View Full Version : coyote hunting around kelowna?

02-22-2011, 04:38 PM
Hey ya'll im new to this site and new to hunting, i want to go do some coyote hunting around kelowna area this weekend, would anyone point me in the right direction for good areas? and tips
thanks in advance
and for a joke

Q:what is the cheapest meat you can buy?
A:deer balls because its under a buck.

02-22-2011, 11:00 PM
Hey first of all welcome to the site and great joke. I cant really say much about coyote hunting in the immediate kelowna area, ive done quite abit of hunting there and i cant say that i have seen all that many kicking around but then again ive never really looked for them:tongue:

02-23-2011, 01:06 AM
Lots of good areas around Kelowna for yotes and now it's a good time for shed hunting too! Postill Lake road anywhere up past the Party pit and lower than Km. 7 is pretty open , go for a short walk on lower side of the road, the airport provides lots of cover noise, during whitetail season this area sees alot of hunting pressure, and in the summer it's over run with mountain bikers and yahoos but now it should be fairly decent for coyotes. Another spot worth getting to know would be up the 'old' Chute Lake Rd., but you should get yourself a map to reference the city boundary line so you get into trouble.

02-23-2011, 01:26 PM
Thanks Jed, Postill lake looks like a great place according to google earth, ill probly try out that area, couple weeks ago i was driving down from vernon to winfield and just out of vernon there was a yote munching away at some carcass of an animal right on the side of the road, I'm thinking if that area would be alright?

02-23-2011, 02:24 PM
They all know to be afraid of me!!!!!!!!!

02-23-2011, 02:48 PM
I saw a few down sunset main not too long ago

02-23-2011, 03:07 PM
ya there was one downtown on lakeshore too a couple of days ago.....lol.......take your bow into the neighbourhood and you should be able to get one........lol.........maybe not

Big Lew
02-23-2011, 03:30 PM
I've seen a number of coyotes on the east side of the lakes, south of Vernon, and toward Kelowna, but there's an ecological zone along the power line to be aware of. Anywhere on the east side at lower elevations is heavily infested with ticks. I've shot deer north-west of Oyama Lake that looked like mangy dogs from all their scratching to get rid of them.