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View Full Version : For you Brant hunters...

03-05-2011, 06:46 PM
Hey guys I was down at tsawassen today at around 3 pm and was talking to some of you. I don't remember what cars you guys had but I was asking about where a guy could hunt Brant without a boat. I forgot to ask where a guy might find Brant decoys to buy. Thanks (I don't need them right now)

03-06-2011, 04:25 PM
I dont know of any commericially made (not saying they dont exist, but if they do they must be in the last year or so). Most are hand made foamers and corkies.

03-06-2011, 05:08 PM
CarryLite made them for years but they're now discontinued. There was a guy on Ebay that was selling knockoffs but I haven't seen them on there for a while, I think they were better than the originals, a bit heavier plastic with a better keel. You can buy some made by SportPlast out of Knutson's in the U.S. but I can't vouch for the quality. You could also buy some snow dekes and paint them, probably the easiest and most common solution. Good luck! K

03-06-2011, 06:28 PM



03-06-2011, 06:41 PM
If I don't shoot a Brant tomorrow there'll be decoys, punt, lines, anchors, and motor everything ready to go for sale :wink: hahaha.

03-06-2011, 08:29 PM
If I don't shoot a Brant tomorrow there'll be decoys, punt, lines, anchors, and motor everything ready to go for sale :wink: hahaha.
Ha,ha,ha, you sound like us last year, we were gonna just leave the set in the middle of the bay and go home. Decided that the way our luck was goin we'd probably get charged with littering. :-D K

Ian F.
03-06-2011, 10:19 PM
Hold the faith Adam, Hold the faith!

We both know that, that magical 30 seconds can change everything....


03-06-2011, 10:27 PM
CF, its just like what our friend Dan said on friday... "Thats why its called HUNTING and not GOT GEESE"... :wink:

03-07-2011, 04:07 PM
Well it looks like I cant call er quits just yet. It was a win win for me, Ron needed a guy to go with and run the motor and I was lucky enough to hunt with a old timer who put me on the birds not 15 yards out. A thing of beauty.