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View Full Version : 7-03 elk/goat

mainland hunter
07-10-2006, 07:23 PM
planning on taking my g-friend for her first hunt, hoping to look for elk and goats in 7-3 mcbride area in sept. any one got any advice on this area. i usually dont go blind into to many areas but would like to find some new areas this year.

07-10-2006, 11:38 PM
Need an LEH to hunt goats in 7-03. LEH only hunting area. Far as elk go....no idea. It's rough country...maybe not a good place for your g/f's first hunt?

07-11-2006, 08:10 AM
LEH goats ( I assume you got drawn ) and the fact its rough country - .... the main valley is all private land .... and the bush is thick.....

Despite pretty views from the highway and some side roads, I would suggest an easier place to hunt for your gf's first hunt ....

The elk, deer, goats etc are there but its not an easy place to hunt contrary to popular belief.

mainland hunter
07-11-2006, 08:13 AM
my girlfriends pretty tough, small but can handle her own, she's a horse trainer so im not worried about that part, i just checked the regs, there are areas closed for goat but there are some areas open, not as easy access for those areas but was curious if anyone had tried the open season in there

07-11-2006, 09:07 AM
.... I'll shake your hand if you get one in any of the open areas (I will even chuckle if you're going ahead with it) ..... The open areas are open for a reason ...... very very tough access - its hard enough getting into the LEH zones ....

I've spent alot of time in that country and believe me, I would have taken advantage of the open seasons if I felt it worthwhile (as would many other locals) but I already know that you're better off going goat hunting elsewhere unless you get the LEH draw.

There is however, one area that offers relative easy access for open goats but I can't say on here but there's a fellow on here will know I am talking about him and his area as he hunts it every other year. If he offers it up to you ... great !

This isn't to try to "keep you away" ..... by all means ... have at it.... it is pretty country! I am just giving honest advice.

mainland hunter
07-11-2006, 09:17 AM
thats why i was asking, for honest advice, like i said ive never been in there and my plans arent set in stone just looking for info. of course you're more than welcome to pm with the area that has easy access.;)

mainland hunter
07-11-2006, 09:25 AM
how is the area for elk/deer if i give up my goat notion for this year?

07-11-2006, 09:29 AM
For elk and deer head to the Kootenays. Lot better success.


07-11-2006, 09:35 AM
There are some dandy bucks (both whitetails and muleys) and definatly elk all through there and a few hunters notch their tags on dandy deer every year.

The same applies to every other area of the province.

I know alot of the ranchers are PO'd at the elk but they're just not letting guys go on to shoot them unless you're a relative or neighbor and the same goes for deer.

That being said, there definatly is crown land to hunt deer on off the main valley ...

Go in anyways on an exploratory trip with a Plan B if you quickly realize you want to pull out in order to salvage a hunt somewhere because you will quickly realize the bush is thick and plain and simple.....its just can be tough hunting

BHB said it --- the Kootenays are awsome for hunting elk, and both deer.

07-11-2006, 01:49 PM
I know alot of the ranchers are PO'd at the elk but they're just not letting guys go on to shoot them unless you're a relative or neighbor and the same goes for deer.

Now, if I know one of the relatives of one of the ranchers does that mean I'm allowed to hunt there???? Huh BC rams???

Where's my invite???

07-11-2006, 01:55 PM
I am sure it happens that they let friends of friends, relatives of relatives ....friends of relatives.....relatives of friends.....friends of relatives of relatives.....friends of friends of relatives.....friends of relatives of friends ....... etc ......

I guess you'd have to just ask the said person you're talking about.:)

07-11-2006, 03:09 PM
I am sure it happens that they let friends of friends, relatives of relatives ....friends of relatives.....relatives of friends.....friends of relatives of relatives.....friends of friends of relatives.....friends of relatives of friends ....... etc ......

I guess you'd have to just ask the said person you're talking about.:)

Interesting - what would the said asker have to give up to the said doner of the said hunting spot, just out of curiosity????

07-11-2006, 04:52 PM
Man, how bout you start talking normally? That's getting annoying.

07-11-2006, 08:25 PM
The mountains are steep, the bush is thick and prickly and there are just not that many goats-and that's the LEH areas with supposedly easy access! I had a tag in 7-03 a few years back-haven't bothered applying since. Looking at the mountains you'd think there would be goats all over like there are on the coastal mountains, but that just isn't the case.

07-24-2006, 11:28 PM
Mainland, for what it"s worth, my hunting cousin hunted all thru that area before all the area divisions and leh"s but he said that he used to live in Tete Jaune Junction. He said, the hunters used to go about 53 km west of there.The Holmes River runs NW, Moose, Goat and Grizz matter of fact they used to veiw goats from the road. Also the Fraser River the north side just north of Mcbride up Mckale creek was good too at least thats what My cousin told me and he lived there so good luck you can thank my cousin for that. Jelvis

07-25-2006, 06:58 AM
Havn't seen any elk there, and only small amounts of deer( off the private land). Open season goats are a long way off the roads with 0 access.There are better places to go for elk and deer.

07-25-2006, 09:46 AM
There are accessible goats there, I've hunted and killed them in the open areas. You gotta cowboy up and get them.

07-28-2006, 07:46 PM
You gotta Sherpa Up!

07-29-2006, 04:03 PM
that sounds about right, they are in there.

mainland hunter
07-29-2006, 05:07 PM
i might get to hunt ranchland there, bordering crown land for elk, i know there's elk there, but to hunt lower private land is it better to hunt post rut or do they come onto private land during the rut too