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View Full Version : My first black bear and a question at the end.

06-02-2011, 11:22 PM
Well, I took my first black bear this past Sunday. Before I bought my tag I had told myself I was wasn't going for a big bear as I had heard they can get more wormy with size/age.

Wasnt up the FSR 10 min when I spooked a big bear off the road. Took me a little while to find him again but I did and now I had some humming and hawing to do. It was a big bear, bigger than I was planning on taking also it was down this steep gully littered with log debris and I was by myself... would have been a lot of work. But I decided it was early in the day so I'll take him. Just as Im readying to fire, he bolts.

I move on and an hour later Im walking up a road and hey look at that there's a bear beside me. I stop, slowly bring up my rifle, the bear looks at me, damn near jumps 3' in the air and off it goes into the bush and up a huge tree.

I sat down and drew a bead on it then lowered my gun, thought god this guy is kinda smaller than I was thinking. hummed some more and then finally decided I would take it after all I had planned on taking a smaller bear and I had hopes the meat would be good (Ive had bad experiences with larger bears taken in the fall) Also it was small enough that I could manage it myself easily enough.

I took the bear. It was fairly small, Im guessing at 175-200 lbs.

Here is my question. This bear was a female and as I said 175-200 lbs. Not a big bear. How old do you think it could be? It's teeth were in bad condition. all 4 canines were ground down flat to maybe 3/4 length and its other teeth looked in rough shape too. The bear looked in good shape, healthy and the meat looks good, but it's teeth looked like what people have described seeing in really old bears they've shot. I wish I got a better photo of them before I put it in the freezer. Im no expert on the matter but I would have imagined that for the size and likely young age the bear would have had better teeth. Two years ago my buddy and I took a much larger male while moose hunting in October and it's teeth were quite good.


06-03-2011, 01:56 AM
You got a nice black there and my guess is maybe she is to old to have young ones ???? my guess on what you said this bear could be 10 years old or plus..

06-03-2011, 06:16 AM
She may have been small, but with teeth like that she wasn't young. Gotta love the free coolant!!!

06-03-2011, 06:59 AM
Hmmmm well I guess my plan back fired then. I wanted a smaller bear because I wanted a younger bear. Oh well, I have high hopes.... now I just need the butcher to get back from his fishing trip! haha. Was thinking about sumas meats and was just gonna do sausage and peperoni... any thoughts on or suggestions on either of those?

06-03-2011, 07:56 AM
that happened to me last year, shot a bear and the butcher(sumas meats)was out fishing but his son was home so i could at least hang it in there cooler till he got home. i recommend that you get atleast one ham done,

06-03-2011, 08:51 AM
Nice bear Mungo, I see your in Pitt as well! Just would like to know if you'd share in gerneral, where you got her?

06-03-2011, 09:08 AM
Nice bear, congrats.

Bow Walker
06-03-2011, 09:11 AM
Hmmmm well I guess my plan back fired then. I wanted a smaller bear because I wanted a younger bear. Oh well, I have high hopes.... now I just need the butcher to get back from his fishing trip! haha. Was thinking about sumas meats and was just gonna do sausage and peperoni... any thoughts on or suggestions on either of those?
Surf through the Game Recipes Forum for some different ways to cook your bear. It might give you some ideas as to how you want it cut up.

Try this thread for some ideas....

06-03-2011, 09:39 AM
Hmmmm well I guess my plan back fired then. I wanted a smaller bear because I wanted a younger bear. Oh well, I have high hopes.... now I just need the butcher to get back from his fishing trip! haha. Was thinking about sumas meats and was just gonna do sausage and peperoni... any thoughts on or suggestions on either of those?

Congrats on your bear! I just wanted to pass along an option for you. I live in Pitt too and took my bear to Country Meats on Ford Rd. They did smoakies and hams for me. If you would like to try the smoakies before you decide I have a ton. Just let me know. I am picking my hams up today.



06-03-2011, 09:54 AM
Hey rcar what did they charge you for doing up the smokies?

06-03-2011, 10:11 AM
Hey rcar what did they charge you for doing up the smokies?

I'll have to double check but I think it was $2.50/lb.

06-03-2011, 10:24 AM
Kurt at Sumas Meats, best saus and pep in town!

06-03-2011, 10:51 AM
Your pm box is full Dude.

06-03-2011, 12:15 PM
hansels deli in cloverdale makes great pepp and the best kolbassa.

06-03-2011, 12:39 PM
Yeah I've read around a lot and I've noted the most consistent positive comments about Kurt at sumas so that's where I was planning on. The girlfriend wants pepperoni out of It so thats a must. I actually live right by ford road so I did consider that butcher, but I heard from a few that they're over priced.

As for location, that was a mess. I had planned on going towards Princeton for a two day trip but work decided they needed me so I was only going to have one day. Considered Squamish and Harrison but thought both would have a lot of bush traffic. Ended up heading out hope way but .4 km up the fsr I had chosen my little stock 4x4 was blocked by a rock slide so I said now what?

Ended up deciding on going up the coq saw a col bears on hwy and ended up taking that one on one of the fsr up there.

buck nash
06-03-2011, 07:00 PM
If you go to sumas get some chorizo done, it's awesome. The appetizer is their equivelent of a smokie and are also really good. I did some peperoni as well and it's great. He smokes them really well and even people who were skeptical about bear meat said it was all good.