View Full Version : Expired P.A.L

05-24-2006, 10:06 AM
Wondering if someone knows, if it would be a problem to still hunt while i am waiting for my new P.A.L to arrive. My old one has expired and the government is taking there sweet time to send me my new one. Would a C.O nail me on that?

05-24-2006, 10:41 AM
In my experience, the CO's seem to care less about your PAL, they just want to see the hunting license and tags.

It seems to be the Cops who want to see the PAL.

If I were in your shoes, I'd keep hunting. I wouldn't let them ruin my hunting time because of no PAL. But that's me.....;)

05-24-2006, 11:50 AM
My opinion only......if l sent it in and the ball was in their court, l would go hunting. It's not that you didn't have one, and its not that what you are saying can't be verified. While its technically a violation, in light of the conservative govt present stand on the gun issues, l wouldn't think any one would push the issue.
As mentioned and l too have had it told to me directly from a C/O, as long as your provincial paper work is in order and you are not in violation of BC's game laws, they won't ask for certs or pals.

05-24-2006, 12:40 PM
I sent mine in to get a new one on feb 27 and Im still waiting they say on the web site that it take about 45 days BULLSHIT !!!!!!

Franko Manini
05-24-2006, 12:58 PM
I sent mine in to get a new one on feb 27 and Im still waiting they say on the web site that it take about 45 days BULLSHIT !!!!!!

I would reccomend that anyone in this position keep a photocopy of their renewal submission with them when in possession of a firearm. That and your expired card should be good.

05-24-2006, 01:26 PM
I would reccomend that anyone in this position keep a photocopy

That's standard procedure when dealing with any govt bureaucracy isn't it? :roll: :roll:

05-24-2006, 02:34 PM
Although I have only come across a C.O. only once in about 40 years, I don't think I would let it stop me. I believe the boys are right though, a C.O. would most likely only care to see your licence and tags. Police though may be different. It's kinda the same predicament as getting a speeding ticket for doing 10 K/PH over the limit, when you just got passed by someone doing 50 K/PH over the limit...you are easier to catch if the officer is having a bad day:mad: . If you still have your old one, or a copy of it, take that and explain the situation if you are approached. Unless somebody is having a bad day, you should be OK.

05-24-2006, 03:03 PM
Thanks for your guys input. I didn't think that it would be problem since I have re-applied already. I will be hunting this weekend, trying to get a second blackie. Steelco hopefully will make his way up to join me.

05-24-2006, 05:01 PM
go hunting co's dont care and from my understanding the cops dont really care either....

05-24-2006, 06:03 PM
I was stopped by 2 COs and one RCMP officer near Kamloops on Friday. After giving my brother-in-law a $58 ticket for open alcohol, they checked my guns and asked for my PAL. The next day they came into our campsite on Dairy Lake. They weren't the least bit concerned about the guns I had sitting out in the open on a table, they were even asking me about the SKS. I asked them about the day before, why they asked for my PAL, I thought COs didn't usually do that, was it just for the cop? He said no, he had just assumed I wasn't a hunter cause I was driving a brand new minivan. He basically said that he just wanted to see a PAL or a hunting licence, and that if I didn't have a PAL my hunting licence would have been fine.

He also said that if someone gives them attitude, it can be different story, then they might want to see a PAL. The CO I talked to had been a CO for twenty-something years, and had been Vancity police for 6 years before that. The other CO looked just as experienced.

For the record, my brother in law just opened a beer as we came onto the gravel road, I was driving and didn't have a sip.

I was also stopped by another CO last fall near Lytton. He was younger guy, 30ish. He checked our hunting licences, the shotgun was unloaded, and then the grouse we had still had a feathered wing on. He didn't ask for a PAL.

Not to mention, there is an official amnesty on right now for expired licences. So it's impossible to be charged for no licence.

If you were hassled, by a BC CO, for not having a licence, you could very well be the first.

06-06-2006, 11:21 AM
CFC told me today NO WAY am I permitted to go hunting without my PAL that has taken over 3 months to get renewed

06-06-2006, 11:36 AM
Tell CFC to go practice standing in the unemployment line.


06-06-2006, 01:11 PM
as far as i know as long as you are with another hunter that has a valid firearms permit (supervision so to speak) you should be ok

06-06-2006, 01:19 PM
Tell CFC to go practice standing in the unemployment line.


That maybe whats taking so long, filling all those ui forms instead of doing whats left of their jobs!!!

06-06-2006, 01:39 PM
Ignore the CFC and go hunitng...take your expired PAL wiht youif you have it, and if osmeone asks, start bitching baout the CFC and the long wait...they will get tired of listenign to you and send you on your way!

Seriously, the CO's never seem to want PAL- most of them dong' eve check guns except ofr when they have roadchecks.

06-07-2006, 06:17 AM
You may run into a problem if a RCMP officer stops you and your PAL is expired. I have been stopped in road checks and the COs don't care about the PAL but the RCMP do.

06-07-2006, 10:39 AM

I live in Vancouver and if I got stopped by an overzealous city policeman who just happened to be going by as I left with my rifle or an RCMP officer on the Sunshine coast while hunting I would be hooped.

Nope. I'm not taking a chance.

06-07-2006, 11:59 AM
last fall i hunted sept and october without my new pal as they were taking there time sending. i had three copys of my expired one, cfc kept sending them. stopped a couple of times by co in kelona and was never asked to show my pal.

06-07-2006, 12:38 PM
I repeat:

If I got stopped by an overzealous city policeman who just happened to be going by as I left and returned with my rifle or an RCMP officer on the Sunshine coast while hunting I would be hooped.

Would you drive with an expired driver's licence?

06-07-2006, 12:46 PM
I owuldn't drive wiht an expired DL, but then again, you are not covered by a Federal Amnesty regarding your expired DL.;)

You can't be charged, and it is unlikely your rifle woudl be confiscated.

I often don't have a PAL with me when hunting, and I virtually never have a reg cert with me.

I have never been stopped by a city cop and asked if I had a rifle in my vehicle.

But it's up to you. I just don't think it's that big a deal, and I bett he CO's and RCMP don't either.

06-07-2006, 01:03 PM
I would agree with Gatehouse's last comments here.

Go hunting. Got a valid Hunting Licence, your in good standing to those who care about hunting.

To those that want your guns, they are always going to be looking for ways to get them.


06-07-2006, 01:10 PM
If I had been waiting for months for my PAL which was late in coming I know I would not miss a hunting trip....I would carry all my licenses and expired PAL along with a copy of the application for a new one....
But that's just me...
If you prefer to sit at home and wait for your PAL that's fine....
I'm sure we can all send you a few of our hunting pictures to tide you over to next season......
Just think of all the money you'll save not hunting this year....
Just kidding ,,,I really hope you get your PAL in time.....
My last one took 5 months,,,man did they get a huge earfull at the sportsman's show that year..Didn't make the PAL arrive any quicker,but it made me feel better for a few minutes....:twisted:

06-07-2006, 02:09 PM
I was just checking on the status of my own application and asking our local firarms officer about taking out a rifle with an expired PAL and was told I run the risk of having my rifle taken away.

06-07-2006, 03:45 PM
By the expired driver liscence logic then you are breaking the law just having your guns. Whether you take them out of your house or not.

What is the difference having them in your house as taking them hunting. If your PAL is expired and you have guns are they gonna come confiscate them just cause CFC are bags of S***t, and can't do their jobs.

If the police make as many inquiries to the data base as the liberals wanted us to think then they can make one for you and see that your renewal is in process.

Plus anything to make life diffacult for them is a bonus. (CFC that is, not the cops)

My 2 cents


06-07-2006, 04:35 PM
Problem solved.
On the encouragement of a buddy, I called again and insisted on a faxed letter from the CFC stating that my application had been approved and that the actual I.D. card was on its way and got it in 15 minutes.