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View Full Version : Anyone from Christina Lake?

03-14-2011, 08:44 AM
I'm looking for some info on the location of some wild boars in the Christina Lake area. Has anyone seen them or know where they hang out? If you could please PM me that would be great, thanks.

03-14-2011, 09:33 AM
I've talked to CO's about this before and I got the same answer every time. DO NOT SHOOT THEM!
"Shaker, as tempting as they are and the fact they're not supposed to be out here, it's not worth the risk of me having to charge you"
They are\were escaped domestic and you could be charged with shoot'n domestic animals! I know theirs some been reported in the christina area but I've never seen them.

03-14-2011, 09:39 AM
try the dump

03-14-2011, 09:41 AM
I know a few guys who have shot a few. Funny I haven't seen to many domestic pigs with five and six inch tusks running around. One of the guys I talked to who shot one about a two weeks ago said there was around fifty of them causing alot of damage out there.

03-14-2011, 09:58 AM
DO NOT SHOOT THEM! wild pigs.....what about turkey--domestic one....escaped...from farm//same thing i guess?

03-14-2011, 10:11 AM
They are not WILD pigs but european wild pigs, these pigs are owned and farmed here. Its would be no different than shooting someones cow that gets out. The CO and RCMP are very clear, you can only shoot them if your safety is threatened. The only place you see them is within a few hundred yards of the farm where they live.

03-14-2011, 11:41 AM
Are you kidding. I can't see it being legal to have free range pigs with all the problems they can cause. You know how much damage they can do and the impact they can have on the native plants and animals. Sounds like trouble waiting to happen. I'm sure all the farmers in Grand Forks would be thrilled to here that someone is letting groups of "european wild pigs" run free only 20 kms away.

03-14-2011, 11:46 AM
But if it gets out of hand maybe we can fly around in Helocopters and shoot them with A RA XCR! like in that youtube video

03-14-2011, 11:48 AM
Any place from Midway to Christina Lake that serves perogies.

03-14-2011, 03:46 PM
Seen them up Santa Rosa Rd.

03-14-2011, 04:47 PM
Grew up in Grand Forks and had a cabin on Christina Lake. Spent some of my best years in the hills around the lake. No boars there then.

Now living in Prince George.
Don Wilkins

03-14-2011, 05:34 PM
I know a few guys who have shot a few. Funny I haven't seen to many domestic pigs with five and six inch tusks running around. One of the guys I talked to who shot one about a two weeks ago said there was around fifty of them causing alot of damage out there.

Their a variation of a wild hog that some farmer around there lost. Just not worth getting in $#^% for!

03-14-2011, 06:45 PM
This story stinks! If this "farmer" has done nothing about his "escaped" European Wild Boars and since they aren't even native, a major effort at his expense should be undertaken to round up every last living one.

Isn't this very similar to what happened with the "killer bees" and the "cane toads" also those Chinese fish that are absolutely terrible invaders and eating everything in their path.

Irresponsible government allowing the importation of "exotic" species under the guise of financial benefit, or some other bs really pi$$e$ me off. Time after time these schemes just fail and cause much grief and expense to the taxpayer.
I'd say shoot every one you see that isn't inside a strong cage.

03-14-2011, 07:43 PM

Isn't this very similar to what happened with the "killer bees" and the "cane toads" also those Chinese fish that are absolutely terrible invaders and eating everything in their path.

South east asia mostly on the fish and they're called a Redline snake head. I had one for a family pet for close to 10 years. Neat critter, super sharp teeth and very nasty attitude and WILL eat anything that will fit in it's mouth. Even got a hold of the cat one day:twisted: poor bugger was lucky to get away from him! (Never try'd to drink out of the fish tank again though!)

Unfortunatly them hogs are from a local farmer so the real issue should be with him, unfortunatly for us hunters, theirs probably some old law about russ'l live stock that you could probably get stoned to death by orfans or hung in the middle of town for it.:confused:

03-14-2011, 08:02 PM
If they are already up in the santa rosa area then I would suspect this problem is alot worse than anybody can image. Santa rosa is about twenty km's from christinal lake. Iam no pig expert but from what I hear down across the line is that they can't kill them fast enough they multipy like rabbits. Thats to bad to hear this news, I hope its not true.

Mtn Man
03-14-2011, 08:31 PM
i 've seen some pigs along the highway near there, then stopped off at the local donut shop, there were a bunch there too, eating donuts and other scrumptious goodies, big fat pigs alright, but i suppose you could get into some trouble for shootin one......... sorry could not resist .

03-15-2011, 08:36 AM
Man this story gets carried away. First there are no groups of wild pigs roaming the hills of Christina lake. The farm in question is at 3KM on the santa rosa road. The pigs get out when either a bear knocks down the fence to get at the food or the snow banks up high enough to allow the pigs to walk over the fence. You will see the pigs out for a couple of days and then they all disappear (like now) when they get hungry and go back inside the fence. I think to come here with hopes of shooting a pig would be a long shot, but the farmer does sell the pigs so I guess you could buy one kick it out and then shoot it......

03-15-2011, 08:50 AM
If I wanted to go shoot some farmers pig I sure wouldn't have posted it. The reason for the post was to get info on them.

If these pigs are getting out so often and are a potential risk hazard to the environment shouldn't the owner build a better containment area for them. If not then I hope he is held responsible if they don't come back home next time.

I wonder if the SPCA picks up pigs too. A fine of 150 bucks per un-tagged pig would add up.

03-15-2011, 10:26 AM
If I wanted to go shoot some farmers pig I sure wouldn't have posted it. The reason for the post was to get info on them.

If these pigs are getting out so often and are a potential risk hazard to the environment shouldn't the owner build a better containment area for them. If not then I hope he is held responsible if they don't come back home next time.

I wonder if the SPCA picks up pigs too. A fine of 150 bucks per un-tagged pig would add up.

$150 per would probably get a better containment system built! I don't know how bad of a problem they really are though.... I have a friend in Gran forks and he's never complained about them yet... He's mentioned them but not fear mongering panic yet!

Like Palmer said: I'm sure they do get out but how far are they travelling from home? I'm sure Brando would be blow'n a nut if their was hogs runn'n rampid there.