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01-03-2011, 10:11 PM
When i was 17 my dad and I went and challenged are FAC or PAL. I was told at the time I could right the test and could not apply for my licence until i was 19 so I did. When I was 20 or 21 I applied and got it now almost 6 years later I got a letter in the mail saying that becuase I was under age I could not challenge it but had to take a course and i have 90 days to challenge it or my PAL or it is invalid.

01-03-2011, 10:18 PM
You are the second person this week with a story like this. It seems unbelievable that the RCMP suddenly feel a need to harass someone who went through the proper steps at a young age, passed the test and has presumably been a responsible gun owner for several years. Fortunately, the test is very easy and you shouldn't have any trouble passing your challenge.

01-03-2011, 11:01 PM
Yup me to, i took it last year when i was 15 and got 100% but unfortunately it is invalid now.

01-03-2011, 11:09 PM
That is b--ls--t, what will they think of next?

island grown
01-03-2011, 11:16 PM
That's a bunch of crap!!!! I took my firearms course when I was 16. The course covered restricted and non-restricted. I didn't send in my paper work until I was 23 and they had no problem with it. They didn't honor the restricted part though.

01-03-2011, 11:22 PM
I just heard a similar story the other day from an instructor.

Seems that the cops have decided it's easier to pound on law abiding citizens than chase down thieving crackheads. Go for the low-hanging fruit boys, then have a 2 hour donut break at TH while some scumbag is robbing granny's house. :-|

01-03-2011, 11:29 PM
Did you try signing up to canadiangunnutz.com and asking there? A few legal beagles over there.

You may also ask the RCMP exactly which law you are breaking?

01-03-2011, 11:34 PM
Go to your local court house there is a form the clerk will give you that allows you to ask for a provincial court justice to review the case. It cost you nothing and it puts the onous on them to prove there case.

01-03-2011, 11:51 PM
Gotta a little letter going to mail it to my local DJ, boom boom boom bing bang, it's a rockin little record I want my Jockey to play, ding dang dang dong, roll over bay toe von and tell cher kosky the news.
Jel ( I gotta a little letter ) Do you really want to hurt me? Boy George. Can't get a ticket for an aeroplane, ain't got time to take a fast train, lonely daze are gone Im ah goin home, my BABY wrote me a Letter.

01-04-2011, 12:44 AM
Sure you can have your PAL back, IF YOU PAY! Just like I now have to pay to operate a 12 ft aluminum with a motor even though I have been doing it for 30 years!

01-04-2011, 12:52 AM
In the letter it stated the act in which it made it unlawfu for me to aquire a pal the way i did however neither the firearms instructor or the government ever said anything. I think for my new one i should not pay because they sold me something that was invalid.

01-04-2011, 12:57 AM
I would also demand all fees you have paid towards registration be refunded since they collected them illegally. The law should work both ways.

Mr. Dean
01-04-2011, 01:46 AM
This is twisted.

01-04-2011, 03:37 AM
I'm with Everett on this one it would be interesting to see what the outcome would be..

01-04-2011, 06:27 AM
Welcome to the new "norm"... Remember the bulletin released by the NFA after the police cheifs conference saying their plans were maximum enforcement of firearms regulation on lawful firearms owners including ignoring the amnesty... Welcome to the "New" canada! All BS little substance...

I hope you gun org memberships are paid up!


01-04-2011, 07:12 AM
Free country my ass

01-04-2011, 09:56 AM
My son is 12 and has a junior pal. Looks like the real macoy, just cant own a gun till he's 18 or 19.

01-04-2011, 10:40 AM
I did a search over on CGN, like Gatehouse stated, there's some very savvy legal beagles over there. I wasn't able to find a single post on this topic. I wonder if a "Made in BC" issue???

Either way it's complete BULL. You can drive a car at 16 and do far more harm far quicker.

01-04-2011, 11:41 AM
Do a search in in the legalese section on CGN for Firearm act Judicial review. You have right when you are refused a Pal/Registration to have a Provincial cout judge review the case. You be suprised at how often a judge disasgrees with the RCMP.

01-04-2011, 11:55 AM
just a note to let everyone know,,,,, ALL INSTRUCTOR / EXAMINERS were sent letters in 2000/ 2001 to the effect that minors could NOT challenge the course or exams.(UNDER 18.)
Some examiners did not follow protocol and those people that got thru at that time are now being caught up with.
Not sure if what has been suggested will work, but if no cost , no hesitation, go for it.
Do suggest a membership in the canadien gun association so if a lawyer is needed , they would be free to yiour valid #.jm2$w

01-06-2011, 08:02 PM
My 21 yr old son got this absurd letter as well.After having has pal for 2 yrs the threat is 90 days form date of letter .That threat is to revoke his pal if he does not re do or challange the test in the next 90 days.WTF is happening in this country I mean he has never even had 1 Traffic Violation and now this beauracratic BS.The whole GUN control thing needs to go when they target the law abiding citizen.They reviewed his Pal application and he passed his criminal check took his money gave him a Pal and now they want it back.I would like something as well like a new government or all the peeps employed by us in these BS high paying jobs to join us in the unemployment line F##$$ BS:confused::confused:

01-06-2011, 10:49 PM
Go and challenge the test, pay the coin and adjust accordingly, the moe knows that this happened to lots of people by mistake and needs corrected.
That's what common cent$ says. Venting is obvious , like a kettle blowing steam, but common cents should over ride emotion.
One real tuff mother told me one day his philosophy.
.... " If your going to play ... Your going to pay."
.... yah pays da money ... yah takes yer chances .................................
Jelly Donuts .................Luck and Chance happens to them all ................
sorry to hear your frustration and anger. Every Rose Has It's Thorns...every night has it's dawn ..
.. and every cowboy has a sad sad song. What is POISON

01-07-2011, 12:03 AM
Fight the pricks stand up for your self.

01-07-2011, 12:28 AM
Just goes to show you how low they will stoop to carry out their agendas.

Pretty lowly if you ask me. These guys who went through the process and did it right and got 'er done should not be harassed.

Buncha BS if you ask me.