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View Full Version : Nanaimo 2-Day-er (day 2)

Bow Walker
06-25-2006, 08:36 PM
Well..........if we thought that it was hot on Saturday, whew, that was nothing compared to Sunday. Thank goodness for the breeze!

Saturday, your's truly shot THE worst round ever in his short and non-distinguished career. Sucks to be me on Saturday. Excuses? Well, uh.....equipment problems.....yeah that's it. Equipment problems. Darned bow anyway!

Major alterations to the problem child Saturday evening and into the night. Changed rest, changed peep sight, changed nocking point, changed tiller, upped the poundage by 5 - 8 lbs (I payed for that late Sunday afternoon), cut my arrows down by about 1.5 inches, re-fletched the whole bunch, changed point weights and then got up early on Sunday morning to sight-in what by this time was virtually a totally different bow.

Sunday morning (about 7:40 a.m.) was cool, crisp, and clean. Great to be alive. Went into the clubhouse and scrounged a cuppa and then went over to the target butts to do the necessary sighting in.

By the time I was finished and moderately satisfied, we all gathered to get our instructions for the day. Surprise, surprise. Sunday is going to be a 2-arrow round as well. Scoring was the same as Saturday - 10, 8, 5 for the first arrow and 5, 4, 2 for the second arrow if it was necessary.

Still 30 targets out there waiting to be assaulted by the now grown number of shooters over Saturday. I estimated about 65 to 75 shooters? Anyone disagree? Good - no truth mongers among the liers out there.

9:30 a.m. and we all trudged out to our respective targets for the shotgun start. For the closer people it was also time to stand around at the target and get eaten by the ever hungry mosquitoes that were in what could only be termed as "over abundance". Hungry little buggers I must say.

Once the round was over, most shooters were cooperative and brought in their last target. The club members went out and retrieved the rest of them while the rest of us tried to find some cool shade where we proceed to feed and water our mistreated bodies, stand around and swap lies about how we shot, and generally gossip away the time until the prize draw.

During all this gossip it was rumoured that Oldtimer spent the night in jail. The reason for this was not entirely made clear, but the Parksville detachment of the RCMP have promised a statement in the "near future" - whatever that means.

Maybe the giraffe coerced the Friendly Giant into a night on the town? Maybe the giraffe needed a partner to do the pub crawl around Parksville, Hilliers, and Errington? That might have taken about an hour and a half, so what happened with the rest of the night Mike? Are there a couple of broken hearts in French Creek??

The drive back down Island to Victoria was hot, tiring, and boring. The air coming in through all the open windows was hot, even at 120 kph it was hot. Didn't even feel much of a temperature change when driving through the shady valley at the end of Findlayson Arm. Now that's hot.

All in all this past weekend was one of the more interesting and friendly ones that I have spent in a long while. Congratulations to the Nanaimo Fish and Game Club (now officially the "NFG ARCHERS" - gotta do something about that name John) and all he volunteers who put on a really good shoot. Especially the volunteers - because they didn't have to be there, but they were. Kudos to the course designers and the course setter uppers for making an all around great course.

Already looking forward to next year! The next time I will come prepared though. I will take a pint of blood and just leave it in the bush as an offering to the mosquito gods.

06-25-2006, 08:50 PM
Glad to hear you had fun. I think everyone had a lot of fun :) .

Saturday nights fun shoots were a blast. The prizes were great, going to be hard to top the number of prizes we had this time next time. I hope the food was at least edible, we did our best in the kitchen. My first time with kitchen duty :???: . Saturday nights potluck went really well, and will be done again for sure next year. We got some new and interesting ideas for next years shoot, from many people.

Good to meet many of you from the site, even though i forgot to wear my HBC hat, I got recognised. Must be from the wanted pictures at the post office :) .

I will say thanks for coming out to our shoot, from all of us at the Nanaimo fish and game.

And a special thanks to mike and his wife for going the extra miles, well in this case many extra miles. To make it to our shoot. Great to meet you guys.

Thanks again.


07-04-2006, 08:22 AM
Well the missus and I are back home now and just have to respond.
First off thanks to Marc for being there to greet us and make us feel welcome. The pot luck supper on Saturday nite was awesome !!!! I love white spring.
It was good to meet all the other HBC guys and a bunch of others. BowWalker , Bow Sitter and his son especially. Just don't believe any lies about me on Saturday nite, I was a good boy !!
Now to the shoot. It was different than what I am used to. First experience with a "2 arrow shoot and a 30 target round " The course was beautifull and those Island boys know how to camoflage the targets, my old eyes had a hard time picking some out but it was a great shoot none the less. As it was only Barb's second shoot she did awesome and came away with second place in her category and I was well down in the standings ( good shooters over there !!! )
BowWalker , if you think those were mosquitoes I invite you up north to meet some real bugs !!
If any of you guys get a chance to go to Nanaimo I would highly recommend it as the people are awesome. ( don't worry about the loan you have to take out to get on the ferry )
Once again to all the HBC guys and members of the NFG club thanks a lot and we will now expect to see you over here.
PS. Both Barb and I loved that moving bear target and just may get one built for up here.
Once again thanks Mike and Barb.

07-04-2006, 08:46 AM
Glad you enjoyed yourself Mike, it was great to meet you and Barb. I wish we could have shot together but maybe next time! :smile:

Bow Walker
07-04-2006, 10:31 AM
Was a pleasure to meet you and the boss Mike, if (and when) we make it up there we will be sure to look you up.

It was nice listening to some different whining than what I have been used to hearing down here.:wink: Sort of a different perspective that's for sure.

From what you said about your style shoots up there I would be very interested in participating in one. Maybe in the fall when all those low flying planes (that you call mosquitoes) are gone?

Best regards.

07-04-2006, 01:25 PM
Anytime you guys !! Just come on up.
Bowsitter I forgot to say what a pleasure it was shooting in the same group as your son on the hunter challenge round. He is a fine young man and you should be proud.
Marc I just saw your LEH results -- congrats and what draw in 5-13 did you get ?? Mike

07-04-2006, 03:23 PM
blackwater any bull :)

07-04-2006, 04:22 PM
Marc. give us a call if you need a place to stay before you head out or if you need a good meat cutter in town. Or if during the hunt you need a place to shower or clean bloody clothes let me know. Mike

07-04-2006, 04:27 PM

I'll definately give you a call so we can have a bullshit and some coffee :).
We'll be up there the last week and a half of september. Its taken me 10 years to draw another LEH tag, so we'll be going for it come hell or high water.


07-04-2006, 04:51 PM
Anytime you guys !! Just come on up.
Bowsitter I forgot to say what a pleasure it was shooting in the same group as your son on the hunter challenge round. He is a fine young man and you should be proud.
Marc I just saw your LEH results -- congrats and what draw in 5-13 did you get ?? Mike
Thanks Mike, I really appreciate that!:) .....Ron