View Full Version : Bit of paper tuning question

02-06-2011, 02:53 PM
So I did a bit of paper tuning today and sure enough the arrows were tearing to the right so I moved my arrow rest in small increments till I got the great bullet holes we all love.

Here's the problem, Now the bow shoots pretty much perfect bullet holes but when my arrow is drawn back it's not parallel with the strait mark on the base of the riser. The arrow is actually pointed off to the left quite a bit.

When I bring my drop away up by hand to hold the arrow it looks out to lunch like it's pointed way off to the left of the bow, But it shoots through the paper perfect at a range of 6ft and 12ft???

Just leave it be and see how it shoots? Seems like my center shot is going to be out to lunch.

Thanks for the help:)

02-06-2011, 04:13 PM
Think about walkback tuning ...

shoot at 20 , then at 30 using the 20 pin, then at 40 using the 20 pin
your arrows should be in a nice up and down line ... if they are slanted ... then your centershot is way off ....

Its actually rather rare for a bow to shoot perfect bullets thru paper and be properly tuned ...
I personally find paper tuning to be an old wives tale and pretty close to useless

Bow Walker
02-06-2011, 04:19 PM
Take it out and do some Walk-Back tuning. That'll let you know how your setup is actually 'set up'.

Don't adjust anything before you do the walk-back shooting. If your out of alignment it will show up. Right now it looks as if you're set up is tuned and ready to go. Walk-Back tuning will either prove it or dis-prove it.

There are a of of little things that could account for the apparent mis-alignment of your rest.

Is the riser actually square? Is the rest itself square or is the mounting bracket bent slightly? 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th axis are factors for the arrow rest just as much as they are for the sight.

02-06-2011, 06:32 PM
Went to my little range I've got set up at work and did the walk back test.
10 Meter pin for 10,20,30,40,50 meters and it was OUT TO LUNCH...

Pretty much did a big diagonal line to the left.

I adjusted my rest 1/16" until I had a pretty much perfect line strait down the target. (as perfect as I could anyway 3 arrows per distance) I tightened down all my screws and bolts, readjusted the sights and now it's shooting big ass tears through the paper tuning board again so I took my paper tuning board and threw it in the trash bin.

So what's the deal with the paper tuning??? Does it work for some bows and not for others? The bows been shooting really well and I shouldn't have messed with it but I thought I could get just that little bit more out of it, ya know?

So The fletching contact problem is fixed (Thanks Rob) and it's shooting pretty darn well so I think I'll leave well enough alone and keep on shootin the hell out of her.

Thanks for the help fellas much appreciated.

02-06-2011, 10:09 PM
Ya i asked all the same questions 2 years ago, scrap the paper test , the walkback tuneing test is the way to go. Jody

Bow Walker
02-06-2011, 10:18 PM
I paper tuned one of my bows three or four years ago. Then I had it out target shooting and dialing it in for that particular season. Ended up changing pretty much all that the paper tuning process had altered.

I haven't paper tuned a bow since.

All it does is give you a starting point for further tuning. A starting point that I can 'eyeball' using the string, the sight pins, and the notch in the arrow rest's launcher.

At least you're go to go now.

02-07-2011, 07:45 AM
Think about walkback tuning ...

shoot at 20 , then at 30 using the 20 pin, then at 40 using the 20 pin
your arrows should be in a nice up and down line ... if they are slanted ... then your centershot is way off ....

Its actually rather rare for a bow to shoot perfect bullets thru paper and be properly tuned ...
I personally find paper tuning to be an old wives tale and pretty close to useless

x2 other than not all bows (but most) are set up with center shot, i.e. Monster is 13/16 off the riser,
throw the paper out and walk back tune will be your best tuning friend and shooting 30 arrows a day !!! :mrgreen:

03-25-2011, 11:40 PM
a perfect release will get a perfect tear, torq will create a funky hole as will a poor release hand finish.as a coach i suggest you use what works for you, as not everyone has perfect form or follow thru.

03-27-2011, 01:34 PM
There are some slow motion videos on you tube that show an arrow in flight and they are constantly flexing as they are released. So you would have to set up your paper tuning at different distances to get it done properly. Some guys set the paper tune up as close as 3 yards and some set it up right in front of the target some 30 yards away. I think it's a waste of time.

I myself don't bother with paper tuning. Walk back tuning works best for me.

Main thing is to make sure your arrows are properly spined for your bow. Find someone that has arrow software and give them your info and get the proper arrow. Then don't worry about paper tuning.

04-19-2011, 03:30 PM
Paper tuning was designed for recurve bows shot with fingers........not compounds. Walk-back tuning and simple group tuning is best for compounds.
Be sure to first ensure that your sight has been adjusted from the first to the third axis first or you may be just waisting your time. Paper is a total waist of time..........time better spent on doing something more important.
Also ensure that the arrows that you are shooting are all matched.

Have a great day....

04-20-2011, 08:59 AM
Your arrows will fly all funky if your cams aren't timed correctly. What type of bow is it?

Mountain Man
04-20-2011, 01:56 PM
Ya what nobody said !

Im with her on that !!

Good to see some women on here .

04-21-2011, 07:53 AM
Paper tuning was designed for recurve bows shot with fingers........not compounds. Walk-back tuning and simple group tuning is best for compounds.
Be sure to first ensure that your sight has been adjusted from the first to the third axis first or you may be just waisting your time. Paper is a total waist of time..........time better spent on doing something more important.
Also ensure that the arrows that you are shooting are all matched.

Have a great day....

I had the pleasure of shooting with 'Nobody' in my group as well as a couple other BC Team archers this year when I shot down in Abbotsford.
Great 'form' !!! and a very knowlegeable archer as well ! I definately agree that walk back tuning is best for compound archers......

04-21-2011, 08:52 AM
If you're hunting with it make sure your broadheads hit same as field points after you've done the walk back. If they don't there is still some small tuning adjustment you can do to make it better.

04-23-2011, 01:14 PM
Well i am going to dissagree . Paper tuneing with a bare shaft is a very good place to start. Its not the endall walk back tune after that . No tuning methed is a waste of time .

04-30-2011, 08:18 AM
I have an article from GT arrows that states 90% of archers don't benefit from paper tuning. So if you are in the 10% that competes world wide then you can paper tune until your hearts content.

Lots of good points in this thread as to why paper tuning isn't for everyone.