View Full Version : Just plain wrong

12-18-2010, 07:42 PM
Why is it when you setup for mallards that you know should be there, you get ducks that have no business being there? Must get blown in with the ugly storm system blowing through.

I mean Matt shot a drake ringneck last year in a slough and thats the first one we've ever shot, and now we had drake after drake come into a mallard duck hole. :confused: Never even saw a hen the whole time.

Do I have to season them or do they come a little bit salty as they are???? hahahaha....divers


12-18-2010, 07:46 PM
Ya, we certainly have had some wierd weather lately. First warm front storm comes and all of our mallards are gone!!!

Congrats on the ringnecks!! Somethin' a lil different...

Longshot jr.

12-18-2010, 10:04 PM
love the divers adam!! real waterfowlers shoot divers!


12-18-2010, 10:16 PM
Hell I figure if we can shoot a whack of drake ringnecks out of the pond I want a single canvasback to come floating by... In my dreams.

field marshal
12-18-2010, 10:33 PM
C.F. if you don't want those Blackjacks can I please have them ,just pluck them nicely and freeze them. I'll send Marc to get them when he comes over for dog food!! In return Ill send you some crappy Winchester Xperts.:mrgreen:. I shore does love those Ringnecks.:wink:
Cheers, Field Marshal.

12-19-2010, 06:19 AM
We've had a few ringnecks over the years, they were OK to eat, not in the corn fed mallard class, but not bad.

12-19-2010, 11:25 AM
We had a flock of about 30 in one slough we frequent about a month ago, but my son left them alone as we generally don't shoot divers. Yesterday we were at another slough nearby and jumped 2 different pairs of 2 drakes. They would have been easy pickings for the boy but again he let them fly.