View Full Version : hunting for mullies &immys m.u.3.39

03-31-2011, 10:35 AM
im,thinking about trying my luck this coming season on hyway #24 area out of littlefort. would anyone have any info,about this area? ie:camping,atv,logging roads,terrian? any info would be greatfully appriciated. thankyou,BR:)

03-31-2011, 10:46 AM
I recomend you go and check a area out ! look for suitable areas for your intended quarry
find game or sign (scouting)
its much more of a acheivment if you do it all yourself
you can camp near ,along most fsr,s anywere in bc
good luck on your hunts

03-31-2011, 11:22 AM
thanx ROABUCK ,thats just what i was going to do the last two weeks in june.

03-31-2011, 11:56 AM
Hey it's jel in Kammy .. we're going into Mu 3-39 together hunter ..
... Get your back roads map book open on MU 3-39 for tonight .......
JP .. We're goin in .. check your leh for MU 3-39 as well ..................
Moose, deer etc.

03-31-2011, 12:00 PM
We used to hunt around English lake quite a bit, lots of Moose and Deer running about. Wolves too, hopefully someones been hunting or trapping them. If your going up in June, check out around Deka Lake too, there's still has to be the odd Moose up there! Good Luck!

03-31-2011, 02:58 PM
thx. for all the info, i've hunted loon.lk. 3.30, for the last 25 yrs it's bin good 6 bucks. in 7 yrs. not many moose anymore! last moose was 7.56.mu. fortnelson before that 5.2.mu quesnel along with a doe;leh. in 2010 my partner & i were lucky on the draw . got a bull tag for mu.5.13a alexes.crk.area, only two days in we found out we were not welcome to hunt THIER ANIMALS ON THEIR LAND ! so we left? i'm sorry their refers local F.N

03-31-2011, 04:22 PM
You won't be bothered in MU 3-39 by any body when your hunting in and around this super natural management unit of region 3.
I've never had problems up the North Thompson and don't expect any soon.
MU 3-39 is known by Little Fort, the starting point at the junction of Hwy 24 meeting Hwy 5.
Turn onto Hwy 24 @ Little Fort .. Fair moose and mule deer ..
Enter MU 3-39 at Little Fort and at Clearwater in the north part.
Use forest service roads ( fsr's ) logging roads to reach out .....
Part of this units north boundary is Wells Gray Park.
MU 3-39 is heavily hunted but the success ratio's are consistent and quite good depending on the weather.
Jelly tree tirdy nine ......................... Mighty Fine
Put in for earliest moose leh in this here unit 39 cuz moose live in this habitat.
Mule deer are of the large variety ... Rocky Mountain Mule Deer ...
Also grouse, waterfowl, black bear, wolf, cougar, and tons of fishing.

03-31-2011, 04:44 PM
once you get up on the plateau above little fort heading west on the highway just pick a road, make sure you have your map book, you don't need to go too far. The south side of the highway is good, but then again so is the north side. Spend enough time in the swampy areas and you'll run into moose, some big boys up there too if your lucky enough to pull a draw, but if not where theres big boys theres always little immatures as well. Fly around on google earth, find the valleys with a creek in the bottom, go there a few days in a row and you'll see something I promise.

03-31-2011, 04:51 PM
[QUOTE=Jelvis;889914]You won't be bothered in MU 3-39 by any body when your hunting in and around this super natural management unit of region 3.
I've never had problems up the North Thompson and don't expect any soon. Unfortunately, all of Region 3's not like this. The part of Region 3 I live in holds very very few game animals! A lot of it has to do with the olde Radar Base, been leaking Radiation for years now! A lack of proper feed for Deer and Moose is also a contributing factor! Any animals that have bred up here over the years are Mutants, some have 2 or 3 heads, 6 legs are very common and the meat, for the most part is uneatable! And, up here there's always problems! Things going missing from outsiders hunting camps, flat tires, snakes let loose in tent's, things like that! Dam unfriendly lot up here! Most smart hunters just stay the hell away from here! With so many other area's in region 3 that are just teaming with animals why waste your time hunting 3-27??? So, any who, hope to see you guys in Region 3-59 or 3-67 or maybe 3-94,95, 9 61/2 anywhere's but here! Good Luck!

03-31-2011, 06:40 PM
I spent a weekend in there last fall but believe I was there too early in the season. Saw some deer, bears and 1 moose. There's alot of logging going on along Hwy 24.

03-31-2011, 07:22 PM
We used to hunt around English lake quite a bit, lots of Moose and Deer running about. Wolves too, hopefully someones been hunting or trapping them. If your going up in June, check out around Deka Lake too, there's still has to be the odd Moose up there! Good Luck!

all of this is in mu 5-1 not 3-39

03-31-2011, 08:37 PM
Once you hit Little Fort your into the heart of big game country with centuries of mega mule deer, moose, bears, birds and fish, you name it.
If I was coming up from the Lower Strangeland I'd hit Little Fort first and head in on the Hwy 24, "The Fishermans Highway."
Moose hunting starts to get better once your into MU 3-39
Once you head off hwy 5 onto hwy 24 driving go 1 km and your right side (east) upto and past Nehalliston Road it's 3-39.
Once you hit real close to Eakin Creek Road just past and now both sides are 3-39.
Check all of this with and compare in your up to date Backroad Mapbook.
This Limieux Creek drainage is where many moose and deer migrate down as the later fall weather arrives up higher.
Taweel Lake and down to Skwilatin Mountain into Blackpool and Mann Lake area.
Head up higher towards Taweel in Sept, October then move down when the snow blocks your way for the four by.
November hunt according to winter range ridges and hunt the north side first.
Deer go south in the mid winter.
Moose up Taweel way or ?
Up Blowdown Road at Francis Lake just above Walk in Lake
That should keep you busier than a one armed paper hanger
Jel .. or a one leg ed soccer player .. lol .. look it up, leh it, gos it.

Big Lew
03-31-2011, 08:51 PM
Used to have a cottage on the north-west side of Bridge lake. My Family and Friends have taken most of our moose, many, many deer, and uncountable grouse from both north and south areas along #24 from Bridge Lake to the top of the hill above Little Fort over the years....it's also a tremendous fishing area.

04-01-2011, 10:09 AM
Thankyou all so very much! for all your excellent info, i'm so glad to have joined this site. As it allowes me to converse with such knowlegable hunters! BR.

cariboo crawler
04-01-2011, 11:47 AM
all of this is in mu 5-1 not 3-39

I was wondering when someone would clue in!!