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View Full Version : a few Rookie Questions, hoping for some answers

10-22-2010, 11:42 AM
Hey guys sorry for the rookie question, but i'm trying to brush up on some regs i'm just not 100% sure on. So to start i'm going hunting into Region 4 first weekend of novemeber, just looking to door some deer hunting, now i am a B.c resident, i have my firearms lic, and a valid B.C hunting lic with tags etc, but am working in Alberta this month so I figure i'll drive into Region 4. So now first question if I get a kill am I aloud to transport it to where I am staying in Alberta right now? Second question my father was asking if he could join me, no he is a Alberta resident, and does not have a firarms or hunting lic, he will not be doing any hunting more or less just coming for the company. So can he come with me? Or is him even being there considered hunting? Since i have never hunted region 4 I figure if I see no big game I'll just do some small game maybe get a few grouse or something, so I would like to bring two of my firearms, one for big game and one for small. Can he legaly carry my other gun? Or will they look at it as him hunting? thanks in advance, guys i've been trying to get ahold of the C.O's in that area but have had no luck.

so to sumerize

1. can i trasnport a kill from B.C to Alberta
2. Can my Father who is a Alberta resident and has no firearms or hunting lic join me?
3. If he can come can he carry a gun for me but not shoot anything?

10-22-2010, 11:52 AM
Yes you can take your animal to Alta. As long as you have your liscense tagged etc.

Yes your Dad can come with you.

No he cannot carry any firearm while here.
You could try the "He is not Hunting" but everyone knows that is a crock of crap.... CO included.

So.... Bring your dad, have fun walking with him and one gun between you. And if he accidently jumps out of the truck to shoot a bird it is Illegal if you get caught.

10-22-2010, 11:55 AM
Apply for a "permit to accompany" for your dad off the Gov site, they often can speed up the process (had one done in 7 days last year)

10-22-2010, 04:44 PM
Yeah no he def will not be shooting anything. But I didnt even want to risk letting him carry it cause obviously it looks bad right. I looked into the permit to accompany but i'm in Alberta and they pretty much told me with having to send the forums and what not back and forth it wont happen in time. Someone told me you can buy a migratory bird lic... I think it was called but you would need your safety courses for that would you not?? Its not a huge deal hes coming more for the company than killing something. Would have jsut been easyer for me to have my shotgun beside me ha ha. Thanks for the help guys!

10-22-2010, 05:28 PM
He can buy a basic non-resident license and doesn't need a permit to accompany. With that he can 'carry a gun' (which he can legal do as well without a license so long as you or he has a PAL) and hunt grouse and the like. You do not have to be 'guided' or 'accompanied' to hunt what is defined as small game you need only a license.

And you don't need a license to kill schedule C wildlife.

Hope this helps.

If all else fails it's in the hunting regs in the "before your hunt" section under license requirements or something to that effect. Can't remember exactly. Probably in the first 10 pages of the synopsis.

10-22-2010, 10:14 PM
I don't know about transport from here to Alberta (you'd have to check their hunting regs) but I do know you can't transport from Alberta to here. They are worried about CWD (just in case you guys plan to do this the other way around).

10-22-2010, 10:38 PM
Dad can carry a firearm if he's in close personal contact with you the PAL holder. BUT as 835 illuded too, IF you bumped into a CO, you'd have a tough time explaining that he's NOT hunting he's just being your Sherpa!!!

My son and daughter are too young to get their own PAL (but are legal to hunt) so they must hunt with me. Your Dad can carry under the same pretenses. It's the "hunting" part that could cause you grief!

10-23-2010, 07:33 PM
Cool well thanks for all the help guys. Guess my best bet is to keep trying to get a hold of a CO. I'll probably leave my second gun in the truck just to be safe but i'll look into that basic non-resident license. Thanks a tone guys