View Full Version : West Coast VI for mallards??

12-17-2010, 10:51 PM
OK so I'm fairly new to duck hunting - do a weekend or two a year down in Cow bay, with decent sucess from a ground blind over a couple dozen decoys. Problem is that I live on the west coast of the island, and our small estuarys just don't hold the number of mallards that the bigger estuaries on the east coast of the island do.

So my question is, what have you guys experienced when hunting small estuarys that have anywhere from a dozen to maybe as many as 50(resident for the winter?) ducks? Once you shoot do they just bugger off to the next smal estuary leavingy ou sitting there for hours with nothing coming in? Or do they just circle for 5-10 minutes til they get comfortable again? I've often thought jump shooting them might be the only realistic option - sneak down in the timber and pop one or two, then move on to the next spot...

Anyway - if anyone has any experience with such areas, feel free to share your experiences...
