View Full Version : Merritt Ice Fishing Derby

12-11-2010, 10:19 PM
Posted with written permission from Marc Robichaud

It's that time of year again where the Nicola valley Fish & game Club holds the annual Ice Fishing Derby. Over the years, it's our 11th this year, this event has grown into one of the biggest events of this kind in BC. All the moneys raised at the event are earmarked for our many angler, hunter, wildlife and habitat conservation programs.


Serving for the 3th consecutive year as the ice fishing derby chairman I am proud to play a small part in providing the enthusiastic winter sport angler with an event like this. I also would like to thank the many volunteers from the NVF&GC for their hard work to make this the great event it is. I look forward to personally welcome you at this important charity fundraiser.

12-17-2010, 11:58 AM
hope to see some of u guys out there.

12-17-2010, 02:18 PM
What kind of coarse fish are in there, seeing as I've never fished for trout? Are the holes pre-drilled or do I have to go buy an auger?

12-17-2010, 03:34 PM
no pre drilled holes. but i m sure there is some one close by that might drill ur hole out for ya. this is a big event and we get at least 200 people every year. not sure on the species of coarse fish but i do know u cant keep burbot if caught.

12-17-2010, 05:21 PM
Where abouts is that lake?

12-17-2010, 05:31 PM
From merritt you go towards logan lake, big lake on the left of the highway, easy to find. I remember when someone tried to weigh in a ling cod haha good thing the CO wasn't around

12-17-2010, 10:13 PM
Does anyone know what kind of coarse fish are in there?

12-17-2010, 11:36 PM
Northern pike minnow and they get pretty big in there ahhaha. I think a kid weighed one in last year at 4.5pounds.

12-19-2010, 05:10 PM
This just in. I got confirmation that award winning wildlife and nature photographer Heidi I. Koehler will come to the ice fishing derby to take professional "trophy" pictures of the anglers that catch fish. She agreed to donate part of the modest photography fee to the Nicola Valley Fish & Game Club, earmarked for one of our many conservation programs.

I am also in contact with the Mayor of Merritt and hopefully she has time to come to the derby to hand out the prizes to the lucky winners and pose for a picture with them as a souvenir of this great event.

For those of you living in Merritt and area. Advance tickets are now available at:
Nicola Valley Outdoors Store (formerly known as Powderkeg).
Ponderosa Hunting & Fishing Tackle.

See you all on the ice. :-D

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.

01-14-2011, 10:34 PM
hope to see some of you guys out there sunday!

01-17-2011, 06:03 PM
We had a great event yesterday. Due to bad weather conditions on the Cquihalla summit and Helmer Lake, ice and snow, we had not as many people attending as in previous years. Still over 150 anglers and their families made it to the derby and were not disappointed. The weather was sunny with little wind, which is is not always the case as anyone familiar with Mammette Lake knows, when the blows it blows good.

The fishing was exceptionally good with lots of big trout been caught. For me this was a great relieve and one of my biggest worries as right up to the day the fishing reports from Mammette Lake where less than encouraging. However, the night before the derby a warm weather front moved though the valley and got the fish on the move.

The honorable Susan Roline, Mayor of Merritt, was on hand to give away the prize monies for 1st, 2nd and 3th trout as well as overall heaviest coarse fish. There where lots of other prizes to be had, such as hidden weight and many door prizes and kids raffle prizes.

Radio, TV and Newspapers sent out reporters to the event so there will be a lot of public broadcasting about the derby and the club. I was busy most of the day "entertaining" the media and I am sorry I did not meet everyone personally. Usually I make a point of making my rounds on the ice and meet with anglers.

As the ice fishing derby committee chairman and on behalf of the Nicola Valley Fish & Game Club I would like to say huge thank you to all the hard working volunteers and the generous donations from good people, the industry and merchants of Merritt. Without these wonderful folks it would not be possible to pull such an event off. I am proud to serve as chairman and work with such dedicated people. Also a big thank you to the CO detachment of Merritt for their assistance and to the Highway department working hard to keep plenty of sand on the highway, making it safe to drive for everybody attending the event.

A few pictures of the event will follow.

01-17-2011, 08:16 PM
Wish I woulda heard about this before it happend, how was weather?

01-17-2011, 08:57 PM
the weather couldnt have been any better.

01-17-2011, 09:07 PM
It was a great day on the lake. Even a fellow out there towing a boat. I wanted the c o to check for his boating permit, but he declined. It seems all the fish were being caught on the far side of the lake. ( Natch!) It was a good thing there were holes being drilled in the thick ice, though, It gave someplace for the water to drain. I didn't even get a bite, but came home with three trout, though. Dave

01-17-2011, 09:18 PM
Wish I woulda heard about this before it happend, how was weather?

I am sorry you didn't know about the derby it was well advertised in and around Merritt and here on HBC. Send me an email and I will send you the information for next year.

01-17-2011, 09:22 PM
Thanks, I'll have to remember about this event for next year

01-17-2011, 09:23 PM
It was a great day on the lake. Even a fellow out there towing a boat. I wanted the c o to check for his boating permit, but he declined. It seems all the fish were being caught on the far side of the lake. ( Natch!) It was a good thing there were holes being drilled in the thick ice, though, It gave someplace for the water to drain. I didn't even get a bite, but came home with three trout, though. Dave

I saw that guy with the boat too. Looked like they had a lot of fun. That is what the derby is all about, family and having a good time.

I read that you're from Hope so I've to ask you. I was told that we had a guest from Hope who is an outdoor writer like myself. Are you that person?? If so I would love to talk to you. I wanted to meet you on the ice but was busy entertaining the media. If you have a minute I would greatly appreciate if you could contact me. Thanks.

01-17-2011, 09:26 PM
the weather couldnt have been any better.

You're right about that and while I have your attention I would like you express my gratitude for doing an exceptionally good job organizing all the food and manning the hospitality tent. We need more people like you.:mrgreen:

01-17-2011, 09:26 PM
what ever happened to the derby on Shumway, I don't hear about that one anymore either and I try looking

01-18-2011, 09:03 AM
Othmar 421fighter was the outdoor writer he was set up bout 100 yards from the tent LOL. u actaully were standing right beside him at one point LOL. As for me helpin thats what a club is all about, now whats next on the agenda LOL

01-18-2011, 05:56 PM
Othmar 421fighter was the outdoor writer he was set up bout 100 yards from the tent LOL. u actaully were standing right beside him at one point LOL

I did not know the person. Richard told me that there is "this outdoor writer that wants to talk to me". So close yet so far.:mrgreen:

As for me helpin thats what a club is all about, I wish more people would see it like you. We would get so much more done. Instead I hear complaints why this, that and the other doesn't get done.:wink:

...now whats next on the agenda LOL

Where shall I begin? Archery range needs to be totally rebuilt. Shooting houses need to be repaired, possibly enlarged too. Range needs to be put back into shape after all the pine beetle logging. Fundraisers and other upcoming events for the Merritt centennial need to be organized, and...shall I go on?:mrgreen:

01-18-2011, 08:16 PM
I did not know the person. Richard told me that there is "this outdoor writer that wants to talk to me". So close yet so far.:mrgreen:
I wish more people would see it like you. We would get so much more done. Instead I hear complaints why this, that and the other doesn't get done.:wink:

Where shall I begin? Archery range needs to be totally rebuilt. Shooting houses need to be repaired, possibly enlarged too. Range needs to be put back into shape after all the pine beetle logging. Fundraisers and other upcoming events for the Merritt centennial need to be organized, and...shall I go on?:mrgreen:

I agree 100 percent with u yes the archery range and the shoot houses definatly need to be rebuilt. I think they houses for sure have to be bigger not much room to sit and spot for some one when they are shooting. see ya at the meeting tomorrow.