View Full Version : 2010 Goat and Sheep Hunt

01-02-2011, 06:14 PM
Let me introduce myself, my name is Peter Kehler aka the Lurker :),I am 55 years old. I was raised in a none hunting family and was not allowed to play with guns.At 16 my parents relented seeing I was obsessed with guns and hunting. At 18, I went on my first hunt which was a road trip to Anaheim lake.I did not get anything that first year except knowledge.The second year, I got my fist doe and 4x4 mulie,I have never looked back.
2010 hunting plans started late in 2009 when a younger friend mentioned his interest in sheep and goat hunting. We talked of region 6 and I thought I could get him and his uncle into one of the big lakes and I would hunt the lakeshore and look after the camp.Then I read S Rupps post on his Muskwa sheep hunt and I started training and collecting gear.Even as we did our epic road trip I had doubts as to whether I could still get into the alpine.
Aug 22 found us launching the boat and found our campsite that I had scouted on Google Earth.We split into two groups of two,one on either side of the lake.Next morning we started up.It was steep and hard but we made it up to tree line by mid afternoon and made our spike camp. Next morning we headed out, found some water and started hunting, We spotted some white shapes on a distant ridge and through the spotting scope confirmed that they were ewes and lambs. We continued on and spotted a lone goat on the next mtn feeding in our direction. We sat on the mtn side watching this goat when suddenly another goat appears 120 yds below us. In all 16 goats bedded down below us, at first we thought this was bad luck as these goats would be in the way when our lone goat got to within range across the gorge from us.But the lone goat changed his direction and disappeared form view. At this point we started looking over the goats below.I did not expect to find a billy in with the nannies and kids but we did. We spotted one goat of interest and were watching it. It got up and scratched its ear with its hind leg, thats when we saw his balls hanging there. We dropped our binos and said to each other " did you see that.
After a quick discussion on whether to pull the trigger on day two, It was decided to take him as I did not know if I had the jam to do this for 7 days.
I set up our 2 backpacks as a rifle rest, ranged the gaot at 160 yds, fired one 140 gr bullet from the rem700 mtn rifle, the goat colapsed and did not move. I could not believe this as I have seen enough clips of goats cartwheeling down mtn sides.





My 2 other partners on the other side of the lake got a really nice caribou and 2 goats. No sheep.
As we were hanging our goat meat in our meat tent back at base camp, we heard splashing in the lake. We came out of the bush to see 4 caribou run through our camp. My goat is 8.5 inches, not a monster but it is going up on my wall beside my sheep form 1994......Peter

01-02-2011, 06:20 PM
That pic is awsome , good write up thanks

01-02-2011, 06:25 PM
So far , so good. Love that photo.

01-02-2011, 06:29 PM
Nice write up and picture, congrats. Any more field pics to share..

01-02-2011, 06:37 PM
Congratulations... always wanted to do a goat hunt... guess I still have time as I am a couple of years away from 55. Nice write up and picture.

Ride Red
01-02-2011, 06:58 PM
Very cool, how about more pictures.

01-02-2011, 07:04 PM
Goat huntin and the country they live in gets me excited. Good on you for gettin up the mountain. You have almost 10 years on me and I can barely get up the mountain, with all the worn out joints and all. Have fun.

01-02-2011, 07:20 PM
http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k604/pathfinder55/Picture035.jpg Coming down off the mtn. All the help I got from this sight was amazing. My Lowa boots were amazing, the sock liner info and hiking poles all led to NO blisters or foot problems. My old camp trails frame and pack did the job....Peter
We had lots of time to fish and explore the lake.
An interesting find, A Merlin falcon had killed a Kestrel falcon but could not get air born as we walked past it....Peter

01-02-2011, 07:34 PM
Amazing ! bird pic
Whats the chance of getting that one. Good on ya. Priceless !!!!

01-02-2011, 08:56 PM
Thanks for the great photos. Looks like you had an awesome time.

01-02-2011, 09:03 PM
Congratulations Peter on a great hunt and a great trophy. The pictures are excellent, especially that one of the falcons. That's a once in a lifetime picture.

01-02-2011, 09:05 PM
Congrats on your hunt.Those hiking poles make a huge differance i used them this year really help to save energy.

01-02-2011, 09:14 PM
Looks like a trip of a lifetime. Good for you for taking the time to do it. I hope to do something like that with my kids before I get to crippled.....

01-02-2011, 10:10 PM
Great story. I hope that's not the end.......

01-03-2011, 12:31 PM
My 10 yr old nephew has as expressed a deep interest in my hunting, so I told him that when he turned 14, I would take him. Last year he confided in his mother that he was worried that I would die before he turned 14:-) So I could not let him suffer. His mother brought him out from Calgary and we met in Golden and hunted in between Donald and Kinbasket lake for 4 days. He shot his first grouse and snowshoe hare and I got my first whitetail doe. I think I have created another hunter and maybe my future Alberta host.
Rounded out the season with our annual mule deer trip into the Chilcotin. Forest fires have ravaged our are for the last 2 years, but we still managed to get 2 bucks and 2 does........Peter



01-03-2011, 12:40 PM
What model of Lowa boots were you sporting up there?

01-03-2011, 12:51 PM
my boots areTibet Pro GTX, bought them at wholesale sport in Langely when the store opened at 25% off....Peter

mikek blacktail
01-03-2011, 01:16 PM
way to goe awesome story