View Full Version : Gun Clubs

02-09-2011, 09:37 PM
I just recently joined the ridgedale gun club and last night a a general meeting they asked for volunteers for a work-b day this weekend which they announced at the meeting and prior, and too my suprise out of 18 new members no one volunteered to help out. They asked if anyone hade a hammer drill so since i had one i will help out this weekend, they said that they had 600 out of a possible 700 members, so what if only 10% of the members showed that would be 60, nice short day like that's going to happen. Get involved, i coach soccer, sponser hockey teams and i love my life

Give if you can if not your time is free

Gun Dog
02-09-2011, 11:18 PM
That's short notice. Mission sends out e-mail notices and gets around 50 a day.

02-09-2011, 11:25 PM
I was a executive at my old trap club. All work parties where always the same few members. The ones that always "BITCHED" never showed up for work parties. All I can say is good for you for being a new member and helping out, but don't expect a lot of new helpers.

02-09-2011, 11:54 PM
Good on ya Fearnodeer. I used to be a fire-chief for a few years in a volunteer organization. If it wasn't for all the great people willing to help me out I'd have been sunk! I have so much respect for those willing to help out and volunteer their time. It's too bad there weren't some way to reward those involved with giving their time so unselfishly. Some sort of income tax break, or be recognised by your local gov't with a property tax break.
It must be getting late cause I'm starting to dream.........