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View Full Version : Frozen Meat and Cutting

11-28-2010, 09:24 PM
I got a deer Nov. 23 during the deep freeze in Region 5 and we stayed out in the bush until Saturday the 28th. so the meat has froze of course. I like to cut my game at home using a knife - can i thaw the meat and cut then re-freeze it? Or do I need to take it to a butcher and have them saw it frozen and wrap it without thawing?

11-28-2010, 09:43 PM
You could most likely thaw it out and re freeze it. I've done that with moose trimmings that I wanted made into sausage and roni.

11-28-2010, 09:44 PM
i would head to the butcher for this one

11-28-2010, 09:50 PM
Let it thaw but only to the point where you can cut it. I just today finished the second deer that my buddy shot last weekend. I finished mine yesterday. Come Wed, even here in the LML they were frozen solid. It was cold and hard on the fingers, but it's all done but the cooking!

11-28-2010, 09:56 PM
Fly at 'er. Thawing it enough to cut and followed by re-freezing wont hurt. Best if you can cut it while it's only partially thawed. Easy to make straight cuts with the knife, and the meat stays cold.

Have done it a few times with late season deer that froze. Also thawed trimmings & burger out for sausage and froze it again. Never caused bad flavour.

11-28-2010, 10:18 PM
Thaw it enough to cut and wrap it then refreeze it. I've done that lots with no problem. I think the only way it would really do any harm would be if you left it at room temperature for a day or 2 then refroze it. If your really worried about it, stick a half at a time on your Bar Ba Que and invite us all over! We'll bring our own knives and forks!!!