View Full Version : My region 4 elk hunt.... hmmm lets see.

10-26-2010, 08:21 PM
Ok so you thought I was going to show you a huge elk.... well I regret to inform you on opening day I missed a huge bull elk at 500 yards with my 30-06 180grn bullet with 54 grains of powder.

You ask why how is that possible..... HELLO IT'S 500 YARDS..LOL it was bigger then a 7x7 and it had stickers poping out of every were.... I tell ya though after my fourth shot attempt I got close and threw up dirt on the last bullet and he ran.

But I didn't leave with nothing. So here we are... and it's huge. Dont you think?



And here's another one.




10-26-2010, 08:28 PM
Nice shooting Norbert. Did you shoot at the elk in the area I took you in, in the spring?

10-26-2010, 08:35 PM
shoulda used 55 grains of powder

10-26-2010, 08:38 PM
Nice critters! Switch up to a 300 win mag, or 300 rem Ultra mag and you woulda hit that big ole bull elk! Moosin

10-26-2010, 08:39 PM
Congrats on the turkey and deer! Too bad about the elk. Always next year :)

500 yards with 30-06 and 180's is doable. I was hitting the 500 yard gong (30-06 180's) this summer with a good rest. Of course the BDC reticle helps :)

10-26-2010, 08:43 PM
throwin out lead at 500yrds? would u feel bad if you wounded the elk??
-kewl turkey, and congrats on the buck!!!

10-26-2010, 08:43 PM
.......popcorn is popping as we speak.

great setup of the turkey! love it.

10-26-2010, 08:45 PM
I hope this thread doesn't turn into a shot range ethics debate....

10-26-2010, 08:50 PM
Man, you gotta try to close the distance on those animals. 500 yards is a long poke, a lot can go wrong over that distance.

That's a pretty hilarious setup for the turkey.

10-26-2010, 08:50 PM
I hope this thread doesn't turn into a shot range ethics debate....

Yup I also agree that it might start.

Even though you didn't get the elk at least you got to see it, and nice deer glad you got something to bring home.

10-26-2010, 08:51 PM
I hope this thread doesn't turn into a shot range ethics debate....
I think we are more mature than that!!! But still a 500 yrd shot with a little ole 30'06?? That is 300 win mag/300 RUM country!! No one can kill an elk at 500 yrds with a non magnum cart. Next thing you will tell me is that he was using rem core locs to boot??!!:wink: :twisted: Moosin

10-26-2010, 08:51 PM
how could it not...??

the guy is chucking long range shots (multiple shots, meaning he has no clue where they are hitting) at a bull elk with a 30-06......

I'm pretty sure someone is going to take him up on it....;)

hmmmm buttered or salted tonight....??

10-26-2010, 09:00 PM
Like the rifle-on-the-rack pic, good for scale.
Wheres the rack in the quad pic ? in the tool box ?

10-26-2010, 09:05 PM
I think we are more mature than that!!! But still a 500 yrd shot with a little ole 30'06?? That is 300 win mag/300 RUM country!! No one can kill an elk at 500 yrds with a non magnum cart. Next thing you will tell me is that he was using rem core locs to boot??!!:wink: :twisted: Moosin

hey hey, them core locs are great bullets-taken some fine animals with them... i dunno what the bullet drop of them would be at 500yrds but im guessin well over 4 feet..

10-26-2010, 09:08 PM
Nice shooting Norbert. Did you shoot at the elk in the area I took you in, in the spring?

i tried all that area that you showed me, called in a few but they were to young to shoot they were under 6x6. It was cool calling them in though. Called in a few cows as well and they caught my scent and started to bark at me, they stuck around for a while barking at me. At first it caught me off guard and made me jump when she screamed at me so close but I got use to it quickly as a young bull was near which I couldn't shoot. The one I was trying for was deep in the woods close to a nice grass/gas line area. Im still with out an elk and would love to try again if I could so if ya can get me on one id be out a.s.a.p.....lol

10-26-2010, 09:17 PM
hey hey, them core locs are great bullets-taken some fine animals with them... i dunno what the bullet drop of them would be at 500yrds but im guessin well over 4 feet..

CoreLokts kill elk dead. However, if anyone thought a 30/06 180 PSP CoreLokt only dropped 4 feet at 500 yards (zeroed at 200), then they'd miss too.

Bullet drop at 500 yards: -72.8 inches.

10-26-2010, 09:21 PM
30-06 has enough steam @ 500 to work, since its ballistics at that range are about the same as a 30-30 @ 100 yards. The 30-30 is a proven cartridge for big game at 100 yards, no point in disputing that.

however 500 is a long poke with any cartridge, 30-06 or 300 Ultra and you must be well practiced and know your rifle very well. Merely lobbing them in there hoping to hit is not good enough, shows very little respect for the elk. JMO

10-26-2010, 09:29 PM
30-06 has enough steam @ 500 to work, since its ballistics at that range are about the same as a 30-30 @ 100 yards. The 30-30 is a proven cartridge for big game at 100 yards, no point in disputing that.

however 500 is a long poke with any cartridge, 30-06 or 300 Ultra and you must be well practiced and know your rifle very well. Merely lobbing them in there hoping to hit is not good enough, shows very little respect for the elk. JMO

If you guys are looking to discuss what cartridges do what, open up a post for that, this isn't the place to post that info. I have no interest for that stuff and dont care to go that deep into it to tell ya the truth.

10-26-2010, 09:38 PM
hmmm let me see you took 4 shots at 500 yards. have you ever heard of maybe getting close enough to ummm maybe have a chance at killing the animal not just wounding them or maybe you should practice hay maker shots more on a target first

Slime green cat
10-26-2010, 09:42 PM
If you guys are looking to discuss what cartridges do what, open up a post for that, this isn't the place to post that info. I have no interest for that stuff and dont care to go that deep into it to tell ya the truth.

You have no interest in what cartridges do what ? You owe it to the animal to at least know what YOUR cartridge can do :evil:
4 shots eh ? you have no buisness taking those shots imo .

10-26-2010, 09:49 PM
hmmm let me see you took 4 shots at 500 yards. have you ever heard of maybe getting close enough to ummm maybe have a chance at killing the animal not just wounding them or maybe you should practice hay maker shots more on a target first

Here's the thing I dont have to explain the whole thing of how it went down because I wasn't interested in your thoughts or opinions just to show ya some pics. Because If I did explain the situation at the time I fired the 4 shots you would of understand but, as I dont care of opinions I would have tryed to shoot it at 900 yards if I could and I would of fired 8 or even 16 bullets if I had them readily available. So ya see either way no explanation is needed to you or any of the others that remind me of church go ers trying to convert me to their sadistic religions.

10-26-2010, 09:52 PM
Congrats on the animals and enjoy your harvest.
Im sure we all tried shots we couldn't handle at one point in our life, it just makes us practice and become better.
Good luck with the elk hunting.

10-26-2010, 09:53 PM
wow, wow, wow,

10-26-2010, 09:54 PM
I would have tryed to shoot it at 900 yards if I could and I would of fired 8 or even 16 bullets if I had them readily available

.........wow......get real man. I hope you choke on your jerky

10-26-2010, 09:55 PM
You have no interest in what cartridges do what ? You owe it to the animal to at least know what YOUR cartridge can do :evil:
4 shots eh ? you have no buisness taking those shots imo .

Well thanks for your opinion and I have my pal, non restricted and restricted. What do you have? so ya see I have business taking any shots I have interest in, and in any scenario I like. Thats like me saying if you are white which you probably are that you can't marry a colored girl? ------------> here's the thing it's really non of my business isn't it?..... Just some food for thought... IMO as you put it.

10-26-2010, 09:56 PM
your right if you keep up like this there will be more elk for me to hunt thanks

10-26-2010, 09:57 PM
your right if you keep up like this there will be more elk for me to hunt thanks

LOL now your thinking about the positive side of it..... cheers.

10-26-2010, 10:00 PM
I know guys that shoot like that at 50 yds. Don't really matter. He was havin fun and came home with some food. And was even sharing his story so back off.

10-26-2010, 10:02 PM
Well thanks for your opinion and I have my pal, non restricted and restricted. What do you have? so ya see I have business taking any shots I have interest in, and in any scenario I like. Thats like me saying if you are white which you probably are that you can't marry a colored girl? ------------> here's the thing it's really non of my business isn't it?..... Just some food for thought... IMO as you put it.:confused::confused::confused::confused::confus ed:

10-26-2010, 10:03 PM
I dont care of opinions I would have tryed to shoot it at 900 yards if I could and I would of fired 8 or even 16 bullets if I had them readily available. So ya see either way no explanation is needed to you or any of the others that remind me of church go ers trying to convert me to their sadistic religions.

Well thanks for your opinion and I have my pal, non restricted and restricted. What do you have? so ya see I have business taking any shots I have interest in, and in any scenario I like. Thats like me saying if you are white which you probably are that you can't marry a colored girl? ------------> here's the thing it's really non of my business isn't it?..... Just some food for thought... IMO as you put it.

Sounds like your a dickhead................IMO:wink: Lets just hope you didn't actually hit the elk and left it out there to die and waste. Did you even go check for blood or signs of a hit? Or did you feel he didn't react to the shot so he couldn't have been hit?

Keep up the good shootin there sniper.

10-26-2010, 10:03 PM
fifty yards wow they need to take there scope covers off . lol

10-26-2010, 10:03 PM
Dude!! Exhale!! Whew, feel better??!! Any animal, 2 pointer, or 7x7 elk deserves our respect, and saying that lobbing hail marys at it doesnot show that respect, and that is not JMO it is FACT!! Sportsmen know their ballistics, know their abilities and know that when they pull the trigger that critter will be dead period!! A 30'06 will kill an elk at 500 yrds, but under the correct circumstances with a practiced shooter, that knows what his rifle and cart. combo is capable of. So tell us you missed an elk, shot a turkey, and a beauty deer and spare yourself the ridicule which you deserve for making such nonsence comments such as lobbing hail marys at an elk from half a kilometer away!! Simple dude!! Moosin

10-26-2010, 10:05 PM
Nice Turkey, or is that Turkey's?

10-26-2010, 10:06 PM
Sounds like your a dickhead................IMO:wink: Lets just hope you didn't actually hit the elk and left it out there to die and waste. Did you even go check for blood or signs of a hit? Or did you feel he didn't react to the shot so he couldn't have been hit?

Keep up the good shootin there sniper.

no explaining needed in case you dont know how to read....I would send you a voice note repeating it if I could. What a shame. And I can be a dick head wont deny it.

10-26-2010, 10:08 PM
ironic how the same guy which declared hunting from a road unethical, seems its ok to lob a dozen rounds at an elk 900 yards away

10-26-2010, 10:08 PM
Well thanks for your opinion and I have my pal, non restricted and restricted. What do you have? so ya see I have business taking any shots I have interest in, and in any scenario I like. Thats like me saying if you are white which you probably are that you can't marry a colored girl? ------------> here's the thing it's really non of my business isn't it?..... Just some food for thought... IMO as you put it.


Maybe it's the way you typed it but it sounded like you might not be capable of taking shots at a live target at that distance. Hveing a PAL or RPAL doesn't make you capable.

Answer this, would you have felt bad if you wounded the elk?

10-26-2010, 10:09 PM
fifty yards wow they need to take there scope covers off . lol

LOL no no not fifty yards.... 500 yards. just trying correct you and no mine are the see through type no need to pop them open. They were a little fogged up though.

10-26-2010, 10:09 PM
no explaining needed in case you dont know how to read....I would send you a voice note repeating it if I could. What a shame.

Who made the rule that you DON'T need to answer for your actions? Last time I checked everyone was responsible and held accountable for the actions he or she take.

Come on there sniper, if the circumstances you were faced with warranted your actions then let us know what they are....clear your name

10-26-2010, 10:11 PM
ironic how the same guy which declared hunting from a road unethical, seems its ok to lob a dozen rounds at an elk 900 yards away

Cant see how that's ironic but sure if you think so.... i'll let that one stew with you for a bit. And go back and read the post it wasn't unethical as I put it.... but nice try you should be in politics you say things like one.

10-26-2010, 10:11 PM
I see this being locked shortly!

10-26-2010, 10:12 PM
IBTL, yeah!

10-26-2010, 10:13 PM
Who made the rule that you DON'T need to answer for your actions? Last time I checked everyone was responsible and held accountable for the actions he or she take.

Come on there sniper, if the circumstances you were faced with warranted your actions then let us know what they are....clear your name

my name is clear thank you and i'll sleep very good tonight

10-26-2010, 10:13 PM
ironic how the same guy which declared hunting from a road unethical, seems its ok to lob a dozen rounds at an elk 900 yards away

He would have shot 16 if he had them.........HEY I can read.....hhhmmm:wink:

10-26-2010, 10:14 PM
LOL no no not fifty yards.... 500 yards. just trying correct you and no mine are the see through type no need to pop them open. They were a little fogged up though.

Hailmarry shots and your scope was fogged up? WTF

10-26-2010, 10:16 PM
Dude!! Exhale!! Whew, feel better??!! Any animal, 2 pointer, or 7x7 elk deserves our respect, and saying that lobbing hail marys at it doesnot show that respect, and that is not JMO it is FACT!! Sportsmen know their ballistics, know their abilities and know that when they pull the trigger that critter will be dead period!! A 30'06 will kill an elk at 500 yrds, but under the correct circumstances with a practiced shooter, that knows what his rifle and cart. combo is capable of. So tell us you missed an elk, shot a turkey, and a beauty deer and spare yourself the ridicule which you deserve for making such nonsence comments such as lobbing hail marys at an elk from half a kilometer away!! Simple dude!! Moosin

Take a deep breath any thing else you would like to vent.... i'll listen but just you.

10-26-2010, 10:16 PM
my name is clear thank you and i'll sleep very good tonight

Its not up to you to make the decision if your name is clear or not, its the opinion of your peers and how you are remembered, you'll be remembered as the dillhole that was stupid enough to post that he would have lobbed 16 rounds at an elk 900 yards away if he had that much ammo on hand............another question is Why would you only carry 4 shells? Just imagine how fun those other 12 rounds would have been...:confused:

10-26-2010, 10:17 PM
Hailmarry shots and your scope was fogged up? WTF

lol I knew if I said some thing like that some one would respond... oh and my scopes broken and my barrel has a crack in it.... and I was using the wrong type of bullets....

Johnny G1
10-26-2010, 10:18 PM
The part that get's me is where do these dickheads come from, under some rock????

10-26-2010, 10:20 PM
Cant see how that's ironic but sure if you think so.... i'll let that one stew with you for a bit. And go back and read the post it wasn't unethical as I put it.... but nice try you should be in politics you say things like one.

of course you don't get it, seems like you don't understand alot of things.


10-26-2010, 10:20 PM
Its not up to you to make the decision if your name is clear or not, its the opinion of your peers and how you are remembered, you'll be remembered as the dillhole that was stupid enough to post that he would have lobbed 16 rounds at an elk 900 yards away if he had that much ammo on hand............another question is Why would you only carry 4 shells? Just imagine how fun those other 12 rounds would have been...:confused:

I have no care about what others that I dont know or will never know care about me.... they are only opinions and thoughts which are not valid to me.

10-26-2010, 10:25 PM
I have no care about what others that I dont know or will never know care about me.... they are only opinions and thoughts which are not valid to me.Because you know your mother still loves you.:wink:

10-26-2010, 10:39 PM
I have no care about what others that I dont know or will never know care about me.... they are only opinions and thoughts which are not valid to me.

OH sniper......somehow I think that the guys that do know you and are reading your post probably think your sounding like a douche right about now too, I'm not the only one.

10-26-2010, 10:44 PM
OH sniper......somehow I think that the guys that do know you and are reading your post probably think your sounding like a douche right about now too, I'm not the only one.Brambles he must hunt alone.Do you know anyone who would want to hunt with someone who claims he'll throw lead at anything at any range?I don't,and I bet you don't either. Gunner

Sooke Hunter
10-26-2010, 10:54 PM
I think this guy is just trying to stir the pot...that's it...I don't believe there is any validity to the story...just stirring shit!!:evil::evil:

10-26-2010, 10:59 PM
I learned a lot about ballistics tonight, 500 yrds is 4 shots, 900 yrds is 16 shots, that means 2000 yrds is 32 shots. no need for a turret scope now... anybody have a belt fed 50 cal for sale?

10-26-2010, 11:05 PM
I think this guy is just trying to stir the pot...that's it...I don't believe there is any validity to the story...just stirring shit!!:evil::evil:Could be and I hope so.I'd much rather that than to think that people would call that hunting.It sounds like an episode of "Best of the West",without the Huskemaws. Gunner

10-26-2010, 11:14 PM
NoLimit99, you should at least have a a basic knowledge of where your bullet is going to go at any range you intend to shoot.

Thread locked.