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View Full Version : FIRST mulie !!!!!

10-26-2010, 10:45 PM
hey guys just shot my first mulie on friday at 430 in the afternoon in summerland .

got a lift up to our spot at 11am were i had seen a spiker a week before that ( started thinking for the freezer as anybuck ends in a few days) and i dont drive so chances were i was going to go without meat this year if i didnt push to get a buck now... i had allready put in 200plus hours in so far with not even a slight shot opertunity at a deer ( some say i was trying to hard) so we went up to were i had seen the spiker and no sign of anything .. just had a full moon the night before so i figured they would have a feed during the middle of the day.
walked a few hundred yards and cut off to the right off the end of a block of poplars? lol. only to jump a doe and fawn from there bed circle around them to get a beter look just to make sure neither was a spiker .. only to spook the doe and fawn back to were they were bedded and see 4 more deer rise and start running amongst them was a 4 point mulie id say 20 inch plus spread just caught a glimps of him and he was gone along with the rest of them.. so buddy and i decided to work our way up a the mountain on the east sid if the valley hunt that for the day then come back down in the evening hoeping to run into that buck again...

so we started up the mountain from the north end tip working our way up the 60 degree incline south on the east side hopeing to spot or jump a bedded buck in the shade during the day..

lots of sign but no deer. was around 330 and we neared the peak and decided that we should take a break have some drink and head back west and work our way back down thinking we would time it out right and run into the groups of deer that pass thru the valley down to the lake every evening... we had been sitting down for about a half hour and decided to start heading down but decided after a hundred yards or so that we would just work the west side ridge for another k or so and then work back down into the valley..

was 415 on the watch and just spooked up a big blue watched him cluck around for a few minutes the decided to move on again we rounded a small ridge that curved right then back into the mountain again to the left and disapated into a big bald patch on the mountain (not completly bald but could see 200 yards or more at some points) just as the ridge curved right we stopped and could here a deer russling thru the timber as if we had just spooked it up .. buddie ran to the top and watched him run down the opposite side iof the mountain came back said he was gone so again we started working our way around the ridge and it started curving left and panning out onto a nice open face about 60 percent grade still rounded the corner and buddy sais horns horns horns i looked up and there was what looked to be a 2 by 2 at 150 yards,,, walking straight up the mountain heading from the vally up and over to the other side... he stopped for a moment as if he was taking a break.. didnt even notice us,, i let one rip from my parker hale 1200m 7 mag with just iron sights and missed.. the bullet was low ..i had only sighted it to 100yards dead on.. seeing as the brush is so thick i never thought i would have to make a shot that far.. so anyways the deer didnt even spook and just started wlaking up the hill again he walked behind a tree as i loaded another round got the sights on him again and waited for him to stop broadside . he walked about 20 more yards and stoped dead in the perfect opening and put his head donw to have a bite to eat and a let er loose.. all i could see as soon as i pulled the trigger was his ass drop and buddy and i proceded to have a little freak out handshakes and a few hollers insewed meanwhile while we wernt paying attention.. after a few mins of that we decided to go check out out the prize only to find no blood AT ALL and NO deer ! lol we looked around for 5 minutes still nothing we thought it was all sureal and he got away.. then i thought wel maybe he rolled down? its possi ble so i go down and look 50 yards from were i shot him he lay against a rotten log all twisted up.. a few more holllers and handshakes later we had realized that if that log was not there there was nothing else in the way he would have rolled 400yard down a 60 percent grade we got luck there was no blood trasil at all and he was not bleeding at all further inspection showed i hit him high on the shoulder right in the spine.. i over compensated for the drop and hit way high.. a mile and a half and 45 mins drag later we made it down the hill and to my buddys grandpas truck ,, great hunt happened fast will live on with me and my buddy forever great memories great sport.. now i just need to find me a whitetail !!!!


Sooke Hunter
10-26-2010, 11:12 PM
Got any pics??:-D

10-26-2010, 11:16 PM
Got any pics??:-D

sure do hang tight!

10-26-2010, 11:33 PM
no pics untill tommorow sais pics are to pic for file type .. i dont know how to change there size or anything so tommorow pics for sure .. may have to put them on photo bucket or somthing..... and it was a legal 3 by 2 was quarter inch shy of a legal 4 point

5 spike
10-27-2010, 05:34 AM
great storey congrats.

10-27-2010, 09:49 AM
http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg310/travannah/65907_100452316691733_100001808940136_1647_7201526 _n-1.jpg

http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg310/travannah/66552_100450296691935_100001808940136_1635_889605_ n-1.jpg

http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg310/travannah/73790_100451303358501_100001808940136_1643_4133032 _n-1.jpg

10-27-2010, 09:50 AM
Still waiting on pictures from in the field.

10-27-2010, 10:50 AM
Great buck. Congrats!

10-27-2010, 10:54 AM
Nice work, capped as well huh!!!

Good on ya, congrats

10-27-2010, 11:33 AM
thats great. keep up the good work. good job with iron sights.

10-27-2010, 12:51 PM
Good effort. Job well done. Congrats.

10-28-2010, 11:21 AM
ya i was pretty excited got harsh buck fever legs were out of controll felt like i was going to fall down... i had to calm my self down and relax and pull the trigger it was hard to do but hey.. i did something right! and i think i may stick with the open sights they have served me well with all my guns had way more luck with the 22 and whatnot

10-28-2010, 01:40 PM
GREAT first buck. Should be excellent eating. It's a start to a long life of hunting!!!! Congrats

10-28-2010, 01:46 PM
Wow .. great photos and congratulations on your nice muley buck.
Jellystone Parks

10-28-2010, 06:39 PM
http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg310/travannah/65907_100452316691733_100001808940136_1647_7201526 _n-1.jpg

http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg310/travannah/66552_100450296691935_100001808940136_1635_889605_ n-1.jpg

http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg310/travannah/73790_100451303358501_100001808940136_1643_4133032 _n-1.jpg\\

gratz dude! just got my first on sunday!!

10-29-2010, 12:05 PM
congrats, nice looking muley.

10-29-2010, 01:24 PM
Congratulations on your first mulie. Fine looking buck.

10-30-2010, 10:10 PM
nice buck!

11-01-2010, 01:59 PM
Congratulations on your first mulie. Fine looking buck.

thanks alot.
he is 1 fine buck for sure

field pics very soon :-D

11-05-2010, 02:38 PM
Buck fever, love it when it rips through the veins, make you feel like you're still alive. Hope to never loose the Fever!

yukon john
11-05-2010, 02:39 PM
way to go, you will be eating good this winter!