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11-01-2010, 12:01 PM
I think it is official, I am BC's worst hunter! I've been hunting spike/fork moose pretty hard since the opening and I've not seen a single one!!!:-D

I've seen moose cows, moose calf, moose big bull, but no spike/fork... :-?

As far as deer are concerned, I've seen tons of does but have yet to spot one buck. Mulies are still way high in region 8, seen a bunch yesterday at over 2000 meters altitude in about 5 inches of snow.

So for me it's back to the drawing board, any hints?:)

11-01-2010, 12:04 PM
its like the lottery. if yer not out there you won't kill anything. good luck.... ...change your name from troutseeker to big game seeker

11-01-2010, 12:08 PM
Haha, nope my name remains as is. I like to seek both but trout is funner to me!

Stone Sheep Steve
11-01-2010, 12:30 PM
Haha, nope my name remains as is. I like to seek both but trout is funner to me!

Well, if it makes you feel any better I've seen one buck so far this year. He was a pretty decent buck but it was bow season...and you know the rest:?.


11-01-2010, 12:30 PM
When you least expect it...... Expect it.... You should try looking on the Golf Courses.... LOL! Spike-fork Bulls are a very small percentage animal to target... We seen 2 Bulls last summer, and once hunting arrived they were nowhere to be found either... Thats the way it goes sometimes... Good Luck! And keep at it! Trout fishing is real good right now, maybe thats part of the problem!

11-01-2010, 12:44 PM
Seeing more game than me!
I'm trying for a Muley again next weekend.
Did'nt get my any buck this past w/e. So it's either go big
or go home from here on in.

11-01-2010, 12:59 PM
Stick to fishing then! :razz::tongue::razz:

11-01-2010, 01:10 PM
Tag soup for me this year so don't feel like you are the only one...

11-01-2010, 01:12 PM
Don't give up hope, Troutseeker. We're going on our third tour and have been skunked twice. Third times the charm.

11-01-2010, 01:34 PM
I think it is official, I am BC's worst hunter! I've been hunting spike/fork moose pretty hard since the opening and I've not seen a single one!!!:-D

I've seen moose cows, moose calf, moose big bull, but no spike/fork... :-?

As far as deer are concerned, I've seen tons of does but have yet to spot one buck. Mulies are still way high in region 8, seen a bunch yesterday at over 2000 meters altitude in about 5 inches of snow.

So for me it's back to the drawing board, any hints?:)

I didn't know you could get up that high still. Try a little lower maybe.

11-01-2010, 01:41 PM
Treat every new day like it's the first day of your hunt, never give up!!! Keep at it, day after day after day!!! Man, I've been looking for a spike moose for quite awhile too troutguy! I've only seen one cow moose, one bloody cow all season! No calves, no bulls, one bloody cow??? Is there something wrong with me too??? Maybe I should sell all my gear, take up Bingo? I could join a cross stitch club, make some neat dollies for Christmas gifts! I could stay warm all day, my nose would quit running finally!!! I could learn how to square dance, doe see doe!!! Well troutseeker, you talked some senses into me, I'm done getting up at first light, going out day after day after day, drinking cold coffee and cooking my lunch on a stick by the fire, waiting until the last ray of light is gone before I unload my gun and call it quits for the day, then header it back to the house to get ready for the next day's hunt! But!!! Maybe tomorrow's my day, the day the spike fork bull walks out in front of me at 60 yards!!! Or maybe I spy the 185 class Mulie Buck, nose to the ground smelling for a hot doe on the side hill I go by each morning!!!Or A 6x6 White Tail buck stands looking directly at me, concerned more about the does I just spooked that any trouble I can send his way!!! Well trout, buddy, your on your own giving up!!! I'm going out in the morning, I'm going to make a 275 yard shot at one of the biggest bucks ever to grace the pages of this site!!! Just have to see if all my gear sold or not!!! Good Luck!!!

11-01-2010, 04:01 PM
Well, if it makes you feel any better I've seen one buck so far this year. He was a pretty decent buck but it was bow season...and you know the rest:?.


Hey, you got a break from stepping on grapes barefoot??? I saw an awesome, huge 5X5 mulie during archery season. He was busy feeding and I took me an hour getting close, by the time I was at 40 yards he still did not have a clue I was there. Mind you, his two buddies bedded down in the tall grass to my right sure knew I was there... they snorted, I looked over and they exploded out of htere taking the gig guy with them. As I knelt there (I was crawling when busted) and laughed about it, two does and three young ones got up on my left and walked calmly in front of me.

I must have glassed the area around that big buck for nearly 20 minutes before starting my stalk and I did not see any other deer, and I looked hard!

In conlusion, I must also be the blindest hunter in BC! But I'm not giving, no siree no!

11-01-2010, 04:06 PM
I didn't know you could get up that high still. Try a little lower maybe.

Tried lower as well, saw some does there too, but nowhere the amount of signs encountered higher... If the weather stays nasty and we finally get a cold spell things may change (or not, haha).

The thing is that even that high, there was not much snow at all and although it was -6 early in the AM, it turned into +5 by noon. Still lot's of open water and nice tasty twigs with buds on them. Why not stay high, when there is food water and it ain't really cold? Plus we did not see much pressure from humanoids...

11-01-2010, 07:06 PM
Immature bull moose are very hard to find. So are bucks in Oct. Hang in there and the bucks will show up.

11-01-2010, 07:14 PM
Immature bull moose are very hard to find. So are bucks in Oct. Hang in there and the bucks will show up.

Oh, I know this. Just poking some fun at myself!

11-01-2010, 07:25 PM
thank you for taking the crown , ive been skunked thus far this season as well.

11-01-2010, 08:13 PM
2 months of hunting my ass off and I've only seen one legal buck in all that time. Who's the Worst Hunter Now?

11-01-2010, 08:13 PM
Yeah troutseeker - looks like you've got a long line of contenders for "BC's worst hunter." I've been steady looking for BT and coming up with just a few does and no antlers.

It's hard to keep believing there's a buck around every corner - but you have to!

Good luck (to all of us!)

11-01-2010, 08:20 PM
try hunting waterfowl for a break. it's a whole lot harder to get skunked doing that than big game.

11-01-2010, 08:28 PM
4 years of tag soup for me. Just remember, at least your out hunting!

11-01-2010, 09:29 PM
You need a tip thread. Post some pics of your areas that you hunt, your methods in detail and anything else you can think of.

11-01-2010, 09:41 PM
I am also one of BC's worst hunter or the unluckyist. I have seen 1 mule doe and 1 bull moose (2 big).

11-01-2010, 09:47 PM
Last weekend I was practising(more like wasting rounds) at the long rifle range. Between rounds I see movement just past the 100 yard target. I couldn't believe my eyes when a completely unconcerned mulie doe took her time moving through the range. She was then followed by six more deer. Five does and two two point bucks. They lazily made their way through the range and up over the hill pretty much where the clubhouse was. I thought this was just hiliarious.
Anyways, I went hunting the next day and got totally lost and rescued after seeing nothing all day. So after seeing deer in all the wrong places and getting lost I'd say you're still doing better than me troutseeker.

11-01-2010, 09:54 PM
2 months of hunting my ass off and I've only seen one legal buck in all that time. Who's the Worst Hunter Now?

we always new the truth.

11-01-2010, 10:42 PM
What part of region 8 are you in? Everything that I've seen in 8-11 has been under 1400m. Including moose.

11-02-2010, 01:32 AM
bucks seen this season, x2 times gone out x2 bucks bagged x1 random nature of hunting... priceless

11-02-2010, 04:09 AM
I haven`t been seeing squat for bucks around here either.A few dink spikes is all.Maybe near the end of the season I`ll get a crack at a good whitie.

11-02-2010, 10:46 AM
Just like with women:

It's not the having, it's the getting :mrgreen:


11-02-2010, 10:50 AM
If you're seeing does just keep on 'em and you'll run into bucks. They're breeding right now, so the odds are in your favour.

As far as the immy bull goes don't worry about it. It's more of a 'luck' thing for most guys and the guys who get them consistently burn a pile of gas.

11-02-2010, 10:51 AM
Spent last weekend and two days prior to it hunting in every direction. 15+ hours hiking and maybe half that driving, mornings and evenings and not a single living thing to be seen.

11-02-2010, 10:55 AM
2 months of hunting my ass off and I've only seen one legal buck in all that time. Who's the Worst Hunter Now?

worst bser maybe?

11-02-2010, 04:51 PM
I wish I was indeed BSing, but I ain't. I honestly have only seen 1 legal muley buck all season and .308win killed it. Only other bucks I've seen are a 2 point in the early youth season (which was not legal for me) and a 2 point during the Sept 4 point or better season. I don't think I've seen much more than 20 muley does total thus far either. The deer went completely nocturnal in early July and really haven't snapped out of that pattern yet. I scouted my ass off all summer and only turned up 1 little 4 point, 1 forky and a handfull of does. The hunting season hasn't been much better. With the little amount of snow that is in the highcountry, it ain't deep enough to force the migration. With the current weather, you can bet she's going to be pretty much the same for much of Nov as well.

11-25-2010, 11:16 PM
Well I broke the curse this afternoon. Not a big one but first buck I've seen since archery season way back when...

Went out with a buddy to one of our honey holes and there was sign everywhere, we saw over 30 deer and came upon this little fork bedded down. At 35 yards I was giving my buddy the shot and we tried to get this deer to stand as brush was blocking any shot and he would not move!

I went up a knoll trying to get him to get up and when he did he just ran, stopped behind a tree trunk at 35 yards and gave me only one shot, the neck. The excalibur did it's job and he went down dead as a doornail with the arrow stuck in its spine.

Will be good eats and now it's on to whitetail and my region 3 buck near Kamloops in a week!

It's nice to get the monkey off my back after last years shitty season due to my blown knee and surgery.


11-25-2010, 11:20 PM
Nice going....thats one heck of an entry wound! Must be some wicked broadheads!

11-25-2010, 11:23 PM
crossbows are unethical :mrgreen: look at all the suffering

good shot TS!

11-25-2010, 11:37 PM
Hey Mark, The broadhead is nothing special, just a 125 grain Thunderhead. These have always flown well for me in compound bows and they seem no different in a crossbow. It's still stuck in bone in my yard, I'll dig it out this weekend and if it's cool I'll post a pic of the "expansion"...

Bartel, you are such a purist!:-D This was a total bang flop, pretty cool.

11-25-2010, 11:40 PM
Hey Mark, The broadhead is nothing special, just a 125 grain Thunderhead. These have always flown well for me in compound bows and they seem no different in a crossbow. It's still stuck in bone in my yard, I'll dig it out this weekend and if it's cool I'll post a pic of the "expansion"...

Bartel, you are such a purist!:-D This was a total bang flop, pretty cool.

So was that massive gash in the neck done by the broadhead, or did you knife it???

11-25-2010, 11:49 PM
I think that's a scarf LOL

11-26-2010, 12:11 AM
This post has been edited due to technical difficulties induced by rum....

11-26-2010, 12:15 AM
So was that massive gash in the neck done by the broadhead, or did you knife it???

The broadhead, no need to knife it expired instantly. Very impressive performance, I like to shoot heavy arrows as I seem to always get better flight and great penetration.

And Bartell that is my scarf, daughter made it. Pretty stylish, eh!:-D You'll notice it is in that fancy "quebec" camo. Matches my haccent...

11-26-2010, 02:38 AM
I wish I was indeed BSing, but I ain't. I honestly have only seen 1 legal muley buck all season and .308win killed it. Only other bucks I've seen are a 2 point in the early youth season (which was not legal for me) and a 2 point during the Sept 4 point or better season. I don't think I've seen much more than 20 muley does total thus far either. The deer went completely nocturnal in early July and really haven't snapped out of that pattern yet. I scouted my ass off all summer and only turned up 1 little 4 point, 1 forky and a handfull of does. The hunting season hasn't been much better. With the little amount of snow that is in the highcountry, it ain't deep enough to force the migration. With the current weather, you can bet she's going to be pretty much the same for much of Nov as well.

Sorry GG and Dana, I have definitely become BCs worst hunter, this year I didn't even buy a license, first time since 1957 (long before you two whipper snappers were even born - hah hah).

11-26-2010, 03:54 AM
I think it is official, I am BC's worst hunter! I've been hunting spike/fork moose pretty hard since the opening and I've not seen a single one!!!:-D

I've seen moose cows, moose calf, moose big bull, but no spike/fork... :-?

As far as deer are concerned, I've seen tons of does but have yet to spot one buck. Mulies are still way high in region 8, seen a bunch yesterday at over 2000 meters altitude in about 5 inches of snow.

So for me it's back to the drawing board, any hints?:)

Man O man don't be so hard on yourself this could happen to any of us .

This does not mean you are a bad hunter I could go into the same place and have the same results.
It could be that thee are few spike bull moose in this area and that is why you are finding it hard.

Just keep plugging away and if you don't find the spike moose the you have tried your hardest and thats all a person can do http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon7.gif.

Good luck the rest of the season http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif H-47.

Stone Sheep Steve
11-26-2010, 05:07 AM
Nice work, C!!

Also made it out yesterday. Conditions were ideal!
Only saw two spikers fighting over a doe. Would have skewered one but they were too many sets of eyes in the group(11 deer).
Got back to the quad for lunch and there were fresh cougar tracks within 3 steps of the quad.
Seems I'm a bit of a pussy-magnet of late:?....but still haven't picked up a tag.

Heading out again today.


11-26-2010, 06:31 AM
Well I broke the curse this afternoon. Not a big one but first buck I've seen since archery season way back when...

Went out with a buddy to one of our honey holes and there was sign everywhere, we saw over 30 deer and came upon this little fork bedded down. At 35 yards I was giving my buddy the shot and we tried to get this deer to stand as brush was blocking any shot and he would not move!

I went up a knoll trying to get him to get up and when he did he just ran, stopped behind a tree trunk at 35 yards and gave me only one shot, the neck. The excalibur did it's job and he went down dead as a doornail with the arrow stuck in its spine.

Will be good eats and now it's on to whitetail and my region 3 buck near Kamloops in a week!

It's nice to get the monkey off my back after last years shitty season due to my blown knee and surgery.


Good going on getting the job done and with a bow will be a dandy eater ,congrats to you http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif..

11-26-2010, 07:43 AM
I think it is official, I am BC's worst hunter! I've been hunting spike/fork moose pretty hard since the opening and I've not seen a single one!!!:-D

I've seen moose cows, moose calf, moose big bull, but no spike/fork... :-?

As far as deer are concerned, I've seen tons of does but have yet to spot one buck. Mulies are still way high in region 8, seen a bunch yesterday at over 2000 meters altitude in about 5 inches of snow.

So for me it's back to the drawing board, any hints?:)

If the bucks are high over 2000 meters, then go there. They are not really all that bothered by snow until it is almost a foot deep and will then start moving to winter range. The big ones will stay high as long as possible. Get out there at dawn and stay out til dusk... It's hard work but stick to it. Think about prime feed this time of year. I'd be looking at douglas fir growth that provides good cover and - believe it or not - they feed on that in winter!! Look for good growth of buck brush, rose and sign of recent browsing. Good luck.

Gunner Staal
11-26-2010, 08:20 AM
Brown down Troutseeker! Atta boy. Im heading to Summerland for bow this weekend. Got a couple nice bucks on the cam and im hoping to connect. Was that your Region 8 tag you cut??

11-26-2010, 08:43 AM
Good work TS!

Heading down to K-town next week....can't wait!

11-26-2010, 09:09 AM
Well I broke the curse this afternoon. Not a big one but first buck I've seen since archery season way back when...

It's nice to get the monkey off my back after last years shitty season due to my blown knee and surgery.

WTG ts!! Congrats! Be warned, though...you will now see big muley bucks everywhere!!

Hey Mark, The broadhead is nothing special, just a 125 grain Thunderhead. These have always flown well for me in compound bows and they seem no different in a crossbow. It's still stuck in bone in my yard, I'll dig it out this weekend and if it's cool I'll post a pic of the "expansion"...

I've used the 125gr TH on a number of bison with a crossbow. They always did the job!

This post has been edited due to technical difficulties induced by rum....

Good on ya!! lol :mrgreen:

And Bartell that is my scarf, daughter made it. Pretty stylish, eh!:-D You'll notice it is in that fancy "quebec" camo. Matches my haccent...


blackwater moose
11-26-2010, 09:14 AM
you are not the worst hunter, just the hunter with the worst luck

11-26-2010, 03:31 PM
Nice work, C!!

Also made it out yesterday. Conditions were ideal!
Only saw two spikers fighting over a doe. Would have skewered one but they were too many sets of eyes in the group(11 deer).
Got back to the quad for lunch and there were fresh cougar tracks within 3 steps of the quad.
Seems I'm a bit of a pussy-magnet of late:?....but still haven't picked up a tag.

Heading out again today.


a big buck just got stroked in the last hour. I'm sure you'll see the pictures.

11-27-2010, 12:45 AM
SSS, conditions were indeed ideal yesterday. Today was pretty good as well although warmer. My partner and I went back to the same spot and saw over 30 deer, two bucks in the lot. Partner tried hard to get this nice three point but he kept taking the exit we could not cover... We ran into that buck three times and he was herding 4 does.

Also had a chance at another two pointer and it was funny how the group of five deer were not worried about my bud hiking into a cut after them. One doe even doubled back to go check him out, stopped at less than 20 yards form him... Meantime the buck was 30 yards from him but he could not see him! I was below watching in my binos and after he started going after the group of does I just had to say out loud: No no, right! which blew the deal, of course.

The big boys have apparently not yet come to this area as there is no way that 3 pointer should not be getting his ass kicked for hogging them does!

Hey Gunner, go get them buddy! Yes this was my region 8 tag. I'm off to region 3 in a week to try for a booner. And may well go after a whitetail this weekend, home schedule permitting...

11-27-2010, 04:15 PM
I removed the broadhead from the vertebrae today, pretty amazing how solid the thunderheads are. All blades stayed attached and the only damage is a slight bend in one of the blades. The tip is still sharp and so are the blades!



Mikey Rafiki
11-29-2010, 02:03 PM
That is some awesome dissection work there, great pics!

11-29-2010, 03:17 PM
Well I broke the curse this afternoon. Not a big one but first buck I've seen since archery season way back when...

Went out with a buddy to one of our honey holes and there was sign everywhere, we saw over 30 deer and came upon this little fork bedded down. At 35 yards I was giving my buddy the shot and we tried to get this deer to stand as brush was blocking any shot and he would not move!

I went up a knoll trying to get him to get up and when he did he just ran, stopped behind a tree trunk at 35 yards and gave me only one shot, the neck. The excalibur did it's job and he went down dead as a doornail with the arrow stuck in its spine.

Will be good eats and now it's on to whitetail and my region 3 buck near Kamloops in a week!

It's nice to get the monkey off my back after last years shitty season due to my blown knee and surgery.


Congrats TS! Any deer taken with archery equipment is a trophy (in my books anyway). That will be some tasty meals as well.

I am heading to Region 8 on Wednesday with the hope of getting a whitetail with my Excalibur as well.


11-29-2010, 07:22 PM
I have found from past experience that a sure fire way to find a 2 point bull moose is to get a big bull draw. As soon as you get that draw they show up everywhere. lol.

11-29-2010, 07:26 PM
4 years of tag soup for me. Just remember, at least your out hunting!

Same here..... :cry:

11-29-2010, 07:47 PM
I have found from past experience that a sure fire way to find a 2 point bull moose is to get a big bull draw. As soon as you get that draw they show up everywhere. lol.

Haha, indeed, except that last year three of us got drawn for any bull ang got zip... Mind you I was crippled by a bad knee injury, but still you'd think we would have come across a bull in a clearcut!

That's why its called hunting and not shooting, you never know what your gonna see out there!

Gunner Staal
11-29-2010, 10:32 PM
Great forensic pics TS. That did some serious damage. Im heading back out on Friday. See if I cant miss again lol!

11-30-2010, 01:29 AM
Well, karma is a bugger...heading out tomorrow AM to fill a WT tag....
Quote ' that s why its called hunting , not shooting..."

Im not a great hunter, but it beats golf 10:1


PS nice shot !!