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View Full Version : deer snort by a muley

11-14-2010, 06:19 PM
This is another question for the PRO's .Many times ive been hunting timber I get close to some deer where I know they havent winded me but they are aware of my presence then one of them will snort a couple of times.They usually stick around for a minute or two then sneak off. The sound is like the animal is trying to clear its nostrils to get a better smell of whats come close to to him or her. Is this whats happening and is there a way to call or snort back to the deer to let it believe Im another deer?.

11-14-2010, 06:31 PM
A muley will snort or blow to let other deer know something ain't right. A lot of times they might not have your wind, but the jig is definately up.

Mr. Dean
11-14-2010, 06:54 PM
It's an alarm sound. It ain't good and I don't think you wanna do it your self as it would likely be counter productive in getting an animal.

Your Friendly Pro,
Mr. Dean.

11-14-2010, 07:26 PM
As Dana and Mr Dean have said, You've been had!

11-14-2010, 08:00 PM
Definatly means youve been busted, but heres one for ya. I was hunting in reg 3 a few years back, sneakin thru the woods, and I hear the snort. SHEEEEET! anyway, I blow my buck grunt back at it. I hear another snort, from down lower on the hill, a different buck! I blow the grunt tube again. The first buck blows again, and I answer again. A 3rd deer blows at me now, I know sounds unreal, but it happened. I blow the grunt tube again, and the first buck snorts again and steps in to sight....
Quick look through the scope, Yup, hes a nice 4X4. Bang Flop.... well not quite flop, but he didnt go far. By far my most memorable timber hunt ever. From the first snort, this all tokk maybe 5 minutes... I never leave the truck without a grunt tube now.....
Here he is.....


11-14-2010, 08:11 PM
A good example of how to turn the snort (blow) around for your favour. I've seen deer blow at other deer numerous times. The response is normally another blow from the deer that startled the orginal snorter. A buck grunt or burp can sometimes calm the situation down, but only during the rut. Too early in the season or too late and you'll see them all bail hard.

Big Lew
11-14-2010, 08:23 PM
Great answers and comments! I very seldom hunt during the rut, preferring the early "bow season," and I can tell you, if you're still hunting like me, you'll hear that snort often, from bucks, does, and fawns, and it's game over on that stalk....you're busted. Later, during the rut, I can see that you might have a chance using a grunt tube or call, as was posted.

11-14-2010, 08:41 PM
I've always thought the mule deer snort sounded like a raptor from jurassic park


its around second 38 on the video

The Hermit
11-14-2010, 08:52 PM
I hate it when a deer snorts and stamps its feet at me when I'm elk hunting...bloody pests are as bad a squirrels!

11-14-2010, 09:25 PM
A good example of how to turn the snort (blow) around for your favour. I've seen deer blow at other deer numerous times. The response is normally another blow from the deer that startled the orginal snorter. A buck grunt or burp can sometimes calm the situation down, but only during the rut. Too early in the season or too late and you'll see them all bail hard.

I did try the burping thing but I also tried to mimic the blow sound and it was during the rut. Next time I will just try the burp and try to flank them. Thanks for the help, it answers an old question Ive always had.

11-14-2010, 09:27 PM
I've always thought the mule deer snort sounded like a raptor from jurassic park


its around second 38 on the video

Haha, yup, thats a big muley buck allright!!!

11-14-2010, 09:42 PM
i was watching 4 bucks and heard a snort way down the hill every 30 seconds or so anorhter one etc this went on for 5 min finally a group of 5 does and fawns came walking in and seen me and all the deer ran always seemed weird to me why they snorted the whole way up the hill