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View Full Version : Stave Lake WOW

03-06-2011, 04:57 PM
I decided yesterday to take the wifes dr 650 for a ride to stave lake, it was the first time in about 20 years i have been in the area and was i surprised. If the rednecks wanted a meeting place this was it, from the drinking to the guns to lets just destroy everthing it was all there. One of my daughters friends told me that they are planning on closing the area and from what i saw so should they. Mybe i just to old now but this was to much for me. I guess there are just to many people around now and this is the place to be but myself i will go to a few other places i rember and hope there is a little less traffic.

03-06-2011, 04:59 PM
West or east side?

03-06-2011, 05:00 PM
It was getting crazy 5 years ago,... couldnt imagine it now.

03-06-2011, 05:19 PM
Nothing new, thats stave lake. If you manage to get near the north end of the lake its much nicer.
PS There have been rumor for years about closing down a large portion of the west side. I think they are getting closer.
Something tells me they are going to build a childrens camp out that way?

03-06-2011, 05:26 PM
Yes i was on the west side and the childrens camp id allready there.

03-06-2011, 05:28 PM
Tim Horton's kids camp is going on the west side. The road has to be paved and opened 24hrs a day. The camp will be at pine lake. So it is going to be closed for shooting. They want the place to be camper friendly.

03-06-2011, 05:37 PM
people need to go somewhere, please dont close it. somewhere else will just get over run

for years now it has been always been a gong show on sundays, theres a group of people that refer to there weekly pilgramige to stave as "goin to church".

Its been about 3 years since i have gone "wheeling" up there, but usually it looks alot worse from a distance and the true idiots are few in number verses your average "redneck".


BiG Boar
03-06-2011, 05:41 PM
Yes you're too old. Stave lake is always going to happen somewhere. If they close it down the kids will just move. When you're 20 that stuff is good fun. If you don't like it, that means yes you're old. Think back to when you were that age and some of the stupid things you and your buddies did. If you don't like going there then don't go.

03-06-2011, 05:49 PM
Yes i was on the west side and the childrens camp id allready there.That is the Zajac Guest ranch. It is in the old prison. I used to have to go through part of the prison to go fishing. The gaurd at the gate would let me through.

03-06-2011, 05:53 PM
Think back to when you were that age and some of the stupid things you and your buddies did. If you don't like going there then don't go.Yes and this got gates put up so we cannot enjoy fishing with our trucks or cars next to us at the river So the trucks and cars are easy pray for scabs to break into. It has also closed a lot of other places off. If people were more responsible then there wouldn't be gates.

03-06-2011, 06:15 PM
it was a $hit hole and a Gong show back there 25 years ago, everything you could imagine all $hot to hell, junk, appliances,bottles, stolen ditched vehicles, road signs, forestry signs, anything that would make a target all shot to $hit, thousands of rounds of spent shotgun and every imaginable caliber of spent cartridge casings everywhere,,

and that was 25 years ago,,,,:evil:

03-06-2011, 06:36 PM
Yes i am to old, but in my day we had respect

03-06-2011, 06:39 PM
Yes i am to old, but in my day we had respectMy days were the same.now a days people want to trash every thing, They must think the world is ending soon.

03-06-2011, 06:49 PM
check out youtube, and you will see its not rednecks, its your usuial coasties who have no respect for the environment or what they are doing to fellow gun owners.

03-06-2011, 06:55 PM
You meen these ones? http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=63756&highlight=stave+lake

03-06-2011, 07:02 PM
I agree its a problem, but closing the area isnt the big picture solution. Closing it will just move the people/problem elsewhere.

Big Lew
03-06-2011, 07:12 PM
Yes and this got gates put up so we cannot enjoy fishing with our trucks or cars next to us at the river So the trucks and cars are easy pray for scabs to break into. It has also closed a lot of other places off. If people were more responsible then there wouldn't be gates.
I'm with you 100% "ruger#1, and it doesn't matter how young or old you are, not having respect for others and the environment shows just what a moron some of those clowns can be! Makes you wonder if their home is as messy and full of crap as they make those areas. I hiked into a pristine little lake back of Mission many years ago only to find that some jackasses had left most of their camping gear, along with all of their garbage strewn all over, and had indiscriminately cut down live trees, built fires amongst the trees, and shot a woodpecker, flicker, and robins. A public caning should be their reward.

03-06-2011, 07:13 PM
I am 46 years old so that means I have been going to Stave Lake for 43 years. My dad and grandfather would hike up to Ceder/Sayers lake following the old flume from the shake mill. We sleep in one of the old cabins the Japanese had built before the war. At the mouth of the creek coming from Ceder lake my grand parents had a floating cabin. The Chanel was easy to follow through the standing dead trees.

I can honestly say what people have done to the area disgusts me to no end. It is a shame on both sides of the lake. I sickens me to see and I refuse to go anywhere s around there.

03-06-2011, 07:16 PM
haveing the area does in many way creates the problem because it enables and allows new pos people to see and adopt that way of life

and yes it is local redneck wannebe offspring mixed with sad adults trying desperatly to cling to youth up there.

The Dude
03-07-2011, 12:16 AM
check out youtube, and you will see its not rednecks, its your usuial coasties who have no respect for the environment or what they are doing to fellow gun owners.

Damn Coasties ruin everything again! :-(

If they're Coasties, they should be deported to India, China and Ontario, where they came from!
If it's rednecks, they should be deported to Alabama, Louisiana, Penticton and Prince George where THEY came from!
Problem solved!


03-07-2011, 01:05 AM
that kind of stuff is awful there is a place that I go and shoot close to my house 5 min drive I enjoy and appreciate the fact that I can do this last year it looked similar to the videos that Ruger#1 when I went shooting there I would make an effort to bring home a piece of two of the garbage and dispose of it properly usually it was whatever me and the kids would shoot, if I was shooting paper I took my plywood and targets there and home. This fall a paving company from down south got a contract and cleaned it up before turning it into a temp asphalt plant it is a wonderful place to shoot now (asphalt plant is gone) I hope it stays that way because it can be gated up very easily like others have said, there is a lower pit that has be gated at some earlier time so it can be done again. I sure that $hit head townys will dump there crap there to shot at and I will continue to clean it up for them.

03-07-2011, 08:59 AM
The biggest issue in trying to fix it is displacement. The arseholes will continue to carry on just some place else. You can chase them from Stave and they'll move to Harrison or Chilliwack or to some place they can carry on before they get displaced again. Gates don't work well. They keep the responsible people from enjoying the area as well. There is always going to be a certain amount of that behavior but maybe the answer is in education at an early age. Get the young people on board at an early age and let them apply their own peer pressure on their friends. I'm not advocating a new generation of "anti's" here but maybe mandatory classes in Environmental Stewardship. Other than that.... I'm at a loss. I have no idea why so many of this generation is the way it is. Disrespectful, violent, arrogant and full of entitlement. Makes you wonder where the hell we went wrong doesn't it?

Buck TraX
03-07-2011, 10:07 AM
I dont think that they will just move to a new area as theres nothing quite like it anywhere else.
Those big open mudflats arent just around every corner around here and is largly why they conregate there and as for the bush around stave bieing dumping grounds, those asshats are already everywhere within the lower fraser anyhow just leave them to it, its not going to get better just worse keep em in one spot IMO
The golden ears bridge wont make and money otherwise!

03-07-2011, 01:40 PM
I live less than 5 minutes from sylvester road and went up their yesterday to try out my new shotgun. Everywhere you go up their whether east stave or up to the gravel pits is gross shells, beer bottles,garbage, clay target boxes,their was 11 vehicles I drove past to my little area where I shoot and as a passed these vehicles everyone was around my age 22ish unfortunatly MOST of my generation that I have seen and met don't give a s@*t about our environment and to clean up after themselves, I was amussed when 2 people in a truck drove down the trail we were shooting on and asked why I was standing on a tarp. I explained that I use it to catch all my shells in and then take it home with me. The respone I got was "we just leave them here everyone else does". Everyone goes to stave because its the closest from langley, surrey, ect specialy sInce eagle was closed for awhile, also norrish creek has an electronic gate by the water station,

Unfortunatly if stave gets closed or they may charge you per day to go their then everyone is gonna go to sylvester and when that gets shut down who knows, we all have to do our part I've reported and they got busted some 20 year olds in a 4 runner 2 years back up at norrish drinking and driving and shooting a shotgun at the sIgns as they drove by them, and I've reported at sylvester to, noones gonna stop the idiots unless we speak up by reporting, it sucks but thats how it goes

03-07-2011, 02:04 PM
sorry but the self entitled locals that go there are the worst (maple ridge, mission, abbotsford) .

I live not far from these places and the jackasses in there are the same trucks all the time and they are very often local party punks.

People in general wont drive more then an hour to go to the party place unless its an over nighter.

my wife wont even go anywhere local because it is so depressing to see POS people and garbage everywhere. Its a shame but like i have said before once the current crop of jackasses are shut down This area can be really nice to enjoy.

I live less than 5 minutes from sylvester road and went up their yesterday to try out my new shotgun. Everywhere you go up their whether east stave or up to the gravel pits is gross shells, beer bottles,garbage, clay target boxes,their was 11 vehicles I drove past to my little area where I shoot and as a passed these vehicles everyone was around my age 22ish unfortunatly MOST of my generation that I have seen and met don't give a s@*t about our environment and to clean up after themselves, I was amussed when 2 people in a truck drove down the trail we were shooting on and asked why I was standing on a tarp. I explained that I use it to catch all my shells in and then take it home with me. The respone I got was "we just leave them here everyone else does". Everyone goes to stave because its the closest from langley, surrey, ect specialy sInce eagle was closed for awhile, also norrish creek has an electronic gate by the water station,

Unfortunatly if stave gets closed or they may charge you per day to go their then everyone is gonna go to sylvester and when that gets shut down who knows, we all have to do our part I've reported and they got busted some 20 year olds in a 4 runner 2 years back up at norrish drinking and driving and shooting a shotgun at the sIgns as they drove by them, and I've reported at sylvester to, noones gonna stop the idiots unless we speak up by reporting, it sucks but thats how it goes

03-07-2011, 02:26 PM
sorry but the self entitled locals that go there are the worst (maple ridge, mission, abbotsford) .

I live not far from these places and the jackasses in there are the same trucks all the time and they are very often local party punks.

People in general wont drive more then an hour to go to the party place unless its an over nighter.

my wife wont even go anywhere local because it is so depressing to see POS people and garbage everywhere. Its a shame but like i have said before once the current crop of jackasses are shut down This area can be really nice to enjoy.

I fully agree with you on that a vast majority is local but I have been part of the wheeling groups and don't go anymore for a fact know many people from surrey and langley that do go every weekend possIble to "church" my point I was trying to make is that with eagle closed down and norrish gated a vast majority filter to stave expecialy for events or gatherings in my opinion it doesn't matter where your from theirs always some bad apples, and stave has bad apples but when other places get closed down then people move to the next area I wasn't trying to stipulate that its surrey or langley people causing this I would be the first to agree with you that locals are a problem to maybe because they take it for granted? I'm trying to say with areas getting shut down it creates more people in one area which only a select few can ruin it for all
Hope that clears it up

03-07-2011, 09:55 PM
It seems it getting worse all around.Harrison lake is becaming same. ten mile bay camp,hale creek,misty,silver creek all poluted now. More unreasonable people going to bush. Good access is partially problem. Lot of places people can drive 2wd and typically those people do not have idea about envinronment. They just go,enjoy and dump their garbage like there is no tomorrow. Very sad.

03-29-2011, 11:01 AM
i used to go to stave on sunday mornings, youd be suprised to see how much these leftover morons are willing to pay to get pulled out of the muddd!

03-29-2011, 10:45 PM
Wow what short memories some of us have.
When they were closing areas and throwing up gates in the early 1980's all around the lower mainland it was for the same reasons.
I don't buy the less respect argument.
40 years ago no one had garbage bags in their cars, that is what a window was for.
Many things have changed, Maple Ridge lost their gun range, the Barnett highway lost 2 or 3.
Most areas in the lower Mainland had trails close by.
Virtually every place I road a motorcycle in or 4x4'd in during the mid to late 1970's and 1980's is now gone.
Some areas became subdivisions and complained about the noise (or the area was subdivided)
Thieves took stolen vehicles up others and burnt them, instead of policing the area and catching thieves it was easier to close the areas down.
Some areas were closed because of logging and theft/vandalism to equipment, again rather than policing or requiring logging companies to hire security. Close the area.
We have been pushing more and more user's into fewer areas, so the problem seems worse.
The partiers have always partied and littered, now it is just harder to avoid them.
Many of these areas were popular with off-roaders decades before anyone else, then other use groups came in and conflict arose.
I don't go to Stave anymore because of the yahoo's, but I would rather see them there than most other places

03-29-2011, 11:27 PM
If there is that much as posted going on up there CLOSE IT !

03-29-2011, 11:40 PM
Stave lake isnt the only place. Harrison is terrible after long weekends or grad. Same with chilliwack valley, chipmonk is getting ugly. Even all along the fraser and vedder during the salmon runs, tons of beer cans, coffee cups, fishing gear and miles of bird nested fishing line cover the shore. Would be a much better place if people pack out what they pack in.

03-29-2011, 11:46 PM
If you close Stave then the idiots will just go somewhere else and trash it, that's the issue. It's kind of sad,
when I was young we used to drink beer, drop the cans into the bonfire to melt, listen to tunes, and chat up
girls. The melting beer cans in the bonfire was pretty much all the damage we did. It does seem to be going

03-30-2011, 08:29 AM
The last time I went 4x4ing at stave lake with a buddy we found woman's unmentionables wrapped around the rear axle. the last time I was at stave lake was on boat while the flats were flooded and you could see all the garbage left behind half berried in the mud it was disgusting

Stave lake isnt the only place. Harrison is terrible after long weekends or grad. Same with chilliwack valley, chipmonk is getting ugly. Even all along the fraser and vedder during the salmon runs, tons of beer cans, coffee cups, fishing gear and miles of bird nested fishing line cover the shore. Would be a much better place if people pack out what they pack in.

Me and my wife caught a Tim Horton's coffee cup while fishing for salmon on the Fraser this past summer