View Full Version : Looking for Cabin Rentals in Dawson Creek area

05-04-2011, 10:10 AM
The title explains what i am looking for. any help is much appreciated. thanks in advance!!
links, or websites, or someone you know/know of.

05-04-2011, 08:18 PM
if you go to the sports outdoor store they have a list of farmers etc for the leh elk draw some of them run a bed and breakfast etc ther was one near toms lake we stayed at nice people 3 meals a day and a place to sleep i think it was 75 dollars a person

05-05-2011, 01:38 PM
That would be the Weaver place, Shed-hunter1 is talking about, and it would be my first choice if going to the Toms Lake/South of Dawson area. Their number is 2507195123. Sunset Creek is also up there (or were, don't know if they are still up and at em)...their number was 2508436966.