View Full Version : Shoot any odd balls?

02-04-2011, 11:01 PM
Just wondering what all people shot this season that was out of the ordinary, the addition of pics would be great!

Just browsing a bird book and checking out some cool ducks... was wondering if anyone has shot them around the lower mainland?.. examples of this would be:

-wood ducks, I've seen them before but I didn't see one the entire season I hunted.
-Harlequin Duck
-Eurasian Wigeon
-Canvas Back
-Cinnamon Teal
-Long tailed duck (I didn't do much hunting off of salt this year)
-Ruddy Duck

Im sure some of these "odd balls' for me are common for some of you guys, but I haven't seen any of them while hunting this season, or at least not that I know of.

I didn't shoot at any divers this year and the birds I took solely consisted of Mallards, Gadwall, Pintail, Wigeon and Northern Shovelers. I saw some golden eyes and teals but never did get either. Could never get the golden eyes to decoy and the few teal decoyed were shot by others I was hunting with.

also any abhorrent or x-breed ducks would be cool to see and hear about.