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View Full Version : Hunting partner needed in PG...

04-09-2011, 09:37 AM
As some of you folks know I've finally been able to get the hell out of the LM and up to our dream property in the PG... Anyhow the move has left me sans hunting parteners or friends for that matter :cry:

So here's my self sales pitch:

I'm entering my second season hunting, but have been outdoors for a large part of my life and am not a total fool in the bush, I was also an army cadet ;)

I took my first animal (mulie) last year and had him euro mounted by Ray Weins...nice 4x3 for a newbie! http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f379/Torch2815/Hunting/P1050357.jpg

I'm in my 30's married with 2 kids and hunting is an absolute priority to both me and my wife...

I live east of PG on 80 treed acres (with moose) in an area called Ferndale.

I have my own quad, and my own gear but still have lots to learn and am eager to do so...

I have a 30 travel trailer (2011) for any out of town trips.... but also have a tent and tarps and am not afraid to use them!

I'm not a road hunter(but may for variety), I prefer to get out and sneek through the bush or find a nice area i can glass from...

I'm a ticketed millwright but am a stay at home dad for now... I'm handy in the bush when shit breaks...lol

I do have friends/hunting partners from the LM that will come up to visit/hunt but are all standup people ranging from 25-53 years old...Your not expected to help them...I won't be showing them my spots either (once I have some)

I'm a light drinker and non drug user, not violent (unless threatened) and have a good (rude) sense of humor...

I enjoy all types of hunting even the ones I don't partake in... and am a Gunnut!!! (on the web too) I have trap door rifles,pistols,and black rifles as well as hunting arms- and will defend the rights to own all of them!

I respect the environment and do my best to disturb as little as possible while enjoying it.

I'm generally respectful of people, unless they fail to be respectful in return.

I listen to country and older rock...and pretty much anything else too... As long as its not shit... :)

I want to spend a lot of time in the bush through out the year and hope I can find a partner who can not only teach me about my local area but enhance my learning of hunting and bushcraft also.Old guys are fine with me ;)

I want to try shed hunting one day...seems like fun!

If you can't get along with me...your a liberal! hahaha just kidding.. no probably...

If your interested let my know via pm or email,

tshaw88 at telus.net

BiG Boar
04-09-2011, 11:08 AM
Join your hunting or shooting club. Always a good place to start. If you find a sweet spot I'll come up and hunt with you though!

04-09-2011, 12:26 PM
I will be but I'm low on cash for now... and I'm trying to save for a new scope...:) Priorities man!

04-09-2011, 01:21 PM
Give me a call Travis, I am up for a meet and BS session! Moosin

04-09-2011, 01:32 PM
You got 80 acres with moose, bear, deer, maybe elk, plus grouse, so you'll have no trouble finding friends.:-D

04-09-2011, 06:59 PM
Are you in 7-7 or 7-15?

04-09-2011, 07:24 PM
7-9 just south of 7-7... -'m out at the neighbours for a campfire and beers tonight so won't be able to reply toinight (I'm on my phone). Thanks for the replies I'll respond tommorrow... :)


04-09-2011, 08:04 PM
thought you had no friends.:mrgreen:

The Dawg
04-10-2011, 01:21 AM
Yep, moosin and I, as well as Brett will take you out. We are heading out to sight in for bear next week- you should tag along.

04-10-2011, 08:54 AM
Yep, moosin and I, as well as Brett will take you out. We are heading out to sight in for bear next week- you should tag along.

Hey Dawg you still packin' the banjo and duct tape as part of your standard kit for showing the new guys around??

04-10-2011, 11:05 AM
Hey Dawg you still packin' the banjo and duct tape as part of your standard kit for showing the new guys around??

Hahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahh!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

04-10-2011, 12:00 PM
Don't laugh, I may bring my own banjo.... :)

John P
04-10-2011, 04:39 PM
Travis, John from Certainteed, I thought I would find you on this site. Hope the move went well. Stoney Oct.1 see you then.

04-10-2011, 06:27 PM
Hi John, Good to hear from ya! Make sure you remind me as I'm sure this year will be crazy busy for us. I'd really love to come down and at least visit with you and have some laughs, keep in touch!


04-21-2011, 11:04 PM
Hello Torch ok you need a hunting friend for this year no problem. Awsome you got out
of the Lower Mainland can't shoot moose in Burnaby eh haha LEH is due May 20, 2011.
No lie I'm game for anything this year. So get back to me soon we will go off line from
here to discuss details I'll wait for your response. Bye for now.

Crys Shorty
04-23-2011, 06:04 PM
Has anybody had any luck with bears yet in these parts?