View Full Version : A kiss for luck......

10-25-2010, 12:07 PM
yesterday went out to a local lake wehere some friends were camping and hunting...they so far had seen a few fresh kill sights of moose but nada..

I took them and showed the via quad some swamps and areas to get into,,coming around the trail there is a fresh bulltracks hoofing acrross the rd...I mean mud swirling in the track all water beside it clean and unsettled..so the bulls are still in the area..maybe resting and eating after the first rut....head into the thick grocery store

Anyhow Im headed out home and something silver moving catches my eye..definatly moving..so I stop and look up a small unused trail and here is a young girl..25??in a Nike thin top and black sweats..wearing heavily mudded slip on type..looked like house slippers..WHAT THE HELL??..and a moment later her boyfriend comes out of the brush into my view...seems they stopped their quad while out looking for deer(dressed like that??) however he did have a 30-30....so I got them into the truck and turned up the rd...they HAD come a long way..but not going anywhere near the lake cabin the were staying on..found the problem on the quad w/i 30 seconds DUH:confused: and got em turned around and through a maze of turns..and out to thier turnoff to the cabins..I ended up with a very enthusiastic kiss from the lass for not being so bad "for an older guy" and thanks from the lad for helping..sheesh no coats no decent shoes..no flashlight, no map, no compass..had it not been for that band of "silver" refelctive stripe that adorned her top I would have driven by and they would have ended up???at the best at Big Lake fire hall eventually..

seen 2 bulls and 5 bucks after shooting light..headed out to watch a special area for the afternoon evening as the knee is very sore even from ridinga quad for a bit yesterday...


10-25-2010, 12:29 PM
I bet you are still blushing eh?

Nice one Steven, you always seem to be in the right place at the right time, I bet those two were grateful that you bumped into them.

You need to get that old knee sorted out, its messing with your hunting mate.

10-25-2010, 01:13 PM
You had me worried about reading this thread, but I couldn't help myself. Good on you for helping out. If there was any doubt you would. A little bonus fot it what the hell!

10-25-2010, 01:20 PM
"here is a young girl..25??in a Nike thin top and black sweats..wearing heavily mudded slip on type..looked like house slippers.."

No pictures??? DAMN YOU !!!!

Karma again RUPP, good on you for helping them out...Just for the price of a kiss.....What a deal :-D