View Full Version : Venison - well done or medium rare?

12-06-2010, 04:43 PM
Is there any health reason to overcook venison from a healthy deer? I know that bears can carry trichinosis. What, if any, possible problems are there with deer, moose, etc.?

12-06-2010, 04:50 PM
Not sure, but I always leave mine pink inside. i hate well done meat, except burger.

12-06-2010, 04:52 PM
Only problem is you will have a dried out tough piece of deer meat. :wink:

Nice and pink for me....seared on the outside and a rare-ish center.

12-06-2010, 04:55 PM
Rare, Cut off the horns and runn it through a warm room. Shes done!!

Really though, I've been eating game for 34 years and im ok. Just not bear.

12-06-2010, 04:57 PM
No issues eating medium rare deer or moose, and way better IMHO as well.

12-06-2010, 04:58 PM
Medium Rare, rather get a parasite than eat boot leather steak...

12-06-2010, 04:59 PM
As long as I see blood in the meat,It's ok.

Well done doesn't taste too bad,but I don't feel I'm eating game meat when it's well done!

12-06-2010, 05:01 PM
Medium rare to medium at most. Way better tasting and eating when its not overcooked.

Lone Ranger
12-06-2010, 05:04 PM
Absolutely, medium rare is as far done as I'll ever touch a steak or roast. LR

12-06-2010, 05:04 PM
the redder the better, nothing worse than over cooked meat! tastes like shit and is a waste. keep it rare and enjoy. I also add a lot of oil to any marinade due to the face that wild meat has no fat, it helps keep it moist

12-06-2010, 05:10 PM
Medium Rare! If the wife turns her nose up to the gamier taste, which mine used to, try a little French Dressing as a marinade, she loves it.

Summit 512
12-06-2010, 05:18 PM
I have been eating medium rare moose and deer since I was a kid and I am healthy as a horse. As long as the animal is healthy there should be no worries.

12-06-2010, 05:23 PM
i eat the more tender cuts med/ med rare , but theres some tougher roasts that just love the 8 hour slow cook to a melt in your mouth well donness

blackwater moose
12-06-2010, 05:26 PM
pink in the middle for me

12-06-2010, 06:14 PM
Gotta have some juice flowing and left on the plate to suit my taste. Always rare for steaks and roasts. Mike

12-06-2010, 06:16 PM
If it's a tough cut, then by all means slowly braise it to tenderness, but if it's a prime cut....


12-06-2010, 06:50 PM
Geez, Gates, that looks positively scrumptious, you can come and cook at my house, anyday!

BTW, did you ever do a fish-game cookbook as some of us bugged you to a few years ago?

12-06-2010, 07:04 PM
deer and moose are extremely lean, with almost zero fat. if you cook it well done, it will become very tough.

medium rare is best, medium at the most.

12-06-2010, 07:21 PM
Geez, Gates, that looks positively scrumptious, you can come and cook at my house, anyday!

BTW, did you ever do a fish-game cookbook as some of us bugged you to a few years ago?

There was an HBC cookbook a few years ago.

Now that I have some time, maybe I should explore making a game cooking book. Most of the stuff I make at home is just good quality ingredients, prepared correctly, not too complicated, but probably a little fancier than the average hunter prepares, most of the time.

I like recipe books that will actually get used. Too many of them are so complex that they are really just a chefs ego trip put into a coffee table book, where people just look at the pictures.

yukon john
12-06-2010, 07:24 PM
the rarer the better, chew some copenhagen to get rid of the worms

12-06-2010, 10:17 PM

12-06-2010, 10:24 PM
medium rare is the only way. Boot leather for dinner sucks. Hate to say it but would rather eat beef than eat well done deer.

12-06-2010, 10:35 PM
:-D Another vote for medium rare...medium at the very most...anyone doesn't like it, send them to McDonalds while you enjoy your venison!

12-07-2010, 11:10 AM
Take it out of the oven or off the heat when it's a little more than rare. Let it set. Eat at medium rare.

Bow Walker
12-07-2010, 11:33 AM
Rare, Cut off the horns and runn it through a warm room. Shes done!!

Really though, I've been eating game for 34 years and im ok. Just not bear.
:mrgreen: Are you sure? :wink:

Well Blair, you've asked and now you know. Anything "steak worthy" shouldn't be done past medium rare. In reality, all the meat on a deer is tender enough to make steak out of - it's like a pig or a lamb, in that it's all tender (except the shanks of course).

Now go enjoy your harvest.

12-07-2010, 11:44 AM
Geez, Gates, that looks positively scrumptious, you can come and cook at my house, anyday!

BTW, did you ever do a fish-game cookbook as some of us bugged you to a few years ago?
Positively scrumptious? Sure doesn't sound like an old Devilbear to me!


12-07-2010, 01:05 PM
Medium rare, its ungulate meat, no need to over cook.

12-07-2010, 01:14 PM
:mrgreen: Are you sure? :wink:

Well Blair, you've asked and now you know. Anything "steak worthy" shouldn't be done past medium rare. In reality, all the meat on a deer is tender enough to make steak out of - it's like a pig or a lamb, in that it's all tender (except the shanks of course).

Now go enjoy your harvest.

I'm 36. I put 34 years..... O damn im 35!
any who i put 34 years (now to correct it to 33 years) because my dad hunted to support us. So i figure a kid eats red meat starting around 2 years old. Im not a dad so i am a bit unsure of the 2 year old bit.........
but that was how my mom cooked it.

Anyway whatever:mrgreen: I hope the O.P gets the point. Ive eaten game rare to medium as long as ive been eating red meat how long that has been I guess im not really sure?

Or were you meaning that another way? :) If so i hope i didnt just prove you right!!!

12-07-2010, 02:15 PM
I'm 36. I put 34 years..... O damn im 35!
any who i put 34 years (now to correct it to 33 years) because my dad hunted to support us. So i figure a kid eats red meat starting around 2 years old. Im not a dad so i am a bit unsure of the 2 year old bit.........
but that was how my mom cooked it.

Anyway whatever:mrgreen: I hope the O.P gets the point. Ive eaten game rare to medium as long as ive been eating red meat how long that has been I guess im not really sure?

Or were you meaning that another way? :) If so i hope i didnt just prove you right!!!

You'd better start cooking it well done.:mrgreen:

12-07-2010, 02:17 PM
You'd better start cooking it well done.:mrgreen:

I know :( :mrgreen:.....

12-07-2010, 03:34 PM
Never cook it "well" done unless you are looking for a good long chew on a nasty little nugget. Medium rare at the max and prefferably rare. Sear the outside and turn the heat down low and let it cook for a little while. Should be red/pink on the inside and a nice brown on the outside. Bar none, every person that I know that doesn't like game meat is because they want it cooked to death.

Sleep Robber
12-08-2010, 01:20 AM
Knock it's horns off, wipe it's ass, and walk it by the stove. :mrgreen:

Stone Sheep Steve
12-08-2010, 04:43 AM
My Mom used to make hockey pucks out of venison roasts. Don't have very fond memories of eating them:?.

Glad I saw the light ...
somewhere along the line.
As most have said...rare-med rare.

Use a meat thermometer. Best investment I've ever made.


1/2 slam
12-08-2010, 06:33 PM
Medium rare...why ruin it. :-D I slow cook roasts stuffed with garclic, seasoned and wrapped in bacon...medium rare again.

12-08-2010, 07:59 PM
medium rare , with a touch of blood .possibly a beverage to accompany my meal

12-09-2010, 08:00 AM
I like Medium Well done, I find nothing worse than my plate looking like a Accident scene!!! Blood running into my mashed Potatoes and Salad kinda makes me want to go pick up a Burger at Micky D's!!!

12-09-2010, 08:41 AM
mmmm, accident scene.

I'll take mine rare please.

12-09-2010, 12:56 PM
Knock it's horns off, wipe it's ass, and walk it by the stove. :mrgreen:

Hahahahaha hahahha LMAO.......so funny but true

12-13-2010, 06:25 AM
My Mom used to make hockey pucks out of venison roasts. Don't have very fond memories of eating them.


My Mom must have taught your Mom how to cook.:mrgreen: