View Full Version : No Kills, But a Rush Just the Same!

10-24-2010, 01:54 PM
My son and I left for an afternoon hunt yesterday, started on Mt Scaia and drove across country until we hit highway, went back in on Struedel and drove around there a while, NOTHING, lots of fog and rain but nothing moving except the odd hunter. Decided it was late enough to start heading home, o the way we decided to stop and check out the ranch property I spoke of in yesterdays post. We did a slow walk around the edge of the field, no signs of anything. By now the rain had stopped, the sky was blue and there was just a wisp of fog rolling down along the field. As we came out the edge of the treeline we decided to head for the car and head home, about half way through the field we saw 3 flag tails loping along the center towards the treeline facing the road. I told Joshua to "Get DOWN!" We dropped to a crouch and I tried calling the deer, they stopped at the edge of the treeline and looked back. It was a good 300 plus yards to the deer and beyond that was the road, I didn't dare risk a shot. I handed Joshua the deer call and started creeping towards the deer as they started trying to circle downwind of us. I normally would have waited for them, but the light was failing FAST. I would creep a bit, the Joshua would call to keep their attention, this went on for about half an hour, I was getting close to a position safe for a clear shot when they got spooked by something and ran back along the treeline, putting 200 more yards between us. At that point I felt I had better call it quits, it was too dark now to risk shooting anything further than 50 yards. What a great experience though, father/son team. Joshua (11) calling while I stalked, next time we won't bother circling the field, we'll camp out and wait. Just wanted to share the fun with you guys.

10-24-2010, 05:27 PM
Good team work, next time it may pay off!!