View Full Version : Thousands of Geese Flying North

02-23-2011, 08:49 AM
Its February 23 today, and down here in Victoria we already have about 4 inches of snow... and the skies are filled with THOUSANDS of high flying geese heading "North"?? There are Greaters, Lessers, Cacklers, Specks, Swans, and Snow geese... thousands... all heading north from Victoria.

A crazy sight to see this morning!! I'll take my camera to school today and we'll see if some geese show...

Longshot jr.

Cariboo Game Calls
02-23-2011, 09:09 AM
Longshot, chase some of them toward 100 Mile House. We still have a lot of snow and it's snowing today, however when it starts disappearing on the south sloping grasslands of the ranch I shoot on, and the web footed lawn mowers get here I'll be able to stock up on some goose sausage again. :-D

02-23-2011, 09:10 AM
Are you suggesting that this is unusual behavior? I saw a program on global warming and they noticed a trend to early thaw stepped up northern migration somewhat.

02-23-2011, 09:18 AM
Are you suggesting that this is unusual behavior? I saw a program on global warming and they noticed a trend to early thaw stepped up northern migration somewhat.

the giant "turd-birds" are definitely heading this way for some Global Warming:-?

it has been blizzard white outs,wind blowing 30/50 kms an hour and snowing for several hours, with the wind chill it is minus-29 Celsius here south of Dawson Creek:mrgreen:

02-23-2011, 06:37 PM
Well I didn't get any pics today... Geese circled my school field for a few hours but none landed... We have almost 1 foot of snow at our house and the Pamana Flats are holding quite a few geese right now... other than that most geese have dissapeared from all the fields and headed to the north.

02-23-2011, 06:39 PM
Its February 23 today, and down here in Victoria we already have about 4 inches of snow... and the skies are filled with THOUSANDS of high flying geese heading "North"?? There are Greaters, Lessers, Cacklers, Specks, Swans, and Snow geese... thousands... all heading north from Victoria.

A crazy sight to see this morning!! I'll take my camera to school today and we'll see if some geese show...

Longshot jr.


migrating already, i thought i had more time...
well gonna have to get out in the field this weekend

02-23-2011, 06:41 PM
I have seen nothing for geese around my hunting areas in the lower mainland. Looks like they are all on the rock.:neutral:

02-24-2011, 07:56 PM
I saw geese flying north as well last night. I shot-em. There's less now:twisted:

02-26-2011, 08:04 PM
saw about a thousand flying south today.ohhhhh man we got some messed up geese this year. even saw some flying east and west too. and east north east and west south west. west north west and east south east too i believe.

02-26-2011, 08:30 PM
I saw the same thing this morning. Just hoping they all go back in the opposite direction tomorrow so they don't go to far.

02-26-2011, 08:32 PM
maybe there is a big sale at omineca sports next week, they are getting there early..

02-26-2011, 08:57 PM
saw about a thousand flying south today.ohhhhh man we got some messed up geese this year. even saw some flying east and west too. and east north east and west south west. west north west and east south east too i believe.

Ya we saw a whole ton going south too today while scouting. I also saw some going east west up and south north left... Who knows what it going on!!! They are completely unpredictable this year.. Down here in Victoria they're on frozen ponds, frozen fields (with 8 inches of snow)... but yet we didn't find many at all up in the valley! :confused:

Have you been down to the bay?? If you are bored you can go bird watch the whack load of widgeons, pinnys, teals, gaddys, spoonbills, mallards, divers.... EVERYTHING!! Huge numbers of ducks in the bay right now... so I did some "shooting" with my Nikon.

--longshot jr.

02-26-2011, 10:01 PM
Saw a few flocks flying over Kelowna today, thought it was a little weird!