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View Full Version : Missed day = Missed chance at a Trophy.

11-15-2010, 07:26 PM
Hello All, i'm new to this site... I have been lurking unable to post since just before since just before Season Opening.

I have put in close to 50-55 hours in the bush this year.. haven't gotten a shot at anything (other than maybe 10 grouse). Family members have had more luck than I have. I'm always wrong place, wrong time to get my shot. Have only seen maybe 65 deer total this year

The last/first Mulie I had was 10 years ago, he was a nice sized 3x3 when I was 13. No luck since then.. Maybe i'm cursed? haha

Soo, this past weekend I spent two days pounding the bush. Managed to stalk up on a a few does on two occasions (I'm not really one for shooting does, nor did I get a draw). So that was out of the question. Deer count for the weekend was a total of 19 (8ish hours out). One 2x2, one Unknown size buck chasing a doe (went back into the bush as fast as they had come out). Two WT's, which was awesome to see they were still hanging around our honey hole.

Went out briefly Friday and all day Saturday.. had to come back to Kamloops to work a few hours unfortunately. Wasn't very happy I had to be back... and it cost me. Where I had chased the one unknown buck maybe 200 yards away my younger brother walked within 10 feet of a deer you only see in pictures. It had to have had at least 8 points/side, as fast as he saw the bugger it was gone. Tried for a texas heart, missed (damn scope-sighted rifle and being so close..). Stalked him for a bit, never got another shot. Grandfather saw him shortly after but he was running as fast as he could. He also missed a texas heart at a fair distance, this was the first deer he has ever missed in 50 years of hunting. However I am glad, this means I have my chance coming up... but like before I am limited to time. I have all day friday and maybe 5 hours saturday.

I know the area fairly well where he has been hanging around. Apparently the does are on his ass hard (they were after him they told me). Maybe he isn't quite ready?

After my brothers shot he didn't run, he walked away but he had just crested a hill by the time my brother could catch up. My brothers hunting clothes were still covered in the scent of the deer he helped my uncle drag two weeks ago. Maybe that is why? He wasn't spooked by the shot, however when he had spotted my grandfather he took off... hmm

I don't use scent-away

I have had some success calling (at least a grunt in response) with bucks that I was never able to see in the last few weeks. It was just before the rut started then.

Primos premium call, Deer stopper and a rattle bag is what I walk around with on me at all times.

I could possibly get a ladder stand, but I haven't decided yet.


any ideas people?

btw, anyone hunt waterfowl near 100 mile? hoping to make a trip over soon.

11-15-2010, 07:36 PM
If you do get a look at him, PALEEEEEEEEZE dont try the texas heart.:icon_frow
Good luck, and welcome aboard

11-15-2010, 07:48 PM
That's a last chance shot that you only take on Trophy's you just can't pass on. It makes a mess of the innards.. and a bitch of a cleaning job.

11-15-2010, 07:51 PM

11-15-2010, 07:58 PM
No offense Beni, but in all the years I've been hunting I have never felt the need to attempt a "Texas Heart" shot on anything. A little more patience on your part and I believe you'll find you can put yourself in a great position for a great shot. Relax and lets see some picture of this beast soon Good Luck!

11-15-2010, 08:12 PM
Quote posted by Beni-"I have put in close to 50-55 hours in the bush this year.. haven't gotten a shot at anything (other than maybe 10 grouse). Family members have had more luck than I have. I'm always wrong place, wrong time to get my shot. Have only seen maybe 65 deer total this year"

Man, I have only seen 4 deer in 40 hours. 65 deer visible is not a curse. :confused:

11-15-2010, 08:39 PM
Yes, I would absolutely HATE to even attempt that shot. However it was the FIRST and LAST time my brother or my grandfather would ever even try it (actually about 60 years hunting, I made a typo earlier). As I said, it is one hell of a mess. we don't use calibers for deer that would make it all the way through and out the chest and potentially ruin a cape. Definitely is not due to a lack of skill that they would even attempt a shot such as that. Have you ever seen a deer that large? You may think otherwise if it was getting away from you. my 2c

I have never tried that shot in my 15 years of hunting. I DONT want to


It wasn't uncommon just even a few years ago to go out and see 20 a day where we hunt. Wolves have unfortunately really screwed many things up in our area's. As well as most area's from Barriere to Valemont. Where do you spend most of your time? Are you road hunting, hiking?

11-15-2010, 09:07 PM
Have you ever seen a deer that large?

The answer to this question would be yes, and one of them is hanging on my wall, not the biggest of what I have seen, but he's definitely up there. The first I saw that big didn't present any type of shot and the third.....well just say my gun was off, and I didn't know it until afterwards, and he was all that you describe, believe me.:evil: :-?

I didn't mean to get you dander up, but after reading your post I think you noticed what it sounds like. Hope you get another crack at him!

11-15-2010, 09:29 PM
If the buck is that big, a absolute gagger of a buck shooting it dead center in the ass is no different than shooting it broad side through the guts! Shooting it through the ass would probably be more humane as far as killing because the bullet would travel forward taking out the heart and or lungs.A side gut shot can be a very slow death if you can't recover the deer. If I seen a 8x8 buck and I could get a good shot up it's ass, I think I'd take it!

11-15-2010, 10:25 PM

11-15-2010, 10:49 PM
The answer to this question would be yes, and one of them is hanging on my wall, not the biggest of what I have seen, but he's definitely up there. The first I saw that big didn't present any type of shot and the third.....well just say my gun was off, and I didn't know it until afterwards, and he was all that you describe, believe me.:evil: :-?

I didn't mean to get you dander up, but after reading your post I think you noticed what it sounds like. Hope you get another crack at him!

Congrats! If I actually manage to see this guy for myself I would also put him on the wall =).

I can't stop thinking about how excited I am to even try find this guy..

Steelhead, there are some circumstances when you have to take the *only* shot available. Would you rather shoot a trophy massive buck in the back of the head than the arsehole?

1 Hand - Deer would be dead *IF* you managed to hit it... mount would be ruined, would have a lot of meat in freezer.

2nd Hand - Deer would be dead with some meat damage but you would have a trophy of a lifetime.

Obviously would love a chance broadside. And that is always your best bet... but you just never know.

11-15-2010, 10:49 PM
If I seen a 8x8 buck and I could get a good shot up it's ass, I think I'd take it!

Depending on the circumstances and if it was big enough, you know I probably would too. I have been in on a couple hunts when I was younger where the deer were shot in the behind. Both deer hit the ground and never got up (Broken Backs and hips) Yeah there was quite a bit of meat loss, but with a rack that big your not shopping for meat.

11-15-2010, 11:02 PM
I usually try to keep all my comments very positive, however choosing to take a texas heart shot in my opinion is wrong. If an animal is that amazing does it not deserve the respect to be harvested properly i.e. in such a way that we try to the best of our ability not to waste or destroy any of it.

The texas heart shot taken on purpose to me is no different then choosing to waste the meat.

sorry but its just my opinion.

11-15-2010, 11:19 PM

11-15-2010, 11:23 PM
Another thread about ethics, Beni thanks for sharing your story and I hope you find this buck again so I can see some pictures :D but your thread is in a downward spiral towards a heated debate.

11-16-2010, 12:25 AM
I'm with you caveman. I personally could never mount a big buck that I shot up the @ss because that would serve as a constant source of embarrassment whenever I saw it, not to mention the disrespect of a wild animal, wasted meat and the mess.

Disrespect is a hard thing to quantify... Killing something with shot through the vitals from the side is respectful but a shot to the vitals from the rear is disrespectful? If your shot is a lethal one and you kill the animal quickly, does it really matter where you shoot it?

If done properly, there is no more wasted meat or mess than with a shoulder shot. As you are a complete "newb" maybe you don't have the actual knowledge on the topic to be commenting?

11-16-2010, 12:30 AM
Hope you find that beast! I believe if presented with nothing but the butt shot on a true monster buck, I would aim for the anus and let her fly. You gotta remember that everything is bigger in Texas, so there is no doubt you'd get him in the heart...

If the shot is true, you'd waste less meat than the fellows who like to take the shoulder shots to "ethically" anchor the animal.

11-16-2010, 01:14 AM

11-16-2010, 01:21 AM
I usually try to keep all my comments very positive, however choosing to take a texas heart shot in my opinion is wrong. If an animal is that amazing does it not deserve the respect to be harvested properly i.e. in such a way that we try to the best of our ability not to waste or destroy any of it.

The texas heart shot taken on purpose to me is no different then choosing to waste the meat.

sorry but its just my opinion.

I agree totally with CAVEBEAR. How bad do you need a deer to give it a shot up the ass. If you were to park that big EGO at the door would you still do it, I doubt it.

11-16-2010, 01:56 AM
Real hunting isn't always like they show it on Wild TV, standing broadside slam dunk. Take whatever opportunity you get, and make the best of it, that's all you can do. It might mean letting it go if you don't think you'll make the shot, or it might mean you'll get the "big guy"!
Good luck out there buddy, hopefully you can find him again.

11-16-2010, 07:41 AM
Okay I've never taken a Texas shot, but correct me if I'm wrong, You have two big *ss cheeks and a hole. The hole being the size of a twoonie. Whats the margin of error here. The buck should be in full rut and stupid about now and has presented the opportunity to two people. I'm I wrong in saying that chances are it will present another chance, rather then let fly with ,IMO a questionable shot. By the way I don't purposely take the square on shoulder shot either. I like to tuck the shot just behind the shoulder to waste little meat, but if I wanted to anchor it right there, then yes, by all means take out the shoulder

11-16-2010, 08:09 AM
Haha, I goto sleep and 10 more responses show up. Thanks for the input everyone, regardless of where this topic has gone. HOWEVER, referring back to my first post does anyone any input on my ladder stand idea. Or anything else NOT regarding the *insert comment here* shot. My last comment on the topic up for debate is.. the ONLY shots that the buck gave up was the texas heart, that is the only reason I had said it.

11-16-2010, 07:55 PM
texas heart shot you kidding me you cant eat the horns man you will get more enjoyment of the stalk and hunt dont give up on him you will get a decent shot

11-16-2010, 10:27 PM
Beni I would have to say no on the ladder stand, just keep pushing the area and hope you run into to hom again. I tried to do the stand thing once and never saw him again. As for the ass shot thing most of the guys saying that they wouldnt take that shot on a trophy are full of crap. One thing that Ive learned about hunters is their all a bunch of hypocrites.

11-16-2010, 10:32 PM
As Dino said stay on the ground and travel, as that is what the buck is likely doing. If the does are around he is likely running around looking for one willing to give him a little loving. Keep the girls close, he'll be back!

115 or bust
11-16-2010, 10:43 PM
This another bartel thing here???
Someone please fill me in if it is thnx lol.

11-16-2010, 11:11 PM
As Dino said stay on the ground and travel, as that is what the buck is likely doing. If the does are around he is likely running around looking for one willing to give him a little loving. Keep the girls close, he'll be back!

Yea, I thought about it some more today and I will be staying on the ground. Plan of attack is get in early stay out of sight, hope wind ends up in my favor, bleet for a little while not very frequently. Will try doing that for an hour or so then if nothing by then I will do some walking. There are four does that I know of in that specific area, they seem to be waiting their turn with him.

There are also some WT's less than 1km away that I could chase around for a bit as well =)

11-17-2010, 09:24 AM
Good luck mate,

10 years is a hell of a long time to go without a deer, clearly you love the sport - or you would have tossed it in a long, long time ago....I know many on here would have, instant gratification is the modern way.

You will take the shot that presents itself on this animal, in the microsecond before squeezing the trigger, only you will decide if it is the right one..... that - after all, is what hunting is all about.

Follow your instincts - you know where he lives, you where the girls live, connect the dots and your trophy will be on the wall soon enough....