View Full Version : good start to my last weekend of the season

03-05-2011, 07:37 PM
Went out goose hunting with Field Marshall and Kyle Klassen this morning. Chessieguy was suposed to join us but unfortunately he wasn't able to make it down last night due to a snow storm. We managed a pair of geese between the 3 of us but it was an enjoyable morning sharing the blind and telling stories.

The dogs were getting a bit bored but it was a nice morning to spend in the blind watching countless number of geese and ducks fly by. The geese just didn't want to cooperate but the ducks, that's another story. If ducks had been open we probably could have limited out without decoys they were that thick. We had a flock of shovellers buzz the pond and there was some nice full plumage drakes in the mix.We ended the day around noon and I headed over to ShotgunJohn's for some possible "dry gulching" as Field Marshall likes to call it.

John and I get to the first pound and there is a pair of geese sitting on it. It's John's turn to push them and my turn to shoot so I hunker down and make my way over to the other side of the pond and wait for john to push them up.

I'm about 30 feet from the bowl of the pond and the bowl is about 2 feet over my head from where I'm standing.I hear some frantic honking and the pace and urgency increases, then I can hear in the mix of honking the sound of wings and feet beating on the water as they get air born. The gun is now shouldered, finger on the safety and waiting for them to clear the pond.

I'm using a different brand of shells this time around so I'm curious how they are going to perform. The birds are about 10 feet off the pond when they clear the bowl and probably 15-20 yards out. I poke the first bird, and it's hit and feathers are flying, but not falling as fast as I'd like him too so I change my lead a bit and poke the second one and the second one hits the ground. Two shots fired two geese fall, I'm quite happy with that. I send the dog on the second bird watching as the first bird finally hits the ground and does a barrel role about 70 yards out. The dog brings the first goose back and by the time we walk to the second bird it's already dead.

Had a great day overall and can't wait for tomorrow morning to do it all over again. :mrgreen:

Good luck to all who are headed out tomorrow!

field marshal
03-05-2011, 09:28 PM
Marc; I guess those "Roman Candles" were a good buy??:-D

03-06-2011, 07:51 PM
Got this photo from your hunt.

03-06-2011, 08:59 PM
Thanks Sean,

I went out again today with Shotgunjohn and VINDOG. We set up and missed an opportunity as we were still setting up and weren't ready for the birds when they came in. We managed to take 3 geese from one flock and that was it for the morning.

We then went back out and tried our luck and pond jumping as it would be the last chance we had for the season. We found one pond that held a few birds and jumped and shot two more for a total for the day of 5!

All in all another great day and now the chore begins of cleaning all the gear and putting it away until next fall.

03-06-2011, 09:19 PM
Gumboots and wet dogs - both signs of a great day! http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif

03-07-2011, 09:58 AM
Great to see you scratched out a few birds Marc...

Wish I coulda been there. The Cackler is at my place and should be able to make its migration south in the next week or so!!!

field marshal
03-07-2011, 02:10 PM
How is it possible to be late to the field 2DAYS In A ROW????:confused:
Cheers----Field Marshal.

Ian F.
03-07-2011, 06:46 PM
I was going to say he's on East Coast time, but that should have made him really early....maybe he's on Hawaii time or heaven forbid, gettin old?

03-07-2011, 08:49 PM
I call it "the end of the season" and "try and get some sleep on the weekends" :mrgreen:

This work is really taking it's toll on me and I can't seem to find enough time in the week to just sit back and relax for a few hours.

I was telling ShotgunJohn, as sad as it may sound, I'm kind of glad the season is over. We've been chasing, shooting, gutting and plucking geese over the past 7 months and its time to look at doing other stuff around the house.

It's been an awesome run with 37 geese taken this fall, of which 33 were resident birds. Only 14,963 resident geese to go and I've got them beat.:mrgreen: