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View Full Version : Prince George BB Hunting Day trip

05-03-2011, 10:26 PM
Took all day to go scout and hunt some Black Bears. I went to 30 km mark on the Blackwater and also took many of the roads coming off it. Visited Gregg Cr. FSR as well and absolutely nothing besides 5 deer and 2 grouse. No sign of any bears. :? No track, scat or grass. It just looks dead. Better give it atleast another week. :icon_frow Anyone got any other updates?

05-03-2011, 11:43 PM
seen a track on Sunday night

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/231037_10150173338032992_512917991_6911940_2403083 _n.jpg

05-04-2011, 12:26 AM
went out the bowron tuesday and saw a little blackie on the side of the highway

Crys Shorty
05-04-2011, 07:55 AM
We checked out gregg cr. the other day as well, lots of bear droppings around and two parallel wolf tracks walking for miles on the road but that was it. The time it takes to get down the blackwater might as well go east. Get yourself as far as mcbride and you'll see something!

05-04-2011, 08:11 AM
We checked out gregg cr. the other day as well, lots of bear droppings around and two parallel wolf tracks walking for miles on the road but that was it. The time it takes to get down the blackwater might as well go east. Get yourself as far as mcbride and you'll see something!

Patience you guys, patience!!! There will soon be more black bears than you can shake a stick at!! I like heading east or North for my black bears. Get as far away from people as possible, no garbage then!! Gregg Crk bears are too close to humans for my likeing, specially if you are going to eat them. Get a nice greens fed mountain bear from the Mcbride or Bowron area! This weekend should start to see bears go down around PG. Next weekend for sure, as I may be one of them!! Crystal I will need a couple skulls done, Maybe a partial trade for the hides??? Talk to you soon! Moosin