View Full Version : Book Class Blacktail Huntin 2010

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11-17-2010, 08:45 PM
Sweet, first thing I see after being away for a week.
Nice buck !

11-17-2010, 08:53 PM
A hard choice whether or not to pull the trigger when this guy walked out and you know theres a bigger buck in the area. Goes to show people who always ask how come you always get big bucks? Don't shoot the lil ones ;).... I would've let the smoke pole go boom on this guy forsure.

11-17-2010, 09:08 PM
Awesome Blacktail! Congrats Proguide!

11-17-2010, 09:28 PM
Looks like a nice old buck. Good work Steve. You definitely put the time in. Looking forward to the vid.

11-17-2010, 09:36 PM
Congratulations, old gnarly bucks beat any book number in my opinion. You do know your BT.

11-17-2010, 09:44 PM
Nice one. Right in the zone eh:mrgreen:

11-17-2010, 09:53 PM
Well done. I see your not all talk, way to follow through on it. A beauty deer and an excellent thread. Have you put a tape to him yet? Curious if you mount these buggers or add to the antler pile in the garage?

Wood butcher
11-17-2010, 09:56 PM
"What were you thinking" I love it. Ya, how many hours invested out here and I let him walk aaahhhhhhh?
Good call on going back after him, thats a good looking buck. Can't wait to see the rest of the mug shots! Congrats.

11-17-2010, 10:02 PM
Aint gonna score shit that little dink!! All this talk and this is all you come home with?????

LOL ;) :)

115 or bust
11-17-2010, 10:03 PM
I' call gross 128-130 :-)

11-17-2010, 10:07 PM
Here's a couple videos , more clear ones of him live loading...first one is how the am started!!.....shack , your right...i'm gonna get a BIG ONE next , hehe , had to warm up on 'somethin' after 121 hiking hrs!!:-D


have some real good footage of him live comin up.


11-17-2010, 10:14 PM
Awe hell at least your out there! My guiding season is over, and I am still waiting for the wife to give birth (9 days late now!!)
The excitement of my son being born is almost overshadowed by the fact that I am missing the peak of BT's!!!
At least I can live "vicariously" through this and other threads for now!!!

Great buck by the way!! ;)

11-17-2010, 10:22 PM
Great character buck Steve!!!!

Love the roman nose and grey face!!!

Congrats on the squeaker:-D

Great thread and look forward to more tips and big bucks!!

Way to go!! Nothing quite like knowing the spot eh! We need some of that white stuff here on the island!!

Gotta get higher. Ive been in the white stuff for over a week:-D
Bunch more fresh stuff around PA this morning, it was nasty...

This is what I was in at 1700' this afternoon on the North Island. Saw a good one with a couple does plus a spiker. They all seem to be moving down. Back at it tomorrow.




11-17-2010, 10:30 PM
Best Thread Ever!!!! That's an awesome mature buck PG66! Looking forward to seeing more of your video footage and what buck #2 is going to be like.

11-17-2010, 10:38 PM
Yup beauty for sure!!! good work Steve.

11-17-2010, 10:50 PM
awesome buck!!!

Now for some tips on how you find these areas. Just random hikes? Google Earth? Heard some look for patches of deciduous trees amongst the pines and things like that.

What do you look for when you say to yourself "i think that place should have some deer. lets check it out" ??
Well , its deffinitely hit er miss and lots of foot miles , unfortunately UP miles.
I try to look for a BIG timbered area wich has a BIG strip of timber going all the way up to the alpine.Lots of areas around here have HUGe rock slides wich act as natural ostacles ect from potential migrating deer or alpine deer coming down a bit in elevation...then I go for a looksee...if I find numerous rubs . game on..then the real hiking starts.Feed doesnt have any impact on my searching.These deer are eating what the big timber has to offer and there's no shortage of it.

11-17-2010, 10:52 PM
Well done. I see your not all talk, way to follow through on it. A beauty deer and an excellent thread. Have you put a tape to him yet? Curious if you mount these buggers or add to the antler pile in the garage?
No tape yet , guess could have a look for curiosity.
he'll get stared at on the porch for a while then cleaned up and added to the 'horn room'. I slowed wayy down on deer mounts a while back...only the REAL special ones get on the wall now.

Here's one more live vid....then back to more tips and MORE BIG BUCKS !!


11-17-2010, 10:58 PM
cool. Thanks for the reply. Keep the advice coming :) :) :)

Sleep Robber
11-17-2010, 11:21 PM
First class deer PG, hard work always comes with a reward. Congrats !!

sniper ren
11-17-2010, 11:37 PM
Right on! Congrats on a sweet looking buck!

11-18-2010, 12:26 AM
Nothing but awsome! Congrats and keep it coming!

11-18-2010, 08:22 AM
See, if you had me with you, you would have been able to get that kill on video!!!:-D
Congratulations Steve. Another awesome Columbia Blacktail Buck!

11-18-2010, 08:58 AM
What the heck , here's another vid....shows the animal pretty good!

Snow is in the front yard....ooohhh boy , shits going to be getting wacked up here now!...1 tag 10 days to go....damn...

Ian , fedX your tags to me , I will help you!!!!..:razz:


11-18-2010, 10:30 AM
I would have let him walk...:wink:

11-18-2010, 11:53 AM
Wow, congrats Steve! That is an awesome Blacktail!

11-18-2010, 01:25 PM
Proguide....Awesome thread and great vids...Keep em coming and congrats>>>

11-18-2010, 02:05 PM
loved those videos, defenitly getting one of those can calls next year. can't wait to see whats next

11-18-2010, 04:02 PM
Very nice buck thanks for sharing this with us

11-19-2010, 04:56 PM
Heres some trail cam pics I got from the camera yesterday. Note the date stamp, I think I'm getting up too damn early!!



11-19-2010, 05:13 PM
Haha, 3:00 in the afternoon? Thats awesome. bet I know where you will be the next few afternoons?!:-D

11-19-2010, 05:23 PM
Today, 03:56 PM

Re: Book Class Blacktail Huntin 2010

Heres some trail cam pics I got from the camera yesterday. Note the date stamp, I think I'm getting up too damn early!!



11-19-2010, 05:33 PM
I have actually shot a few big bt's between 2:45 and 3:30 pm the one in the avi included =) When they smell some doe and are hot in pursuit they are always moving :-D Looks like he noticed the camera in the pic heh.

11-19-2010, 06:52 PM
You won't be getting any more photos of that one, thanks to proguide.

11-19-2010, 07:15 PM
Great thread and vids and congrats on your buck, PG66!!

11-19-2010, 07:22 PM
Heres some trail cam pics I got from the camera yesterday. Note the date stamp, I think I'm getting up too damn early!!



Nice Buck, gives you motivation to hunt all day

11-19-2010, 07:47 PM
I was in checking my cameras a week ago. I picked up my son from school and headed in the bush(no gun of coarse). I figured 3:30 sunny day no need for the gun,I was very wrong. I checked the cameras and on the way out there stood a mature doe, so I tip the magic can and here cam a nice buck. I still have not forgiven myself and really did not want to share the story. I will give the late afternoon a try.

11-19-2010, 08:33 PM
Slept in today. Arrived at my parking spot around 9 AM. Getting ready for the hike in - look up see this spike watching me from ~ 150 m. Leave some of the gear by the car, circle around, can calling. Busted at 60 m as the spike was circling towards me just as fast.
Later in the day (after hiking in, sitting up on my planned stand for a while) I decide to pack up and head home. Stand up and, crash, something takes off from just above me on the side hill.

11-19-2010, 10:20 PM
Holy crap, I may have figured out how to post a pic. Heres a spiker Whistler Blacktail we got after work this week. I have been studying Proguide`s thread and hunting Blackies around Whis for two months now. They are ghosts for sure. I have finally found where they are hanging out. Deer in Whistler are as rare as an Aussie virgin. You see them on the road close to Squam and near Pemby but NEVER in Whistler. The deer I mean,not the virgins. We bagged this guy after cutting out early this week. Ran home, got geared up, made a coffee to go and hit the spot. I have been studying this spot for weeks. There is a steep sandy trail coming out of some thick bush onto a road and I went three times a week for the last while and smoothed out the trail and every time I went back there were new tracks. Mostly small prints but one time some big ones so I was stoked. The deer are going through every night. Bucks and does. We hiked uphill for twenty min and then headed down to a spot which overlooked where I thought the trail should go to. I just finished my coffee and we saw a deer come into the clearing walking on an old skidder road. I couldn`t believe it was coming together so perfectly. Looked like a doe at first but it was a buck. I was looking behind him hoping a buck was following this doe and when we realized he had spikes,well, after weeks of hiking and scouting it had to happen. My buddy was happy to cut his tag and its going to be tasty for sure. After we dragged him down to the road, in pitch black and rain, there was big buck about 100 ft up the rd in the headlights. Leg work and time in the bush is the only way to get these deer.

11-19-2010, 11:11 PM
You dont see PG66 showing this, but this is an important part of his gear


He says it buys him a few minutes, and he always wears it.


11-19-2010, 11:14 PM
Breathtaker facemask.... check

Can call.... check.

.243... check.

Man I am gonna HAMMER a book deer next year!!!!!

11-19-2010, 11:23 PM
You dont see PG66 showing this, but this is an important part of his gear


He says it buys him a few minutes, and he always wears it.


Dr. Steve to anastisiology, Paging Dr. Steve to Anastesiology!!!:-D

11-19-2010, 11:27 PM
You won't be getting any more photos of that one, thanks to proguide.
Good eye Kenny, I didnt even clue in... Thats pretty kool, if it is the same buck, trailcam one day freezer the next:-D

11-19-2010, 11:28 PM
Dr. Steve to anastisiology, Paging Dr. Steve to Anastesiology!!!:-D
Everyone is drinking on here tonight????:lol:...i'm goin to bed..got a feeling something HUGE is getting filmed , shot , packed tomarrow......8-)...packin food ect and forcing a stay from drk to drk if needed...holy shit its cold out!!!....things should be movin tomarrow .

11-20-2010, 06:46 AM
He used to wear it. He had to wipe his ass with it the other day, and I know for a fact he left it sitting on a rock near where his trail cam got ripped off, so if you see it, DON'T put it on...unless of course your the one who took the trail cam, in that case go right ahead.

11-20-2010, 10:30 AM
Nice work PG...that buck look like he had a giant attitude to go with that headgear. Good footage.

deer nut
11-21-2010, 08:06 PM
This is the best thread EVER!! Or could it be that I am now offically a black-tail addict? Way too many hours spent chasing a big one on the island....but the big bucks still elude me. I am not as relentless/ scientific about it as PG66 that's for sure!

I hope I can find my own rut hole some day! (Don't we all!)

Thanks PG66!

11-21-2010, 08:35 PM
No tape yet , guess could have a look for curiosity.
he'll get stared at on the porch for a while then cleaned up and added to the 'horn room'. I slowed wayy down on deer mounts a while back...only the REAL special ones get on the wall now.

Here's one more live vid....then back to more tips and MORE BIG BUCKS !!


That footage is deadly.
I swear I saw a beamer and a trans am go by in the background :lol:

I'd mount that bugger in a heart beat.
Heading out myself in the a.m to my favorite haunt that just "looks right" havent really been out in over 2 weeks for BTs... gotta get on it :?

Post your big bugger up tomorrow ;)

11-21-2010, 08:49 PM
haha....maybe the chairlift?.. hard to loose the sound of traffic in those steep valleys , logging trucks givin er.
The buggers right horn had 5" base and 4" girth all the way to the end of the mainbeam...55" on his right and a 14.5" inside, 21" main...heavy old boy.
i hiked to the sky today,14 deer two bucks , had one buck harrassing 3 does at 5 frikkin yards..they didnt care about me...obviously not hunted before...hit pause instead of record by accident...aaarrgh
I'm ON THE ASS of two big - BIG ones right now...clear nights , full moon , everything frozen...damn...might have to go to work tomarow and give em a break! good luck.


11-21-2010, 09:07 PM
Thats a gnarly ol' bugger, nice work.

Kitimat Killer
11-21-2010, 09:58 PM
pg66 you got them figured out thats for sure i love the bt hunting here in kitimat but have not got a chance to go out and reading this thread makes it harder as my wife is due with are first child soon so im missing all the action but love this thread i've been doing so much research of the areas that i hunt on google earth and see the old groath timber just got to waite till next season now


11-22-2010, 07:56 PM
gunna have to bump this thread...

11-22-2010, 09:45 PM
OH MY GOD...I'm almost ready to throw in the damned towel...Ive been after a MONSTER frikki buck for 4 yrs...have two pics of him..thats IT...Ive tracked him , tried to find his sheds...listened to numerous reports of NIGHTIME sightings by EVERYONE but me...tracked him , dreamt about him , lost maybe 50lbs of body weight chasing him over the years ,l found his rubs , found his tracks ( literally dozens of times) , gathered soo much knowlege of his habits/haunts but I CANT SEE HIM WITH MY OWN EYES...AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH
Now , I'm sure most btail hunters have the same 'bitch' but SHIT , Ive logged over 150hrs of hiking time each season for frikkin YEARS ON END...still , OUTDONE....uuuugh...7 days to go....damn , if I DO get a chance at this pig , I think I just might get buck fever and MISS ,lol...
Guess this is a bit of a rant...but shit , all i got....uuuuuuugh...DAMN BLACKTAILS !!!!!!!

11-22-2010, 10:01 PM
Steve if you are not able to get him before the Nov 30th close I have a couple of spots I can take you to get you a nice trophy spiker in 2-7 until Dec 15th. :mrgreen:

11-22-2010, 10:06 PM
I went on a brutal hike today, up to the height of land, cruised the timber...saw a doe today. No bucks with her.

Contact lenses froze to my eyeballs, the wind chill was fierce!

If we had some snow with this cold snap, life would be easier...but it's not. Gotta run some errands tomorrow AM, but maybe get out in the afternoon. Then I think I'm free for another couple of weeks.:mrgreen:

11-22-2010, 10:15 PM
Totally awesome thread. I have printed most of it out for reading material. Steve you should write a book on BT hunting. The only books I have seen on BT hunting are from Washington and Oregon. The only video I have seen was a cool looking one from Oregon with trad bow hunters and I'm still kicking myself for not buying it.

Thank you everyone for sharing your knowledge about this incredible species of deer:-D.

11-22-2010, 10:19 PM
You'll lay your hands on his rack one day Steve, the hard work in the end pays off specially for a BT that may be a buck of a life time. Got a spot you can take your agression out on a pack of yotes. Well that is unless I don't do it first. That wind is pretty fierce out there today and isn't letting up so tomorrow shall be the same. Lots of snow in Squampton.

11-22-2010, 10:23 PM
save him for next fall, I'll walk 30 feet off the trail and blast him :mrgreen:

11-22-2010, 10:27 PM
I bet a guy will nail him from the hood of a truck...lol... Oops sorry... I am probably not helping.:twisted: Look on the bright side PG, You've been after him so long he's probably not what he used to be...:wink:

11-22-2010, 10:33 PM
If you really wanna see him though, leave your camera at home. Sure as hell he'll walk out at first light, and stand broadside at 20yrds :D I only joke cause one of these days I'll come home and there'll be a pic up of you holding his rack

11-22-2010, 10:36 PM
If you really wanna see him though, leave your camera at home. Sure as hell he'll walk out at first light, and stand broadside at 20yrds :D I only joke cause one of these days I'll come home and there'll be a pic up of you holding his rack

If you REALLY wanna see him.... Leave the rifle at home!! He'll probably feed out of your hand then...

11-22-2010, 10:39 PM
Maybe Jelly's buddy's buddy of a buddy's friend got him.....:eek::mrgreen:

But we would never know as there will be no pictures......:wink::-D

Keep at in PG as you just never know....

Good luck the last 7 days!!!



11-23-2010, 08:33 AM
If it was easy anyone could do it. Keep at it.

Wild Images
11-23-2010, 08:37 AM
OH MY GOD...I'm almost ready to throw in the damned towel...Ive been after a MONSTER frikki buck for 4 yrs...have two pics of him..thats IT...Ive tracked him , tried to find his sheds...listened to numerous reports of NIGHTIME sightings by EVERYONE but me...tracked him , dreamt about him , lost maybe 50lbs of body weight chasing him over the years ,l found his rubs , found his tracks ( literally dozens of times) , gathered soo much knowlege of his habits/haunts but I CANT SEE HIM WITH MY OWN EYES...AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH
Now , I'm sure most btail hunters have the same 'bitch' but SHIT , Ive logged over 150hrs of hiking time each season for frikkin YEARS ON END...still , OUTDONE....uuuugh...7 days to go....damn , if I DO get a chance at this pig , I think I just might get buck fever and MISS ,lol...
Guess this is a bit of a rant...but shit , all i got....uuuuuuugh...DAMN BLACKTAILS !!!!!!!

It will all be worth it, go get him buddy :mrgreen:

11-23-2010, 09:22 AM
It makes me feel better to know that PG66 is going a little nutty, because I too am ready to toss the perverbial towel !!:icon_frow Rode in to my spot yesterday, blowing and cold, like -10. Stop in at the old cabin, and warm up by the camp stove for a few minutes, and use the outhouse. (Thats a bonus:)) Head to the timbers edge, and start my hike in the old growth Fir. The ground is steep in the direction I need to go because of the wind, and its like a skating rink!! Starting to snow now, and IM havin a hard time stayin on my feet. Took a couple of falls, but stay with it. Looks good, lots of fresh tracks, a couple of beds. Todays the day!! WHAM!!! Down I go, this time, a bad fall on the icey ground, snow falling, me layin on the ground..Broken scope cover. THATS IT, YOU FRICKIN DEER CAN HAVE THIS SPOT, IVE HAD IT ARRGGGGGHHHH !!!!
"Better not tell Steve this story" I think as I am hiking back up to the timbers edge.. Haha... Im going to the mainland for a few days so I can see what a deer looks like, and then will get back at it here next week.. Afterall, Ive got till the 10th of Dec!!:-D Sorry to rub that in PG....

11-23-2010, 09:51 AM
Haha...damned deer hunting eh Ian?

Well , I do still have two other bucks I am working and still have the beginning of Dec for them...but this damned deer has just got me PISSED....soo frustrating to be able to go to one spot , find his track , KNOW where to go next and see it there....jump ahead another km...BINGO there he is again , now dogging a doe waited there last night till my legs started to crystalize , gave in and left AGAIN...I was right on his damned ass AGAIN..anyway , I'm going to plant two cams today after work so I will at leats have some clear pics of him laughing at me and can look at em for the rest of the year...:-|

if we get a fresh dump of snow verry soon hes DEAD,still a good chance of breaking 150" with the other guys to.....but this one buck is under my skin deep,:lol:...I should have a pic in 3 days....didnt want to put the cams on him due to not needing the additional torcher...what the hell , cant get worse,:mrgreen:

11-23-2010, 10:32 AM
Its gonna dump Thurs Steve

11-23-2010, 10:41 AM
25-35cms :D

11-24-2010, 12:50 AM
Bagged my first BT today. Not book class so maybe I shouldn`t be on this thread but a LOT of time and effort into getting this guy. I think I put an inch on my calves since Oct looking for these guys. 1000s in vertical and hours hiking but well worth it and pretty stoked to get him. This is my first year deer hunting and had a great time. Don`t need to buy any steak until next fall.

11-24-2010, 01:41 AM
Great looking buck. Congrats. Sounds like you earned it. He's nice and tall.

11-24-2010, 02:03 AM
He's a beauty... meat in the freezer what its all about

11-24-2010, 05:58 AM
nothing wrong with that,nice deer for your first. go get another.

11-24-2010, 08:36 AM
This guy was my third deer this fall. I`m done till next year now. I`ll post some shots of the others later. Picking up my whitey doe this week from the butcher. MMMMMM!

11-24-2010, 10:03 AM
Well this is supposed to be a "book blacktail" thread and since proguide, gatehouse or myself can't seem to put one on the ground I thought I would show you guys a Pemberton trophy blackie from a guy who can. My buddy shot this buck last Sunday, not too much of a story he was going up one steep rocky ridge and this guy was going up the other with some does. One shot end of story.



11-24-2010, 10:12 AM
Wow!!! That is one hell of a buck! :-D

Also congrats to lovemywinchester!! :wink:

11-24-2010, 10:15 AM
Holy Crap!!!!!!!! What a beauty.

11-24-2010, 10:25 AM
Holy ****!!! I would trade a buck like that for any 200"+ whitetail or any mulie

11-24-2010, 11:17 AM
Thats a pig!!

Was he hunting from his Jet Boat for better access???

Thanks for the picts!!!



11-24-2010, 11:24 AM
Yeah they used the jetboat and went up the Lillooet to their honey hole. Apparently saw another big buck as well but couldn't get a shot off. Wouldn't make her today alot of ice coming down that river right now.

11-24-2010, 12:02 PM
Well if thats a BT, (not a mulie) he just got one in the book, what a DANDY !
We've shot some Hybrids in the same area, BT/Mulie cross. Sure would like to see a pic of that Buck showing the tail, face on ears out etc. I am not saying it's not a BT, a few of the biggys we shot very near Pemberton/Mt.Currie have huge ears, Big bodies (300+) pounds on hoof, brown to black outer tails, nice racks but more compact and knarley then average Mulies.
That one is a Cranker if it's a BT!

Congrats to the hunter, what are the measurments?


11-24-2010, 01:24 PM
Wow pig of a deer, a true beauty

bushpig slayer
11-24-2010, 03:35 PM
i think i just wet myself.that thing is huge what a pig.i don't even dream about them that big.how can you tell if it is a hybrid very easy or not?

11-24-2010, 04:42 PM
Thats a dream trophy BT buck alright..

11-24-2010, 06:45 PM
Wow, thats what I was looking for yesterday. Gotta get back in there for the big ones. Not going to find Bucks like that where everyone else is hunting I guess. A few of my hunting buddies are telling me my buck is a straight up muley. I thought it was a BT because of the lack of white for on his arse. Any ideas from the more experienced guys? A hybrid maybe? thx

11-24-2010, 06:49 PM
Wow, thats what I was looking for yesterday. Gotta get back in there for the big ones. Not going to find Bucks like that where everyone else is hunting I guess. A few of my hunting buddies are telling me my buck is a straight up muley. I thought it was a BT because of the lack of white for on his arse. Any ideas from the more experienced guys? A hybrid maybe? thx

Ur's is a blacktail for sure. It could have possibly have some muley in its blood line but I think almost all mainland BT's do. That tail on yours is Blacktail through and through.

11-24-2010, 06:56 PM
Thanks, thats what I was hoping to hear. My buddies are saying the antlers are muley and its too big for a BT but the photo makes it look bigger than it is. Awesome, thanks again.

11-24-2010, 07:00 PM
Don't ID a deer by the antlers. The tail is the surefire way.

11-24-2010, 07:05 PM
Look at the difference between this muley tail and your deers tail.


11-24-2010, 07:57 PM
Wow, thats what I was looking for yesterday. Gotta get back in there for the big ones. Not going to find Bucks like that where everyone else is hunting I guess. A few of my hunting buddies are telling me my buck is a straight up muley. I thought it was a BT because of the lack of white for on his arse. Any ideas from the more experienced guys? A hybrid maybe? thx

Straight up mulie..not a chance. Could it be a hybrid, yeah I guess but who knows and really who cares. Its got a black tail, it was shot in a blacktail area, to me its a blacktail. Congrats on a nice buck and I'm sure well earned.

11-24-2010, 08:54 PM
The guy who shot it is a guy we would all want to see shoot a buck like that!...and we cant judge him just because he and gilmore are gey lovers,haha:lol: the shooters dad has a btail that goes over 160....DOH !!!.
I had a BIG buck in front of me this am as well , maybe 60 yrds...too dark to see points...frame went past his ears and kinda just as high....had to let him walk , one tag left....was hiking up in the drk 'just' seeing light....not enough...damn........:-|

11-24-2010, 08:59 PM
I think BT's should be specified differently, as in V.Island,Texada,S.coast and Middle-Northern coastal mainland should be separate from the more interior and southern variety, because frankly the difference in those areas compared to say California as an example is ridiculous. May as well classify them as all Sitkas.


This ones oregon I think




And another Oregon interior


11-24-2010, 09:21 PM
I guess if you get all hung up over the record books, having 17 different zones is the way to go. The way I see it is if your fishing in lake that has 20 pound rainbows in it and you catch an 18 pounder your doing damn good. If you then go to a lake that has 9 pounders tops and catch an 8 pounder that tells me overall you know how to catch big rainbows regardless of size and regardless of where your fishing. But just because your neighbour caught one 35 pounder in a lake famous for 70 pounders 1600 miles away doesn't make you any less of a fisherman.

11-24-2010, 09:47 PM
Have you ever came across a collard and ear tagged doe it your area. Are you suppost to report it if you see one? Seen one last weekend while scoping out a nice little rut hole that I will be revisiting this weekend. She looked uncomfortable hair all squished up around neck and a big pink tag flapping off her ear.

11-24-2010, 10:14 PM
Have you ever came across a collard and ear tagged doe it your area. Are you suppost to report it if you see one? Seen one last weekend while scoping out a nice little rut hole that I will be revisiting this weekend. She looked uncomfortable hair all squished up around neck and a big pink tag flapping off her ear.

Hey Travis,

Yeah the PWA along with region 2 biologists have done a pretty extensive tagging and collaring program the past 2 years here in Pemberton with one more year to come. Biologists can keep track of the ear tagged deer with telemetry equipment and the collared deer have GPS trackers so reporting them is not required. Good to hear your seeing them though.

Stop by if your around this weekend for a BS.


11-24-2010, 10:25 PM
I don't think you need a whole bunch of different zones for BT's. However I'm not looking to enter animals into the book. Yes I wanna only shoot monster bucks but frankly I don't need a guy holding a measuring tape telling me he's not a trophy because he has a broken tine or cause he's 2inches to small. But to each their own. If you want a book BT go to oregon, if you want a trophy(in your own opinion of a trophy) BT then go out to your secret spot and shoot a mature buck that'll but a smile on your face an get your ticker beating fast.

11-24-2010, 10:27 PM
Have you ever came across a collard and ear tagged doe it your area. Are you suppost to report it if you see one? Seen one last weekend while scoping out a nice little rut hole that I will be revisiting this weekend. She looked uncomfortable hair all squished up around neck and a big pink tag flapping off her ear.

Please let us know where you saw the deer, it will help in our studies.

Also fill out the 2-11 hunter survey if you want to .

Those collars are due to drop off Nov 29, I bet they are getting uncomfy!:wink:

11-24-2010, 10:29 PM
Please let us know where you saw the deer, it will help in our studies.

Also fill out the 2-11 hunter survey if you want to .

Those collars are due to drop off Nov 29, I bet they are getting uncomfy!:wink:

..and to find your rut hole...:lol::lol:

11-24-2010, 10:42 PM
..and to find your rut hole...:lol::lol:

ha ha ha

Yeah, that too I guess.:mrgreen:

Just re read my comment, it kinda sounds like a fishing expedition, eh?:-D

If you Pm me where you saw it, especially if you recall a # on it, I'd appreciate it. And if you give me your email I will send you a deer survey. Thanks!

11-24-2010, 11:05 PM
I guess if you get all hung up over the record books, having 17 different zones is the way to go. The way I see it is if your fishing in lake that has 20 pound rainbows in it and you catch an 18 pounder your doing damn good. If you then go to a lake that has 9 pounders tops and catch an 8 pounder that tells me overall you know how to catch big rainbows regardless of size and regardless of where your fishing. But just because your neighbour caught one 35 pounder in a lake famous for 70 pounders 1600 miles away doesn't make you any less of a fisherman.

Not what I am saying at all. They are two different classes of animals almost as different as mulies from BT's. There are Sitka sub species that are already well known, and I would just separate the zones i mentioned between the two. I don't score my bucks and therefore don't enter any into any kind of recored books but it annoys me when I see pics of people with these basically black tailed mule deer saying they are your regular BT deer. They are obviously not lol. They are all nice bucks though :-D

11-24-2010, 11:13 PM
basically black tailed mule deer

mmmmmm, that' be a black tailed deer :-D

11-24-2010, 11:21 PM
mmmmmm, that' be a black tailed deer :-D

hmmmm no... lol it would be a mule deer with a black tail. Basically your garden variety mule deer with a black tail not a small dark racked coastal deer with a black tail. :mrgreen:




11-24-2010, 11:39 PM
mmmmmm, that' be a black tailed deer :-D

OK, now we're taking this thread WAY off topic so lets not get carried away...BUT, this is not entirely true. Its commonly thought that BT's are subs of the Mulie but DNA evidence actually suggests the Mulies are a hybridization of the BT and WT's..... http://www.blacktailcountry.com/html/blkpage.htm

Either way, I dont give a shit. Gilmor is right. If its got a blacktail and was taken from a blacktail area, its a damn blacktail. Who cares if its big and somewhere down his lineage some slutty BT doe humped a runty old mulie who couldnt resist the temptation and jumped species for a quick rub.

11-24-2010, 11:45 PM
OK, now we're taking this thread WAY off topic so lets not get carried away...BUT, this is not entirely true. Its commonly thought that BT's are subs of the Mulie but DNA evidence actually suggests the Mulies are a hybridization of the BT and WT's..... http://www.blacktailcountry.com/html/blkpage.htm

Either way, I dont give a shit. Gilmor is right. If its got a blacktail and was taken from a blacktail area, its a damn blacktail. Who cares if its big and somewhere down his lineage some slutty BT doe humped a runty old mulie who couldnt resist the temptation and jumped species for a quick rub.

They separate Sitkas from Columbias already...so they are not just all "blacktails".

11-25-2010, 12:03 AM
Getting back to the Lilloet Laker in the jetboat........SWEET JESUS. :eek: I think I just had a bit of an accident as well.........Poster boy blacktail. I took a "meat BT" earlier in the year and my fingers are crossed for a good one this week for tag #2...............

11-25-2010, 12:17 AM
I think BT's should be specified differently, as in V.Island,Texada,S.coast and Middle-Northern coastal mainland should be separate from the more interior and southern variety, because frankly the difference in those areas compared to say California as an example is ridiculous. May as well classify them as all Sitkas.


Unless you are hunting strictly to kill an animal that has managed to grow record book size antlers, then the whole classification thing is largely irrelevant.

PG66 and I both have "record book" animals mounted that have never been entered into the "record book" because we dont' care. (Although that might change if someone gets a #1) ;)

I've seen bucks that look like mulies inside the BT zone and mulies that look like BT's inside the MD zone.:-D

Bottom line is a good buck from zone "A" may be a dink in zone "X"

Just like Gilmores analogy of fish in a lake.

11-25-2010, 04:50 AM
So its 3:45am i cant sleep because i found a rut hole yesterday. 10 big rubs, piss everywhere, pink piss. The big dog put on about 15kms in a 800 yard stretch of timber in the last 24hours.......im pumped for this morning hunt.........even on 2 hours sleep.
Ill let your guys know how i do.

11-25-2010, 05:22 AM
I have never excepted the Frazer valley deer to be scored as coastal BTD I never have liked it and never will like it.

No one in this world will ever convince me that mule deer don't breed with the coastal BTD ..
Lets face it who is stopping them at the line from coming across and breeding with the coastal BTD ??:confused:??.

I always wanted the deer to be scored separate from the main land and the Island in my books it makes sense..

Who will ever shoot a deer that scores 160 here on the island never heard of it and it will never happen..

11-25-2010, 09:51 AM
So its 3:45am i cant sleep because i found a rut hole yesterday. 10 big rubs, piss everywhere, pink piss. The big dog put on about 15kms in a 800 yard stretch of timber in the last 24hours.......im pumped for this morning hunt.........even on 2 hours sleep.
Ill let your guys know how i do.

holy shit , 3 pages 'off topic' later and we get a post that goes with the thread!!!:mrgreen:

now this is shit worth reading!!!...I', amped up for you ,let us know your startegy , how your going to assault it......good luck!!!

ps , I used the can call on all 8 deer I saw yesterday and never had a response...might have held a couple a little longer to look at me but nothiung came at me....goes to show , sometimes its hot-sometimes its not! Even that big rutting buck in the drk didnt care , just kept slowly walking away but the can would stop him , just never came back.

11-25-2010, 10:44 AM
I have never excepted the Frazer valley deer to be scored as coastal BTD I never have liked it and never will like it.

No one in this world will ever convince me that mule deer don't breed with the coastal BTD ..
Lets face it who is stopping them at the line from coming across and breeding with the coastal BTD ??:confused:??.

I always wanted the deer to be scored separate from the main land and the Island in my books it makes sense..

Who will ever shoot a deer that scores 160 here on the island never heard of it and it will never happen..

Problem with that is as soon as you have a record book or a contest etc you will have guys that will cheat to get in there or to win. I guarentee there would be a ton of mainland blacktails being registered and entered as Vancouver Island bucks just becuase the score is higher.

No doubt there are mule deer entered in the blacktail books too. And I would bet there are a lot of guys that hunt blacktails right on the border separating mule deer hoping they get a cross breed or a mulie that makes the blacktail book.

Case in point look at the Grizzly bear/ Alaskan Brown Bear border in alaska. Lots of bears shot near the border in the "grizz" area and entered as grizz but are clearly alaskan brown bears. They look nothing like what a grizz looks like in Bella coola or the rest of continent where the grizzlies are actually grizzlies.


11-25-2010, 10:52 AM
Unless you are hunting strictly to kill an animal that has managed to grow record book size antlers, then the whole classification thing is largely irrelevant.

PG66 and I both have "record book" animals mounted that have never been entered into the "record book" because we dont' care. (Although that might change if someone gets a #1) ;)

Pretty much my reasoning...I don't enter my bucks...but If I nailed a 150+ Sitka on Van. Isle I might want to put it in lol. Which is why I just think the zones should be extended for the sitka to include the areas I mentioned.

I have never excepted the Frazer valley deer to be scored as coastal BTD I never have liked it and never will like it.

No one in this world will ever convince me that mule deer don't breed with the coastal BTD ..
Lets face it who is stopping them at the line from coming across and breeding with the coastal BTD ??:confused:??.

I always wanted the deer to be scored separate from the main land and the Island in my books it makes sense..

Who will ever shoot a deer that scores 160 here on the island never heard of it and it will never happen..

Exactly H47. Sorry to hijack the thread PG .... I won't derail it any further. :-D

11-25-2010, 03:31 PM
So its 3:45am i cant sleep because i found a rut hole yesterday. 10 big rubs, piss everywhere, pink piss. The big dog put on about 15kms in a 800 yard stretch of timber in the last 24hours.......im pumped for this morning hunt.........even on 2 hours sleep.
Ill let your guys know how i do.

Dude! I'm excited for ya. Keep us posted with ALL the details. What you saw, how many, did you call, sit, run, yell, all of it! Good luck and I hope ya nail him. I didn't get the chance to hunt blacktails over the past little bit thanks to work so I'm living vicariously through y'all. I say "y'all" cause I'm from the south. South OK........

11-25-2010, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by JCVD:
Pretty much my reasoning...I don't enter my bucks...but If I nailed a 150+ Sitka on Van. Isle I might want to put it in lol. Which is why I just think the zones should be extended for the sitka to include the areas I mentioned.

There are no Sitka Blacktails on Vancouver Island and any Blacktail buck over 150 on the Island would be a first. Anything over 120 is a buck of a lifetime on the island.

11-25-2010, 04:26 PM
I'm about to explode with anticipation!!!...snows dumping , its now 100% track able ground...only dilema is wich of the two bucks to try for tomarrow...and as well , is tomarrow too soon after a dump?
I remember yrs ago hunting in Golden on the ski hill side right after a few days of dumping...didnt see a frikkin track:?...then day 2 after it dumped it was game on!!!...wonder how these buggers are going to react...up and adam? er lay low and sulk a couple days??....hhmmm...

11-25-2010, 04:32 PM
I vote for "up and at 'em". Get out there!

11-25-2010, 05:34 PM
...up and adam? er lay low and sulk a couple days??....hhmmm...

No sulking for this guy, this is exactly what we've been waiting for man...on second thought maybe you should stay home.:wink:

11-25-2010, 06:20 PM
Snow is still dumping in Squamish, a good 6inchs and its still coming down. I'm guessing "up and at em"... Can't hunt tomorrow gotta blow snow in WHistler grrrrrrrr. You guys should get out there. I wanna know how there moving and reacting to calls tomorrow so update if you go. I'll be out there nice an early saturday

11-25-2010, 06:38 PM
I'm about to explode with anticipation!!!...snows dumping , its now 100% track able ground...only dilema is wich of the two bucks to try for tomarrow...and as well , is tomarrow too soon after a dump?
I remember yrs ago hunting in Golden on the ski hill side right after a few days of dumping...didnt see a frikkin track:?...then day 2 after it dumped it was game on!!!...wonder how these buggers are going to react...up and adam? er lay low and sulk a couple days??....hhmmm...

When the snow started falling on the Island they started moving to there spots to sit /sleep it out thick shit. The bucks I have been after have been lying low since.Tomorrow the game will be on again.
I am no expert,but that is what I experienced through this snow fall.I am now hoping for lots of rain & wind.
Good luck Proguide I hope you get the big one this season,you deserve it!
Thanks for all the good tips, they are invaluable & helped me to get on to some decent Bucks,have not been successful YET!
But I can smell change! :wink::wink:

11-25-2010, 06:56 PM
Starting saturday is suppose to warm up alot too

11-25-2010, 07:54 PM
Was showing a guy my pics of my BT and he goes "check this out" and shows me a pic of a 6x6 BT his buddy shot near Pemby somewhere this week. You local guys probably know him. My eyes bugged right out. Freaky looking rack. Next year I guess.

11-25-2010, 08:21 PM
Was showing a guy my pics of my BT and he goes "check this out" and shows me a pic of a 6x6 BT his buddy shot near Pemby somewhere this week. You local guys probably know him. My eyes bugged right out. Freaky looking rack. Next year I guess.

One with an extra "antler" coming out of it's right hand antler?

11-25-2010, 08:25 PM
we nailed a nice 4by3 this morning,he was hot on a doe with twin fawns,B.T nice buck and he was moving...

11-25-2010, 08:26 PM
Although that might change if someone gets a #1 ;)


11-25-2010, 08:28 PM
holy shit , 3 pages 'off topic' later and we get a post that goes with the thread!!!:mrgreen:

now this is shit worth reading!!!...I', amped up for you ,let us know your startegy , how your going to assault it......good luck!!!

ps , I used the can call on all 8 deer I saw yesterday and never had a response...might have held a couple a little longer to look at me but nothiung came at me....goes to show , sometimes its hot-sometimes its not! Even that big rutting buck in the drk didnt care , just kept slowly walking away but the can would stop him , just never came back.

Well i go to my sp in the dark..snuck in..........conditions were perfect, fresh 3inches of snow.......wind in my face on the way up. I almost had wood :mrgreen:. I slowly walked in the bucks glory hole.........no fresh sign then outa no where he was 80 yards away....a nice island 3 point. I went to one knee as he walked out a view.......damn!! Grabbed the can call ......not a a twitch......he kept on going down the hill. I pulled myself together and slowly followed him.........he was moving pretty fast ....but he wasnt spooked. I followed him up a steeeeeeeeeeep bluff in about 1 1/2 of snow sketchy but i had to do it. I get to the summit of te first bluff and he was up te second one lookin at me. 80 yard with jut his head and neck showing..........i dropped to one knee and tried to steed myself but i was pretty @#@#$ed up from the adrenaline........Boom .....i knew id misseed as soon as i pulled the trigger. I guess all the prep in the world doesnt account for human error..........i layed down in te snow for a half hour and felt sorry for myself :cry:. Then i got back on the waggon and hiked every patch of timber i could before dark.............im some tired right now.

All in all it was a good day......besides the miss

11-25-2010, 08:34 PM
The guy who shot it is a guy we would all want to see shoot a buck like that!...the shooters dad has a btail that goes over 160....DOH !!!.

Not quite 160 but close enough. He actually sent me a picture of it tonight, shot in the early 70's here in Pemberton it scored 157 6/8!


Now thats a cranker, I don't care what zone your in.

11-25-2010, 08:38 PM
dream buck right there

11-25-2010, 08:46 PM
Not quite 160 but close enough. He actually sent me a picture of it tonight, shot in the early 70's here in Pemberton it scored 157 6/8!


Now thats a cranker, I don't care what zone your in.

Amazing buck! Thanks for posting Gilmore.

I just picked up the new Island Record book and have been wading through it. A family friend of ours is still in the top 10.

11-25-2010, 08:54 PM
One with an extra "antler" coming out of it's right hand antler?

Would have to see it again. I think i had buck fever mixed with extreme jealousy!
Can`t recall the specifics. Points sticking out everywhere.

11-25-2010, 08:57 PM
Up and at em early this morning. Drove as far as I could then parked found out I left my binos on the door step. The hell with that, I dont need 'em, its gonna be a close encounter anyways. Snow shoed about 2km to some higher ground. Tracks everywhere, rubs everywhere, no people, snow falling...this is going to be great. Long snow shoe in, man, this is going to be on fire......and then nothing. Not a sniff. Fresh tracks, old tracks, new rubs, old rubs but not a deer in sight. Sit, watch, wait listen, move a bit, sit watch wait listen, move a bit. Tail between my legs and half frozen back down I go to a warm thermos if moose stew in the truck. Big tracks in my snow shoe tracks, tracks in my truck tracks but nothing in the tracks of the tracks. Damn Blacktails. Tommorrow its on!!!

11-25-2010, 09:01 PM
Up and at em early this morning. Drove as far as I could then parked found out I left my binos on the door step. The hell with that, I dont need 'em, its gonna be a close encounter anyways. Snow shoed about 2km to some higher ground. Tracks everywhere, rubs everywhere, no people, snow falling...this is going to be great. Long snow shoe in, man, this is going to be on fire......and then nothing. Not a sniff. Fresh tracks, old tracks, new rubs, old rubs but not a deer in sight. Sit, watch, wait listen, move a bit, sit watch wait listen, move a bit. Tail between my legs and half frozen back down I go to a warm thermos if moose stew in the truck. Big tracks in my snow shoe tracks, tracks in my truck tracks but nothing in the tracks of the tracks. Damn Blacktails. Tommorrow its on!!!

Awesome post man! Total frustration but tomorrow it's still ON :twisted:!!!

11-25-2010, 09:08 PM
Sounds like my tuesday morning, nice and cold, still hunted along and saw old tracks and ones from the evening before and fairly fresh ones. 2 hrs later I gotta head back to run errands. Big tracks right in my tracks just before I got to the truck. Headed into a lil side pocket of timber that I've seen lots of sign in. However there was a truck parked to close and I didnt wanna tip anyone off. Been itching to get a trail camera in there for awhile but don't need the truck driver walking off with my cam

11-25-2010, 09:13 PM
I was in 4" of snow today, with a snow and wind in every direction. However, i did find deer out and about. Just coming out of the timber @ dusk. Going back in the morning.

11-26-2010, 09:34 AM
Well i go to my sp in the dark..snuck in..........conditions were perfect, fresh 3inches of snow.......wind in my face on the way up. I almost had wood :mrgreen:. I slowly walked in the bucks glory hole.........no fresh sign then outa no where he was 80 yards away....a nice island 3 point. I went to one knee as he walked out a view.......damn!! Grabbed the can call ......not a a twitch......he kept on going down the hill. I pulled myself together and slowly followed him.........he was moving pretty fast ....but he wasnt spooked. I followed him up a steeeeeeeeeeep bluff in about 1 1/2 of snow sketchy but i had to do it. I get to the summit of te first bluff and he was up te second one lookin at me. 80 yard with jut his head and neck showing..........i dropped to one knee and tried to steed myself but i was pretty @#@#$ed up from the adrenaline........Boom .....i knew id misseed as soon as i pulled the trigger. I guess all the prep in the world doesnt account for human error..........i layed down in te snow for a half hour and felt sorry for myself :cry:. Then i got back on the waggon and hiked every patch of timber i could before dark.............im some tired right now.

All in all it was a good day......besides the miss

Up and at em early this morning. Drove as far as I could then parked found out I left my binos on the door step. The hell with that, I dont need 'em, its gonna be a close encounter anyways. Snow shoed about 2km to some higher ground. Tracks everywhere, rubs everywhere, no people, snow falling...this is going to be great. Long snow shoe in, man, this is going to be on fire......and then nothing. Not a sniff. Fresh tracks, old tracks, new rubs, old rubs but not a deer in sight. Sit, watch, wait listen, move a bit, sit watch wait listen, move a bit. Tail between my legs and half frozen back down I go to a warm thermos if moose stew in the truck. Big tracks in my snow shoe tracks, tracks in my truck tracks but nothing in the tracks of the tracks. Damn Blacktails. Tommorrow its on!!!

Sounds like my tuesday morning, nice and cold, still hunted along and saw old tracks and ones from the evening before and fairly fresh ones. 2 hrs later I gotta head back to run errands. Big tracks right in my tracks just before I got to the truck. Headed into a lil side pocket of timber that I've seen lots of sign in. However there was a truck parked to close and I didnt wanna tip anyone off. Been itching to get a trail camera in there for awhile but don't need the truck driver walking off with my cam

Are they not the most addicting, fun, frustrating animal to hunt???:mrgreen:

Great short stories guys, good luck today/tomorrow.

I have to ref 5 hockey games this weekend, so my time will be on the ice, not in the bush, so I will be living vicariously through all of you.....



11-26-2010, 01:54 PM
holy hike and sweat......left the truck at 630...cut a track 'kinda' fresh at 7...straight up we went..he cliffed out a few times and made us backtrack then continued on UP...holy SHIT UP !...2 hrs later he finally had a nibble on a blow down , went another 100 then laid down...got up and continued on..but real fresh track now. his print was XL so I was pumped , but no girls??:?...anyway....up and up...heading south west...up...up...started jump/sprinting in huge cedar patch so I slowed right down and started calling , sneaking...down hill now , south...down , cliff out...back up , over..down...still slipping like snail , hit thick patch so make a call...slip through it...out the other side...THERE HE IS !...15 yrds....old fart next to nothing left for antlers..one eye is bulging like a ling when you club it...half an ear gone the rest split on two lenghtwise...we stare at each other , he lays down..:?...forgot my cam so pull out the camera and snapped a couple and took a few pics...put it back , he yawns..I walk up to him to 4 frikkin yrds,..he gets up , pisses and saunters off...:rolleyes:...5 hrs of non stop up in fresh 20" snow..i'm done....two hrs on foot into my other spots , not today!!!
tomarrow its ON !



had a feeling it might be slow , stopped DUMPING at first light , then started dumping again around 10...didnt cut one other track while going after this guy...

11-26-2010, 02:00 PM
Man these posts get me pumped

11-27-2010, 07:19 PM
Thats awesome having OLD bucks around.

11-29-2010, 03:40 PM
Anyone have a tag I can have??? i'm out !

11-29-2010, 03:44 PM
Nice work Steve, hahaha I may have one but hoping to fill it tomo in Squamish if the Blacktail Gods are smiling on me hahaa... What'd you get? I know darn well its a beauty

11-29-2010, 03:49 PM
Anyone have a tag I can have??? i'm out !

usually only women that play games like this.

11-29-2010, 03:49 PM
Here we go again! At work and won't be seeing any pics of video till i get home! CAN'T wait!

Sleep Robber
11-29-2010, 04:04 PM
Anyone have a tag I can have??? i'm out !

minimum 2 pics and a video , of the latest sea to sky bruiser, and I'll think about it. :mrgreen:

11-29-2010, 04:10 PM
We will have to wait for Gilmore to kick it off. He has been hunting a 'special buck' at one of a few places he's been hunting and videod one and let it go.....we just about croaked when he showed us.
I was going to a rubbed rige north of him and came across a larg set heading from the rige south...I persued...hr and half later he finally bumped into a couple does and started dogging em...wasnt sure of the tracks were in the night or just ahead of me....slowed down and was getting to my 'limit' for travel and heard a noise...maybe 2 to 250 away two deer were bolting up a rock pile straight above me...had 1/3 a second glimpse of him and saw hoop...made the decision,( no brainer frame) followed..he stopped...small hole...boom flop...looked a lot like the buck gilmore taped...it was!!...kinda cool to have both deer this yr with live footage!!...shall post later , hehe

11-29-2010, 04:19 PM
Nice ! ! ! Looking forward to it.

11-29-2010, 04:39 PM
Nice, now we'll have to wait and see if Gilmore is kicking himself or not. Least he gets to see him up close

11-29-2010, 04:41 PM
Here's his footage , already on youtube......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9zerAhOR-I

11-29-2010, 04:44 PM
Here's his footage , already on youtube......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9zerAhOR-I

Yep...you have to be reeaaal fussy to throw that one back. Looking forward to seeing what he looks like landed and bonked. :)

11-29-2010, 04:45 PM
Beautiful Mature BT, worthy of the second tag

11-29-2010, 04:47 PM
Gilmore needs to get his head red man that buck is a hog! Well at least he can aways stop by and have alook at it on his buddys wall lol.

11-29-2010, 04:47 PM
Yeah, we couldn't believe he didn't shoot that one...:-D

Still havent' seen a buck I wanted to shoot. I've got one more day to hunt and then I may be making tag soup. Well, not really. I have a whole moose to make soup out of!:-D

On the other hand, I might just shoot a small buck out of frustration.:wink:

11-29-2010, 04:53 PM
Cool vid .... where's the BANG !!

Sounded like a heart was beating a little quicker then normal .... hahaha love it !


11-29-2010, 05:05 PM
Looks like beer and popcorn tonight!! Looking forward to it

bushpig slayer
11-29-2010, 05:07 PM
wow! to let that go something is wrong with him for sure.nice job again pg66!

11-29-2010, 05:44 PM
It's absolutely dumping in Squamish right now. Steve's buck and Gilmore's vid has me fired up for tomo morning. Crossing my fingers that it doesn't snow enough in Whistler so I don't have to work. If not the smell of gun powder shall be in the air..... well here's hoping

11-29-2010, 05:58 PM
My bucks "more" special than that one.:wink:

11-29-2010, 06:05 PM

You guys are Rockin the BT threads !


11-29-2010, 06:20 PM
Nice work Steve. Lookin forward to the pics and some more video maybe... That is a bruser for sure!!! Nothin like leavin it till the last minute eh?:-D

11-29-2010, 06:59 PM
And a double throat patch (although faint) to boot ! Man yer killin' me !

11-29-2010, 07:47 PM
And a double throat patch (although faint) to boot ! Man yer killin' me !

wait till you see what I did to the cape...:cry:

Here's a couple dead pics..will upload some vid in bit.


11-29-2010, 07:55 PM
nicely done!

bushpig slayer
11-29-2010, 07:56 PM
what's up ,a little anti climatic no story or video here some dead pics?i've been waiting for the big show all this time like a chapter after chapter of a good book and this is it!not fair bring on the video!!!!!!!!!job well done pg66 i wish i could slam them like you,one day maybe.

11-29-2010, 08:01 PM
what's up ,a little anti climatic no story or video here some dead pics?i've been waiting for the big show all this time like a chapter after chapter of a good book and this is it!not fair bring on the video!!!!!!!!!job well done pg66 i wish i could slam them like you,one day maybe.

Look back a page or two, theres a story and gilmores video

11-29-2010, 08:06 PM
And a double throat patch (although faint) to boot ! Man yer killin' me !

Yeah it just about killed me too. One more day to seal the deal on a buck I haven't even seen with my own eyes.:confused:

11-29-2010, 08:08 PM
5 inches of fresh in squamish, -1, slight wind from the south, who going out? gonna be some bucks goin down tomorrow

11-29-2010, 08:59 PM
Here he is dead..and far from the potential 160" ive been praying for for a handfull yrs now..:cry:...but lots of fun!:mrgreen:...and so comes a close to 4 months straight hunting for me..whew...exhausted to say the least..had enough!
Looks like this thread may have helped a few guys , chronicled LOTS of fun!!!.....THE END !




Sleep Robber
11-29-2010, 09:04 PM
Thanks for everything Steve, the tips, the stories, the pics, the videos, pretty cool of you, and a class act too :wink:

11-29-2010, 09:08 PM
Congrats Steve on a great hunt and season. Thanks for the great posts and vids.

11-29-2010, 09:11 PM
Very cool Pro guide another beauty !

You deserve them ! Dedicated to say the least, seeing these smokers you guys are nailing is great, their genes are being passed on for years to come !




11-29-2010, 09:14 PM
thanks for saving the big guy for me, I'll be there 3rd week of Nov 2011 :mrgreen: THE PORCH WILL BE ON!

11-29-2010, 09:18 PM
Great job again PG66. You are right when you say that ya just gotta drop the hammer on a deer like that. Really make me hope Gilmore connects on his "target". It must be a friggen monster if he didn't drop on that boy.

Its a shame on that cape. After my wife shot her big BT this year she said she wanted to get it mounted so I said NP. On the drag out it hooked a log and I just yanked it over. After we hung it I noticed that I came VERY close to wrecking her cape. Here is a picture. Thankfully it was far enough back I just caped up to it.


deer nut
11-29-2010, 09:22 PM
I just killed a "Book Blacktail" too! Probably the smallest spike on record!!

I found a good spot but just don't have any more time to hunt! He'll fill the hole in my feezer anyway......maybe next year I'll be able to put PG66's teachings to use! I live in hope.....

11-29-2010, 09:23 PM
Thanks for the free hunting lessons. I owe my first blacktail to you and this thread. Taught me a lot and I would not have gone where I did without this as motivation. I will try to stay out of your way next year. Thanks

11-29-2010, 09:37 PM
You earned 'em, no private land, no gates. Just sweat and leather.
Nice bucks and great end to your season.
Wolf killin' time now eh?

11-29-2010, 09:40 PM
Congrats on a fine 2010 season steve.... I'm sure theres a few of us guys who can add a few more monster Bt pics on here before Dec 15th

11-29-2010, 09:59 PM
Awesome post Steve!!!!

Thanks for bringing us along on your adventures!!!

Now if only Gilmore can seal the deal!!!!!



11-29-2010, 10:03 PM
thanks for saving the big guy for me, I'll be there 3rd week of Nov 2011 :mrgreen: THE PORCH WILL BE ON!

I believe you already had your turn! Maybe someone else should get a chance....

pick me........pick me..........pick me....... pick me..........:mrgreen:

11-29-2010, 10:08 PM
I do not know what to do now, I was really enjoying checking in everyday to see how things were going. Thank you for all the great tips, I am still chasing my big buck. Was your buck still rutting or is it done ? I would like to donate my last tags to keep the thread going. Congratulations on two great bucks.

11-29-2010, 10:10 PM
Well Steve once again an epic thread that had us glued to the f in computer waiting for the next tidbit of info,the next peek into the brain of a great blacktail hunter,Great job and I guess a quick rest and give er hell on the wolves!!!!!!

11-29-2010, 10:26 PM
Great buck Steve! Nice old bruiser. You deserved him for sure. Really enjoyed the thread.

11-29-2010, 10:42 PM
Congrats on another great deer and a great thread. Seeing that deer makes me wish I still had another tag for a blacktail. I hunted so hard from September on that I think I might have pulled the trigger a little quick and shortchanged myself on that trophy buck I was chasing. This weekend was my last weekend for Mr. Big and my truck got stuck on the way up to my spot. I hunted my second spot instead and found another decent buck and put him down for my second tag. I appreciate all the info that you`ve given. Thanks to this thread and some of your help previous I feel pretty confident on taking 2 b/t`s a year from here tilll my knees can`t do it anymore.

And a thumbs up to HBC as well. This has been a great community thread. Gilmore good luck! I`ll be checking in every hour tomorrow for your deer!
>>>>>>>>Now on to the Okanagan for an archery whitetail.:twisted:

11-30-2010, 12:34 AM
Your info has been more valubale than you could ever know! Congrats to a successful season and thank you for all the enterainment. Already look forward to following along next year!

11-30-2010, 08:19 AM
Thanks Steve for all the tips you've passed on, this has been a great thread and it's only Chapter 1 2010. To bad there weren't more guys like you that are willing to share their knowledge of hunting with everyone and not be so egoistic on this site and think their gods gift to hunting, that cut down everyones opinions . This season isn't even over and you've got me pumped for next blacktail season, more scouting in the off season,learning my areas better and some trail cameras. Congrats on another great season of hunting (well earned success) looking forward to the next chapter.

11-30-2010, 08:43 AM
Here he is dead..and far from the potential 160" ive been praying for for a handfull yrs now..:cry:...but lots of fun!:mrgreen:...and so comes a close to 4 months straight hunting for me..whew...exhausted to say the least..had enough!
Looks like this thread may have helped a few guys , chronicled LOTS of fun!!!.....THE END !




WTG PG66! Nice buck and great clips.

I had to laugh at the Badlands clip....I was bummed because one of the zipper tabs on my 2200 broke at -20. I assume you'll be talking to the folks at Badlands. :) I think I'll see if I can get a couple extra buckles for mine now.

Unreal grazing shot too. Bet that happens about never.

bushpig slayer
11-30-2010, 08:52 AM
hey pg66 you were saying you have a antler room have you ever showed it i would love to see some of your deer mounts and skulls.thanks really great to see a hunter say he will get big bucks and proves it can be done with alot of work.wicked thread please do this again next year,learned alot your a true blacktail slayer.

11-30-2010, 09:22 AM
Ya ya ya, bla bla bla, "Steve is great, Steve is awesome!" WTF am I gonna do with the rest of my winter now man!?? Huh, answer that Blacktail Guru?? Ive been glued to this thread for 2 months now checking in several times a day, and you just pull the carpet out from under my feet???:-D

Absolutley AWESOME!! Like Kid Rock says, "It aint cocky MotherFer if you Back it up!!!"
I as well am allready lookin forward to next seasons installments, and as someone else asked, how about some shots of your trophy room Steve? I think the guys that hunt these Old Growth Ghosts are addicted like no other deer hunter, and there are very few out there that can say they have dropped the hammer on the number of trophy class Blacktails that you have. I know you have shared pics of LOTS of kills over the years, but it would be kool to see them all compiled on the walls...
Congratulations on another great season, and again as somebody else said, congrats to HBC for a great comunity thread. Not one rediculouse argument or any put downs. Just a lot of good info and storys...

11-30-2010, 09:33 AM
Ya ya ya, bla bla bla, "Steve is great, Steve is awesome!" WTF am I gonna do with the rest of my winter now man!?? Huh, answer that Blacktail Guru?? Ive been glued to this thread for 2 months now checking in several times a day, and you just pull the carpet out from under my feet???:-D

And I was getting worried that the "wolf whacking" would never get started. :) He's gotta keep all the fans happy you know!

11-30-2010, 11:58 AM
Just wanted to toss in my heart-felt THANKS to ProGuide and the other Veterans for the invaluable information they were willing to share on this thread! KUDOS Gentz! Job WELL DONE! :wink:

Been hunting a considerable long time, and now have over a decade of working these crafty little buggers called blacktails behind me as well. Learned a LOT over the course of this thread, and will be putting some of that to use - both for the end of this season, and for many years to come!

Appreciate this Gentz! Immensely that is! :mrgreen:


11-30-2010, 01:27 PM
Cool to see all the positive feedback here!!! ( Ian you kill me haha)..
One thing I ALWAYS say is you will NEVER ATTAIN GOD STATUS FROM A SET OF ANTLERS OR A SKULL OR A BIG FISH ....EVER !...its all just sooo much fun! Sadly our subculture plays host to a good handfull of dudes with 'short ones' and they think this is a competition....too bad really....harvesting game just isnt going to make it longer er you taller...
There's a load of guys out there with as much or more knowlege than I !!...perhaps I maybe be one of the first willing to share the knowlege on the intraweb free of charge??? ( yer all payin next year,:twisted:haha)...really though , its just such damned fun...its all it is , nothing less er more!!...fun fun fun..:mrgreen:...would be cool if mandatory hat cams were on all hunters...holy shit would that be fun to watch nightly while waiting for the next am!!
I dont really have a lot of stuff mounted as I do piled up....most my largest b tails are in a horn pile! er two...Ive got 7 deer mounted a full grizz , many fur's tanned and hangin and some large racks of various species outside nailed to the posts...guess it may be interesting to some and IF I put em up on here it isnt for the purpose of a peein contest !!!...it would be to appreciate the horns !!

I learned more this season and this is what :

In persuit of large b tails - and I mean the genetically superior ones , the ones you DO NOT ever see but are there , i have realsed just how much more sensitive to pressure they are than the average deer.
Sadly , my original 'rut hole' is now done...over..gone fer ever. there will be deer using it but due to surrounding pressure , some new logging ,the big boys just arent coming back to that area...at all..
I also had another area wich has been my 'go to monster buck hangout' and it is also NOT a popular place to hang if your HUGE.
Handfull of years back I was learning lots and connecting consistently on LARGE bucks and the secret just is impossible to keep hid...NUMEROUS truck chasers invaded or 'closely' invaded a few of my previous quite 'private' little holes and now they are ruined.They are not ruined for hunting , the truck chasers are getting consitent small to average bucks but the knowlege they have passed onto the MONSTERS has been registered and remembered VERRRY QUICKLY. One thing in the persuit if GENETICALLY SUPERIOR deer easily proven is how a very 'slight' amount of pressure can change em up to either strictly nocturnal to just plain non existant to an area.
As well , if I hunt through a spot more than a few times a week with no success , it seems the less I see BIG sign..goes with the surrounding pressure/education they are recieving and as well my own presence.
I do have a few holes up my sleeve wich are absolutely impossible to follow to or even guess ( thank god) and they will be producing some hammers for sure next year and if lucky for a few years.You would seriously not believe some of the stupid shit I do to get to a couple of these spots...little over the top , but what the hell!!( thank you for my drop offs , you kow who you are:wink:).

Also , if it dumps snow it changes the game dramatically....lots of those sweet looking spots that DONT have shit for sign all the sudden harbour some bruisers....and hitting your regular honey holes may 'possibly' recieve negative reaction due to a dumping.There's deffinitely something to be said about tracking a BIG set of feet in deep snow a few days after the fact...god only knows who er what yer going to see!

One more thing I learned this year is that chasing spots doesnt give you an edge on nailing a blacktail....this year NUMEROUS people i know here were hunting great places all fall...bumper to bumper...parking where I er Gate er Gilmour park or used to park but still werent and still have not seen a buck and if they did it wasnt a strong mature big blacktail......you have to LEARN how to hunt a spot...er maybe learn how to hunt better PERIOD...if you dont have the patience to learn for yourself you will more than likely have much more success hitting slashes at first light and shooting the genetically inferior ones cause chasing a spot in thick bush isnt going to up the odds...proven by your success , (you know who you are ;))....you have to LEARN...slow down and learn...sucks ass i know but its the only way...time time time...anyway , just looked out the front window to see a free horse running through the front yard...damn it...later!:mrgreen:

11-30-2010, 01:37 PM
Cool shit PG!!

Cracked more than a few Luckys while readin!!!!

Now for some dog thumpin ....

11-30-2010, 01:41 PM
Was that crack aimed at me?:-D

115 or bust
11-30-2010, 02:30 PM
, my original 'rut hole' is now done...over..gone fer ever. there will be deer using it but due to surrounding pressure , some new logging ,the big boys just arent coming back to that area...at all..

Hey isn't that what the old timer that put you onto the spot said about it before you discovered it :wink: May have to take up fertilizing the trees to grow it up big enough the other fellows can't see in!

Been a fun read Steve, Really enjoy the pics and video.

sniper ren
11-30-2010, 02:50 PM
Congrats on another awsome buck! Thanks for all the posts.

11-30-2010, 03:17 PM
As many others have said, very enjoyable and informative thread. PG has an infectious love for the game and has been generous enough to share a lifetime of knowledge with the site.

Thanks for another great thread Steve and I'll be looking forward to your next adventure.

11-30-2010, 08:11 PM
Was that crack aimed at me?:-D

HAHAHA !...WHAT!???...after that amazing stalk and shot on that last deer of yours???...shit , your wayyyy past truck chaser status...myself er anyone I know couldnt accurately shoot a deer with the style and accuracy you do!!!!:razz:...eh Gate??

11-30-2010, 08:47 PM
Good ole sooke water main. Lots a big deer have come off that pipeline. Used to bow hunt it quite a bit. I was down there this past summer I was stunned on the develpoment. Good buddy built a house in bear mountain OMG it's a friggin traffic jam on that hill now. Though we did see a couple of dink bucks and does on people's lawns:wink: Metchosin was a mecca for the bowhunter though most of the old farms I hunted are now subdivided into smaller lots or have become subdivisions. Progress i guess:rolleyes:. still we did end up seeing a couple big 3x3s and a few smaller bucks coming into my aunts apple trees.

Miss those days.


I know that water main, use to hunt there sometimes although my favorite haunt was some steep hill off Kangaroo Rd... Arrowed many a deer up there, some nice ones too. I used to know that hill so damn well I could hike it at night without a light. And I snuck up on many a bedded buck, pretty cool to get within 25 feet and watch them lay there!

11-30-2010, 08:52 PM
Well , I never claimed to be a deer psycologist,:razz: but I can tell you THIS with confidence : you have a spot where bone grows to 126" plus ( on the island to boot)..now you have a SPOT. That area will ALWAYS have those genetics , cant take em away..this means each yr or secnd er whatever..there WILL BE a buck ( or a handfull)of that class or better...quarranteed....no need to worry whos dominant really..just keep it secret and if its hammer btails you want DONT SHOOT BIG ONES...shoot big ones you cant shoot a true MONSTER !!...throw some pics up !!!

I knew a spot like that, not far from where my house was. It was just behind what is now Olympic view golf course, mostly houses now. Once season I played hide and seek with one BIG bugger there, finally put an arrow tru him and he had the smarts to run onto the course and die near a green. Fortunately fro me he was on the good side of the sand trap and I managed to drag him in the bush before the next foursome got there. Mind you they were yelling at me from the fairway, if only they had known I'd be teeing off with them during men's night, hahaha!

11-30-2010, 08:57 PM
Thanks again for the ride.
Fun while it lasted.

11-30-2010, 09:07 PM
Well I hope the big fella is curled up under a cozy fir tree somewhere nice and warm out of the wind with a bunch of does waiting on him hand and foot, making babies and ready for a winter of avoiding cougars. I woke to about 8" of fresh snow this morning in my driveway and found about 14" when I turned off the main road to my spot. Add that to the good foot we already have and it was getting deep. Barely made it through the snowbank and only made it about a quarter of the way to where I've been parking. With snow coming over the hood and the wipers and throttle wide open I finally found a spot I figured I could get my truck turned around and stopped there. This left me with about 2km to hike and about another 1.5k through the bush to get to where I wanted to spend my last day.

Out of the truck, geared up and the snow was at my knees in my tire tracks from the days before. If I stepped out of my tire tracks or in the bush it was mid thigh. Now I realize some hunters mid thigh is alot more than others but its all the same ball of wax when its your thigh! An 8.5 hour trek yesterday had left me more than a little wiped and after about 1.5 kms I knew I wasn't gonna make it to where I thought I needed to be today. A couple long steep pulls through some big rock slides awaited me so with about 2kms to go, I cut some tracks with about 2 inches of snow in them and considering it was snowing about an 1.5" an hour I decided that this was about as good as it was gonna get today.

After stumbling around in unfamilar ground for the better part of 2 hours with fir tree after fir tree unloading there wealth of stored snow on me, and nothing to show for it I conceded... you win you big son of a bitch!!

No regrets, I let some nice bucks walk this year putting all my eggs in one basket, letting one go (proguides last buck) that would of been my best ever and hunting harder than I ever have. I got some great videos and a bunch of great trail cam pics but no bone on the ground. Can't wait till next year!

11-30-2010, 09:24 PM
No regrets, Can't wait till next year!


11-30-2010, 09:25 PM
So when do the trail cams come back in and then when do they go back out for you guys?

11-30-2010, 10:48 PM
HAHAHA !...WHAT!???...after that amazing stalk and shot on that last deer of yours???...shit , your wayyyy past truck chaser status...myself er anyone I know couldnt accurately shoot a deer with the style and accuracy you do!!!!:razz:...eh Gate??

Gotta admit, I've never seen a shot quite on that deer. Impressive, to say the least.:-D

11-30-2010, 10:50 PM
So when do the trail cams come back in and then when do they go back out for you guys?

One of mine likely won't come into April. Snowed in!:-D

11-30-2010, 11:34 PM
Cool to see all the positive feedback here!!! ( Ian you kill me haha)..
One thing I ALWAYS say is you will NEVER ATTAIN GOD STATUS FROM A SET OF ANTLERS OR A SKULL OR A BIG FISH ....EVER !...its all just sooo much fun! Sadly our subculture plays host to a good handfull of dudes with 'short ones' and they think this is a competition....too bad really....harvesting game just isnt going to make it longer er you taller...
There's a load of guys out there with as much or more knowlege than I !!...perhaps I maybe be one of the first willing to share the knowlege on the intraweb free of charge??? ( yer all payin next year,haha)...really though , its just such damned fun...its all it is , nothing less er more!!...fun fun fun.....would be cool if mandatory hat cams were on all hunters...holy shit would that be fun to watch nightly while waiting for the next am!!
I dont really have a lot of stuff mounted as I do piled up....most my largest b tails are in a horn pile! er two...Ive got 7 deer mounted a full grizz , many fur's tanned and hangin and some large racks of various species outside nailed to the posts...guess it may be interesting to some and IF I put em up on here it isnt for the purpose of a peein contest !!!...it would be to appreciate the horns !!

I learned more this season and this is what :

In persuit of large b tails - and I mean the genetically superior ones , the ones you DO NOT ever see but are there , i have realsed just how much more sensitive to pressure they are than the average deer.
Sadly , my original 'rut hole' is now done...over..gone fer ever. there will be deer using it but due to surrounding pressure , some new logging ,the big boys just arent coming back to that area...at all..
I also had another area wich has been my 'go to monster buck hangout' and it is also NOT a popular place to hang if your HUGE.
Handfull of years back I was learning lots and connecting consistently on LARGE bucks and the secret just is impossible to keep hid...NUMEROUS truck chasers invaded or 'closely' invaded a few of my previous quite 'private' little holes and now they are ruined.They are not ruined for hunting , the truck chasers are getting consitent small to average bucks but the knowlege they have passed onto the MONSTERS has been registered and remembered VERRRY QUICKLY. One thing in the persuit if GENETICALLY SUPERIOR deer easily proven is how a very 'slight' amount of pressure can change em up to either strictly nocturnal to just plain non existant to an area.
As well , if I hunt through a spot more than a few times a week with no success , it seems the less I see BIG sign..goes with the surrounding pressure/education they are recieving and as well my own presence.
I do have a few holes up my sleeve wich are absolutely impossible to follow to or even guess ( thank god) and they will be producing some hammers for sure next year and if lucky for a few years.You would seriously not believe some of the stupid shit I do to get to a couple of these spots...little over the top , but what the hell!!( thank you for my drop offs , you kow who you are).

Also , if it dumps snow it changes the game dramatically....lots of those sweet looking spots that DONT have shit for sign all the sudden harbour some bruisers....and hitting your regular honey holes may 'possibly' recieve negative reaction due to a dumping.There's deffinitely something to be said about tracking a BIG set of feet in deep snow a few days after the fact...god only knows who er what yer going to see!

One more thing I learned this year is that chasing spots doesnt give you an edge on nailing a blacktail....this year NUMEROUS people i know here were hunting great places all fall...bumper to bumper...parking where I er Gate er Gilmour park or used to park but still werent and still have not seen a buck and if they did it wasnt a strong mature big blacktail......you have to LEARN how to hunt a spot...er maybe learn how to hunt better PERIOD...if you dont have the patience to learn for yourself you will more than likely have much more success hitting slashes at first light and shooting the genetically inferior ones cause chasing a spot in thick bush isnt going to up the odds...proven by your success , (you know who you are ;))....you have to LEARN...slow down and learn...sucks ass i know but its the only way...time time time...anyway , just looked out the front window to see a free horse running through the front yard...damn it...later!:mrgreen:

Kudos to you for making that remark (underlined).

A very wise and gracious post Steve:wink:. You have inspired so many on this site and yet are very humble. You are a true outdoorsman and sportsman. Thank you for this great thread with your stories, photos, videos, and mostly your knowledge:-D.

12-02-2010, 05:13 PM
THEN , came down the mountain , filthy dirty , sweaty , pretty well exhausted , hit town for some fuel and saw this on top of a sparkling suv and a clean cut dude who looked like he hadnt hiked a yard..
At first I shat myself thinking he just nailed a GODZILLA btail and taped it , he said he smoked it out near Anderson lake , said there was lots of deer.The deer are solid hybrids out there wich is around 100 km inland from where we have been pounding....still see the btail characteristics though,cool buck.
not to bad eh? thats probably his 5th 4 point or better hybrid all weighing in at 250+ on the hook. he had to hike a little more than a yard;) trust me, believe me they exist. in the words of that guy "you gotta good to be lucky, and lucky to be good"

12-02-2010, 09:45 PM
(you know who you are :wink:)

That was probably aimed at me. I only get 4 days a season at the most so I have to truck chase:mrgreen:. Skunked again:cry: But I know I am getting closer slowly but surely with my limited time. Next year the battle will begin again.:wink:

12-04-2010, 06:29 PM
Well....young Matt the upcoming btail killer sent me a txt this am while hunting 'his spot' wich he found a few yrs back and has been RELENTLESS in hunting....without one kill in it...till now:mrgreen:

He had seen a doe and was quite pumped. 20 min later the phone rang after he had dropped the hammer on a buck but had not gone looking for it yet...seeing an opportunity to get in on some fun , I bolted for the truck with cam in hand to meet up with him.
Turned out he had killed it and was VERRY stoked...was cool to see persistence pay off after soooo many hrs each season with no glory.
The buck was an old fart and his largest to date.
http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/mattsbuck2010011.jpgUpon closer inspection we noticed he had a deformed foot

12-04-2010, 06:37 PM

His neck was till blown up and he was real stinky

We checked out the deformed foot




Of course , feeling the need to possibly puke , I just had to dig a bit with my knife...

out came the puss....holy crap , just about gaged....looks like he may have stuck a nail er something in hos toe wayy back...must have been real tender to stand on...throwing some vid on later to share the story and excitement,

wayy to go Matt !!

12-04-2010, 06:39 PM


12-04-2010, 06:41 PM
thanks for that last photo steve.

12-04-2010, 06:49 PM
Yeah, that last one is a beauty. Thanks so much.:mrgreen:

Congrats to Matt..Good perseverance. :-D

12-04-2010, 07:00 PM
love the "Toe Jam" lol
Nice buck!!

12-04-2010, 07:17 PM
yes , I told the young matt that if he were a REAL man he would "suck the juice outta that toe" , :lol:

Cant believe that foot didnt gang green up the damned things leg , by the looks of that toe its been there some time!

12-04-2010, 07:35 PM
congrats matt, nice to see the work finally paid off, pretty gnarly hoof

12-04-2010, 08:40 PM
Here's a few vids to share the fun and excitement!:-D




12-04-2010, 08:49 PM
Cool to see and older animal with old gnarly bases and you know the antlers are past there prime

12-04-2010, 09:08 PM
Great videos. Caught the excitement for sure.

12-04-2010, 09:41 PM
Little Matty sure is cute:mrgreen:

12-04-2010, 10:47 PM
Well done Mathew!!

12-04-2010, 11:02 PM
Like that enthusiasm, good for your buddy.
Nice mature buck.

Sleep Robber
12-04-2010, 11:03 PM
Good job, nice deer.

12-04-2010, 11:19 PM
Right on! Great ending to the saga.

I'm lucky to get 1 whole day hunting... I dream about hunting a whole week straight... one day... :rolleyes:

12-07-2010, 08:47 PM
Some pretty awesome bucks and great knowledge being shared on her boys! Been a good read.

Thought I'd keep this thread going so here's a few blackies from this year on the little islands. Nothing near book, but for us this is a good year.


Wood butcher
12-07-2010, 11:39 PM
Glad I keep lookin at this thread, just about missed Matt's buck. Nice one. Congrats. Thats cool that you went out with the camera too! Always nice to have someone else there to share the excitement with. Sweet!
I don't think I needed the the hoof shot though :shock:

Wild Images
12-08-2010, 08:09 AM
Note to self :-DShoot big blacktail, take pic with phone, call Proguide
Wait for Steve to show up with camera ( AND backpack )
Get some great video, AND help to get buck off the hill
I now have a plan, gotta go find a big blacktail :mrgreen:

Great buck Matt

12-17-2010, 11:44 AM
New fella 'NIHunter' emailed me and asked me to post a few pics of his great deer from near Pemby this fall , so here they are! way to go , beautifull deer , now ya gotta tell yer story!


shit , dont know about the resize thing!

12-17-2010, 03:40 PM
Not much to the story been hunting all day when me and my partner saw this guy hanging with a doe easy stalk and drop was thrilled to say the least....20 mins later another one on the way out double header in Pemby wohoooo

12-17-2010, 04:05 PM
I knew it!! Proguide makes it sound like you gotta work yer ass off for these hogs. Climb all day, sneak thru the timber like a ninja bla bla bla... All you gotta do is drive through Pemberton, and Viola!! Load em in to your truck. Screw Clearwater next year, Im goin Road Huntin In Pemberton!!!

12-17-2010, 04:06 PM
Did I ever mention.....

I HATE THUMBNAIL PICTURES!!!!!!:mrgreen::wink:

Try Photobucket Steve, they might resize them properly for you.



Dutch Ppoacher
12-17-2010, 04:57 PM
I knew it!! Proguide makes it sound like you gotta work yer ass off for these hogs. Climb all day, sneak thru the timber like a ninja bla bla bla... All you gotta do is drive through Pemberton, and Viola!! Load em in to your truck. Screw Clearwater next year, Im goin Road Huntin In Pemberton!!!

You crack me up! i talked to jody about the wolves he missed, he is still beating himself up over it.


12-17-2010, 05:00 PM
You crack me up! i talked to jody about the wolves he missed, he is still beating himself up over it.


Thats because I remind him about it every chance I get....:-D

12-26-2010, 11:45 AM
Haha...damned deer hunting eh Ian?

Well , I do still have two other bucks I am working and still have the beginning of Dec for them...but this damned deer has just got me PISSED....soo frustrating to be able to go to one spot , find his track , KNOW where to go next and see it there....jump ahead another km...BINGO there he is again , now dogging a doe waited there last night till my legs started to crystalize , gave in and left AGAIN...I was right on his damned ass AGAIN..anyway , I'm going to plant two cams today after work so I will at leats have some clear pics of him laughing at me and can look at em for the rest of the year...

if we get a fresh dump of snow verry soon hes DEAD,still a good chance of breaking 150" with the other guys to.....but this one buck is under my skin deep,..I should have a pic in 3 days....didnt want to put the cams on him due to not needing the additional torcher...what the hell , cant get worse,

Here's a small xmas treat for the fellow 'Btail enthusiasts'.

I guess this old dog is finally goin downhill...note the 'pincher' 4x4..but look at the damned weight on him...guess he'll more than likely bee one of those crazy 2x2's next yr...what a beast..have some pics of some other 'replacement beasts' but must remain ultra secret,:twisted:...this is one of the main 'dogs' I have been persueing and NEVER EVER SAW for 4 yrs....grrrr:evil:shit loads of fun though!:mrgreen:


merry xmas....i'm outta here in the am on a plane for a month and bit , no trappin for me for a bit!

07-28-2016, 08:43 AM
Can you please point to the videos on youtube?

07-28-2016, 09:36 AM
Can you please point to the videos on youtube?
This thread was from 6 years ago. Vids might not exist anymore.


10-31-2017, 07:23 PM
Time for a bump great read and great information