissed they've gone so long without a draw. if '4' hunters get drawn for 2 moose - that's 2 times as many who feel they've 'hunted' moose that year.

05-31-2004, 10:45 PM
There are alot of 'conspiracy' theories about LEH.

There isn't anyone who gets a better chane than anyone else for most of the tags. It's a lottery..Nothing more.

As for the moose hunt being a cash grab? Maybe, but I doubt it is intentional.

With the shared hunt, your odds are increased if there are 4 of you...If one of the 4 gets picked, you ALL get picked (for 2 tags) so the guys submitting only one tag have a lesser chance, and it is possible that thier application could be interpreted as a 'cash grab' but I don't think it is intentional..

05-31-2004, 10:56 PM
I put in with three others to make a group of 4. I hope we get drawn. :)

I think the method is better because if your party or even your self gets drawn one year your odds are decreased for the next year ( at least thats how I read it ??). This eventually allows everyone a good chance of getting drawn. I have never been drawn but I know people how have been drawn 2 sometimes 3 years in a row. This way if I don't get drawn my odds are better (or the guy that did get a draw odd's get worse) the next year. Much more fair.


06-01-2004, 11:48 AM
Jackychiles.......Your right about the odds being reduced for the next year, infact l am having an ongoing email saga with one of the people at the leh branch, and am finding out info l didn't know or had misunderstood. Your reduced odds on the moose are at 2/3's (66%) for three years.........so if you and your buddies get one, don't waste it!! If successful, you and your hunting partners will have your hunter numbers red flagged for the next three years if you apply for a moose draw anywhere in B.C. When the draw goes through, every third flag will still be issued a draw, that is how they reduce our odds. In this respect, the shared hunts have an advantage over the group hunts in that everyone is assinged there own number for the draw not one number for the whole group.
l agree with both Gatehouse and Foxer that it may seem like we are getting hosed more but, if anything the moose draw in a shared hunt senario entitles the hunter to less of a moose/per card then the solo draws do .....but we are still paying for that leh card if we want in on any of the draws. And still the number of leh's issued aren't in any way connected to how the animals are harvested. (ie (group, solo, shared,etc)
l am in my second or third ( ?? ) year of reduced odds and haven't been successful since l got my last leh for moose, so that reduced part sure seems to be working well . :cry: Time to head way up north where there is still general openings for anything with headgear!!

06-01-2004, 03:30 PM
Well to me it seems like a way to get more of a chance to hunt in 'camp mode' with a bunch of friends where everyone is hunting as opposed to the one lucky guy with a tag. Most people seem to like to hunt in groups so why not?

Interestingly they cancelled group hunts for coastal elk this year, meanwhile there seems to be a couple more draw areas available. :?

06-01-2004, 07:09 PM
there is a article in the bc outdoors magazine now,about the leh system, a very interesting read !!!