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View Full Version : rattling for muleys.

10-25-2010, 02:03 PM
So over the weekend i was out the north thompson and i jumped a signifacant amount of does and me and my partner were suer that there had to be a buck in there. So we rattled for a couple minutes waited probably thirty and nothing so changed spots. WE moved to a la higher skidder trail and i looked up and saw a shooter probably four hundred yards across to the other hill and he was just moving away paying no attention to us at all but one quick glance before going into the bush. He just dissapeared up into the high rocky country. And we ratlled and let out some grunts changed spots several times within a four hour span and found no bucks in that area. Just wondering if anyone can give me some tips of bringing him back or do you think there were other bucks in the area cause we could not find them

10-25-2010, 02:16 PM
Muley Bucks can travel MILES in a short period of time, with no ryhme nor reason, this may have been the case in your situation... I know they will respond to rattling, and now is prime time (pre-rut). Good Luck! I hope you get him....