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10-29-2010, 11:40 AM
So a usual nite at the Rupp household..hunters phoning in regarding ideas on tracking wounded moose, ideas on avoiding getting their vehicles stripped, best places for moose ..etc etc..LOVE DOING THE HELPING :mrgreen:

Last night I was doing some map work for Sneg and his upcoming moose hunt in the Cariboo mts....I had just walked in from work and Susan brought my dinner down in front of the big screen so I could watch the news hour....Susan also "locked " the lab Ebony in her kennel and announced dinner was ready...YA I KNOW SPOILED ROTTEN I AM..

I finished up my mapping software and went to the family room and behold there was "our" lab..she had gotton out of a not fully locked kennel crate and had SCARFED 2 pieces of halibut and some chips and veggies..AKA MY SUPPER...no use yellling at the dog..and far less use yelling at the wife..so we had a bit of a chuckle and defrosted moose burgers and some extra veggies.....thought this was pretty humerous...:mrgreen:...


10-29-2010, 11:48 AM
That's pretty funny. Situations like that make you pissed at the time, and then in hindsight you laugh at it. Our dogs have never done anything worse than eating a pound of steak that was thawing on the counter, or swiping my bread when I was making my lunch.
Off topic, you wouldn't happen to be related to a Janine, would you? I have a class with her, and she said she has family around williams lake

10-29-2010, 11:49 AM
:eek::eek::eek:I can well imagine the smell of the dog farts that she is dropping in the house today

My Rottie will blast us out of the living room if she gets anything (in decent quantity) besides dog food...

once, I Thought it would be a nice treat to give her a "bull penis" dehydrated dog treat from the pet store...NOT !!!! WOWSERS !!!! Made the eyes water...

10-29-2010, 12:00 PM
in retrospect glad it wasnt something toxic ie chocolat or onions or sharp steak bone...cant blame the dog thats why we have the crate while still training her....


10-29-2010, 12:00 PM
The dog should have waited for the moose burgers.:wink::mrgreen:

10-29-2010, 12:06 PM
When i was comming down island to visit my parrents one year, my mom had taken a goose out to cook. I had never had goose before. And soon i would learn it would be a little longer before id get to try it :)
Dads lab Kaylee decided to jump up and pull the whole bird outa the sink and out the dog door... gone without a trace.

Bloody dog!

10-29-2010, 01:12 PM
A dog that eats veggies. Boy, how lucky can you be. Can I borrow him?

10-29-2010, 01:17 PM
A dog that eats veggies. Boy, how lucky can you be. Can I borrow him?

You obviously dont own a Lab! Mine even eats olives!

10-29-2010, 01:18 PM
My Father decided we should bring his hound with us on a Stone Sheep hunt.... The night before taking off on the Horses we locked him in the front of the truck, and of course forgot I had put our bag of Venison Jerky(whole Deer worth) behind the seat in his truck..... Needless to say when we awoke and let the pooch out, the bag fell onto the ground, and no Jerky left, NOT ONE PIECE! My kids had spent signifcant time preparing our jerky for the trip... I was choked! But as you say,can hardly blame hime, just wish he would have left us one piece at least.... So we smelled his stinky farts for 2 days afterward..... Did seem to hinder the hunt as we were able to take 2 good Rams to my surprise, as I was very opposed to bringing him in the first place..... Damn Dogs anyway....LOL

10-29-2010, 01:22 PM
A dog that eats veggies. Boy, how lucky can you be. Can I borrow him?

We have a bullmastiff that we had to lock out of the vegetable garden. We actually had to put a fence up just for her. She would dig up the beets and carrots. She'd run down the rows of beans and eat them right off the bushes.

10-29-2010, 01:59 PM
So a usual nite at the Rupp household..hunters phoning in regarding ideas on tracking wounded moose, ideas on avoiding getting their vehicles stripped, best places for moose ..etc etc..LOVE DOING THE HELPING :mrgreen:

Last night I was doing some map work for Sneg and his upcoming moose hunt in the Cariboo mts....I had just walked in from work and Susan brought my dinner down in front of the big screen so I could watch the news hour....Susan also "locked " the lab Ebony in her kennel and announced dinner was ready...YA I KNOW SPOILED ROTTEN I AM..

I finished up my mapping software and went to the family room and behold there was "our" lab..she had gotton out of a not fully locked kennel crate and had SCARFED 2 pieces of halibut and some chips and veggies..AKA MY SUPPER...no use yellling at the dog..and far less use yelling at the wife..so we had a bit of a chuckle and defrosted moose burgers and some extra veggies.....thought this was pretty humerous...:mrgreen:...


And halibut?:mrgreen: She eats fish? WOW!

10-29-2010, 02:50 PM
My neighbours went for a nice walk after thanksgiving dinner,when they returned the turkey was gone! My springer had a knack for going over to visit them and he knew how to head butt their front door open.It was never proven but i beleive he was the guilty party.

10-29-2010, 08:04 PM
Hey Steven. She's just part of your weight loss program :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

10-30-2010, 02:44 AM
:eek::eek::eek:I can well imagine the smell of the dog farts that she is dropping in the house today

My Rottie will blast us out of the living room if she gets anything (in decent quantity) besides dog food...

once, I Thought it would be a nice treat to give her a "bull penis" dehydrated dog treat from the pet store...NOT !!!! WOWSERS !!!! Made the eyes water...

depends on dog, tina my golden lab has more in common with a garbage disposale than anything, she gets a steakbone everytime and licks every plate. once when i was not looking she ate a whole peach pit and all!!!:confused:
but barely a toot. exept when dad blames it on the dog.... lol

10-30-2010, 02:47 AM
You obviously dont own a Lab! Mine even eats olives!
mine eats anything but lemons or onions,

10-30-2010, 06:41 AM
I couldn't figure out why my raspberry bushes didn't produce anything below waist height, till I caught our springer suckin 'em right off the stalks...jam all over his face.....lol

but earlier that summer, I had come home from work, cheffed up a nice bbq tbone steak dinner, got everyone served, went to grab a beer, and the Go@@amn dog went shootin past me out the door with my steak in his mouth!!!! Failed to see the humor in that one for a while.........I seriously considered washing it off under the tap lol......but had broccoli and spuds for dinner instead.

10-30-2010, 07:59 AM
you told me you were a pro dog trainer and you would have this dog trained in 24 hours. lol

10-30-2010, 11:46 AM
Jake(Border Collie) jumped up onto the counter and ate the top off the apple pie. I can't blame the dog as I think everyone be it man,woman or beast loves apple pie.