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View Full Version : Robert's 2009 ram

10-22-2010, 07:16 PM
Here are Roberts pics from his 2009 stone sheep hunt.
Nice ram! Looking forward to the story.





10-22-2010, 07:39 PM
That looks like some tough realestate!! I dont know much about sheep but that looks like a damn nice animal to me. I see sheep research and a sheep hunt somewhere in my future!!

10-22-2010, 07:44 PM
Glad the pics worked out for you Andy, nice looking animal.

10-22-2010, 08:07 PM
Usually its the pics we wait for but now it the story.

10-22-2010, 11:29 PM
Must have been a fun hike out with all the ankle breakers around. Thats a nice sheep, looking forward to the story.

10-23-2010, 04:04 PM
Wow. Looks like a beauty ram.

10-27-2010, 12:38 PM
thanks for posting Blacktail...


So here's the story... I walked in off the hiway just past Summit Lake and walked in about 10km. I sat on a ridge that evening to discover 4 rams bedded just below me, all about 5 to 7 years old. In the morning the rams were gone but notice 9 more rams 5 to 9 years grazzing across from me on the opposite ridge about 600m away. 2 or 3 were legal. So i walked down the ridge until i reached the creek. then walked up the creek 500m and by this time the rams were in the creek as well. It was a steep, deep V valley soI could easily walked up to them within and shot a 8 year ram at 40 to 50 yards. There were 3 rams in the bunch as the rest were scattered. Boned ou the meat 50 to 60lbs, skinned out the "live" cape and horns. The pack was a good 140lbs back to the truck. It was 37". Salted and fleshed the cape at Macdonald creek then went up Nonda creek looking for a moose...that's it.


This year in the same spot a big silver tip grizzly came walking down the creek and spooking 14 rams down the hill across from me on the opposite ridge all in one row one after the other. Most were small rams but they came onto my ridge just below me. I glassed 1 or 2 that I thought were 33 to 35' but elected not to shoot beacuse I was looking for something a little bigger. At this time they were 100 yards away. the other reason i didnt want to shoot was because if the ram fell down into the creek and on to the lap of the 9 ft grizzly then there might be an arguement whose ram it belonged to. even if the grizz walked away we may come back while i was caping and boning , not to mention the walk out. So no sheep this year. Seen about 70 sheep and 30 rams, nothing to big.. thats it in 4 weeks. Hunted mostly Stone mountain, Summit, and Wokkapash, maybe next year the Racing


10-27-2010, 12:49 PM
Nice ram Robert!,,, A trip and hunt to remember...Congrats to you.:-D..

10-27-2010, 02:07 PM
Great Ram!

10-27-2010, 02:12 PM
Nice Ram Robert, sounds like an epic trip! Congrats! and good call on not shooting near that grizz... You avoided possibly having to shoot him to protect your Ram.... Last time I was up it was around the time when Grizz was open season, and any Grizz we encoutered spooked like a cagey Whitetail Buck! Damn afraid of humans.... Wish our Bears in the Kootenays were a little more timid!! Congrats!

10-27-2010, 07:51 PM
Makes it sound easy
Good on ya for going it solo
4 weeks ??? a good season