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10-21-2010, 12:27 AM
There is lots of rumors going through the valley where I hunted this year.

And its not about the other soap opher its about me and there has been a rumor started about me illegal guiding ,what a bunch of crap :twisted:.

I was headed out to a place to hunt elk the other day when I met my trapper buddy.

First thing he said was boy your the most popular person in this whole valley has there ever been lots of talk about your illegal guiding.

He said I don't believe a word of it till I can talk to you about this story.

I know the person that started this rumor :evil: I am very upset with him but I won't mention any names.

I told my story to the trapper friend he he said now I see the real story told from you Wayne ,man how rumors can get out he said.

I will not talk about the incidence with Arkey it would be just like feed the gas to the fire.

I did not get the elk I was after this year ,had a few shooters but let them walk.

This was a very nice year in camp had lots of friends come in and hunt with me.

Looking forward to taking out a young feller that is 14 I know he will enjoy a 4 day WT hunt in mid Nov with me.

Note"""""""If anyone sends me any PM about that soap opera I will delete it when I open it up.

I am trying to get my life back together going through a divorce this year and I won't tolerate anything to do with this soap opher ,this is something I don't need in my life right now ,Thanks H-47.

10-21-2010, 08:22 AM
Now you've just spread the rumor from a dozen old coffee shop guys where you live, to the entire province via the intraweb!

You just moved there, and your already the talk of the town???

1 thing about small towns, they love to talk, and invent rumors!
Usually spawned out of jealousy!
If your not doing anything wrong, dont sweat it!

10-21-2010, 08:29 AM
Now you've just spread the rumor from a dozen old coffee shop guys where you live, to the entire province via the intraweb!

You just moved there, and your already the talk of the town???

1 thing about small towns, they love to talk, and invent rumors!
Usually spawned out of jealousy!
If your not doing anything wrong, dont sweat it!

Thanks Mark for your thoughts you are totally right I have not done anything wrong.

The only thing I did wrong was being to nice of a person and by doing this I get stabed right in the back where it hurts...

10-21-2010, 08:30 AM
I used to work at a resort that had major problems with the opera.
Try not to worry about it H, you know what you did :) and that is enough.

I was blamed for a B&E that happened at a place i worked. Had the cops call me twice. I told them they were more than welcome in my house and i was more than willing to co operate. They never came over and i never went in. The as well as myself knew i didnt do it so there was nothing to worry about.

I am me and i know im right. Screw it go in the bush and find a good white tail!

10-21-2010, 08:36 AM
Hi Wayne,heard this last week from someone too

10-21-2010, 08:36 AM
Wayne...Innocent til proven guilty....NUFF SAID>>>

Especially when we are talking about a gentleman of your character/ethics/helpfulness... :mrgreen:

10-21-2010, 08:43 AM
Do whatever you want, its your right as a living breathing member of society as long as it falls within the law, but I think the locals are getting pissed about your camp being set up for months and sheer the amount of hunters going through your camp...have you installed the revolving door yet, that would be a nice touch.

Thats the buzz we are hearing in the WK anyways.

I for one have a small core group of friends that I would hunt with maybe numbering 4 or so as a total never has camp consisted of all 4, usually just two guys. I use to hunt alone for many many years until I hooked up with my current hunting partner and we just seem to hunt well together, usually "peckers in the dirt" when we hunt together. Kinda like synergy I guess.

I guess if you don't mind pissing in your own pool then have at er, just happens though that your not always the only guy swimming.

10-21-2010, 08:56 AM
Wayne as long as you are enjoying your time out in the bush and are obeying the laws who cares what other people think!!! They can all go fly a kite!!!

Remember opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and some are just a bit shittier than the others.

10-21-2010, 08:57 AM
Do whatever you want, its your right as a living breathing member of society as long as it falls within the law, but I think the locals are getting pissed about your camp being set up for months and sheer the amount of hunters going through your camp...have you installed the revolving door yet, that would be a nice touch.

Ahh.....the "locals" are getting pissed off that you have friends come up to hunt "their" elk. :-D

Being so close to the LML, we get plenty of people coming up to hunt "my" deer. Maybe I should get pissed off.:-D:-D

10-21-2010, 09:00 AM
Ahh.....the "locals" are getting pissed off that you have friends come up to hunt "their" elk. :-D

Being so close to the LML, we get plenty of people coming up to hunt "my" deer. Maybe I should get pissed off.:-D:-D

And for mercy sakes "STAY THE EFF OF MY ISLAND!!!!"

10-21-2010, 09:03 AM
Ahh.....the "locals" are getting pissed off that you have friends come up to hunt "their" elk. :-D

Being so close to the LML, we get plenty of people coming up to hunt "my" deer. Maybe I should get pissed off.:-D:-D

I didn't say it was anything to do with "their" elk, but when guys drive past the same camp day after day after day for MONTHS and see different trucks and groups all the time but one key player remains constant.... I can see it bothering guys and maybe raising some concern about what the hell is actually going on there.

Fact is he's been doing it for years but now that he lives in Cranbrook he's more able to hear the community chatter.

Stone Sheep Steve
10-21-2010, 09:09 AM
I would be willing to lay money that the person spreading these coffee shop rumours is the same person that sent a lot of members on here PMs spreading other rumours about you.
Most likely the same person in the pic you posted with the big bull that you called in for him.


10-21-2010, 09:14 AM
I didn't say it was anything to do with "their" elk, but when guys drive past the same camp day after day after day for MONTHS and see different trucks and groups all the time but one key player remains constant.... I can see it bothering guys and maybe raising some concern about what the hell is actually going on there.

Fact is he's been doing it for years but now that he lives in Cranbrook he's more able to hear the community chatter.

Well, when you make comments about revolving doors and pissing in pools, it sure sounds more like sour grapes than a real "concern." Concerns should be directed to the CO's. And if the CO's find nothing wrong, then the topic should be dropped.

However, I live in a small town, much smaller than Cranbrook, so I certainly know how people like to stick thier noses into others business.:wink:

10-21-2010, 09:15 AM
Being so close to the LML, we get plenty of people coming up to hunt "my" deer. Maybe I should get pissed off.:-D:-D

You mean you're not already?:-D Sheesh, I have been staying away from that area just out of respect (well maybe a bit of fear too!) :wink:

10-21-2010, 09:32 AM
Knowing so many members from here have gone through your camp, I think the locals are really pissed off and suspecting all these strangers in your camp were your illgeally guided clients.

A couple of years ago I ran into a guy from Pemberton who gave me a very good spot which I think probably Gatehouse and his buddies have hunted for monster blacktails. To this day I still try to stay away from that spot cuz I know big hairy Gatehouse will be pissed if he sees me at that spot. ;)

10-21-2010, 09:38 AM
Sounds like a whole lot of people jealous because someone is able to enjoy the great outdoors because they are retired and enjoy hunting. Good on you Wayne I only wish I was in the same boat. I grew up in a town of 300 people and everone knew everything about everone. What else do they have to do with their time....chances are they only get 2 channels on their TV. So let the others get thier knickers in a knot .

10-21-2010, 09:44 AM
I'd stick to posting your hunting stories, advice on the web. Leave the accusations, innuendo's and rumours off. Your only contributing to the soap opera's. Leave those for the ladies.

10-21-2010, 09:45 AM
Enjoy your retirement Wayne !! hunt away !! :mrgreen:
Good luck to you and the 14 year old , hope you connect !!
As for the rumors , hopefully there just that, rumors.
For the guys pissed off about your camp , oh well :cry: , we got 'em here to , every weekend, truck load after truck load after truck load.
Happy Hunting all , I'm off to set up camp :wink:

10-21-2010, 09:52 AM
I don't think there's any local resentment, there's lots of camps out there that see multiple hunters passing through in a season. Don't worry too much about it Wayne, we aren't paying any attention to these dumb rumors.

10-21-2010, 09:54 AM
I'd stick to posting your hunting stories, advice on the web. Leave the accusations, innuendo's and rumours off. Your only contributing to the soap opera's. Leave those for the ladies.

Good advice there....The intraweb isn't always the best place to air dirty laundry.:wink:

10-21-2010, 10:07 AM
Well, when you make comments about revolving doors and pissing in pools, it sure sounds more like sour grapes than a real "concern." Concerns should be directed to the CO's. And if the CO's find nothing wrong, then the topic should be dropped.

However, I live in a small town, much smaller than Cranbrook, so I certainly know how people like to stick thier noses into others business.:wink:

Hey, I don't live in or anywhere near cranbrook, I have no interest in Waynes affairs, I'm just calling it as I see it, more of an outside perspective. His action don't affect me one bit and I have nothing to gain or lose by him having a safari party where he's hunting.

I respect the fact that he is persistant In his hunting and
Doesn't give up. But I will also admit I don't necessarily agree with with his camp style.
That being said, i've always said that I believe a guy is free to do whatever he likes provided they fall within the law, so fly at er. Just because my opinions and practices are different means SFA

10-21-2010, 10:17 AM
I don't think there's any local resentment, there's lots of camps out there that see multiple hunters passing through in a season. Don't worry too much about it Wayne, we aren't paying any attention to these dumb rumors.

Thanks Andy 6616 and others for there kind remarks http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon7.gif tell me this is having friends in camp called pouching ??? ,not at all its called having fun being around good people and enjoying your selfs around camp thats what hunting is all about for me ,like I said before its more fun having friends in camp then shooting a game animal..

10-21-2010, 10:23 AM
And if he was illegally guiding (which he wasn't) I am sure he will be out of business now as there wasnt a single elk shot by any member of his camp in his presence. :roll:

Enjoy the rest of your fall Wayne.

10-21-2010, 02:46 PM
Do whatever you want, its your right as a living breathing member of society as long as it falls within the law, but I think the locals are getting pissed about your camp being set up for months and sheer the amount of hunters going through your camp...have you installed the revolving door yet, that would be a nice touch.

Thats the buzz we are hearing in the WK anyways.

Was there any buzz about the locals who set up their camp in the middle of a road last year in behind your place in one of the elk hot spots?

10-21-2010, 03:08 PM

Rumours are exactly what they are,,,RUMOURS, for everyone who does'nt know Wayne, I have been hunting with the man for over 20 years and have never met a more trustworthy friend. This guy would give you the shirt off his back and go without and not complain once about being cold. The man lives for the wilderness and honours the regulations to the full extent of the law. His knowledge of the outdoors is second to none and his only downfall is he is probably too generous to too many people which sometimes comes back to bite his ass.
Wayne remember one thing my father always told me...if you want another friend get a dog!

10-21-2010, 03:32 PM

Rumours are exactly what they are,,,RUMOURS, for everyone who does'nt know Wayne, I have been hunting with the man for over 20 years and have never met a more trustworthy friend. This guy would give you the shirt off his back and go without and not complain once about being cold. The man lives for the wilderness and honours the regulations to the full extent of the law. His knowledge of the outdoors is second to none and his only downfall is he is probably too generous to too many people which sometimes comes back to bite his ass.
Wayne remember one thing my father always told me...if you want another friend get a dog!

Couldn't have said it better myself..Wayne is a stand up guy!!..

10-21-2010, 05:19 PM
Exactly what Bosch said. Wayne is an awesome man.
Can't wait for the November long weekend wayne, were gunna whack some big whiteys!:mrgreen:

10-21-2010, 05:25 PM
Couldn't have said it better myself..Wayne is a stand up guy!!..
Yup he is,and I`m a "local"I give a good goddanm about rumers,I know Wayne.Good hunting bud.

10-21-2010, 05:41 PM
Envy and jealousy. The big green monster that is present in all sports that take real effort and skill to be successful in. Unfortunatly there is no known "best caliber" to rid hunting of this monster.:cry:
Hunter47 retired to do what most hunters can only dream of, head for the hills for 2mths hunting and 10mths scouting each year.:mrgreen:
So friends were invited to visit his camp. So what.

If a man did this alone without friends, he'd be called a loner, misfit or a hermit.
I assure you, H47 is none of these.

10-21-2010, 05:47 PM
Exactly what Bosch said. Wayne is an awesome man.
Can't wait for the November long weekend wayne, were gunna whack some big whiteys!:mrgreen:

You and my young friend will whack some WT ,I will be doing the filming Shaun ,I am giving the bedding to the young farts on this hunt ,I will be sleeping in my truck to make room for there comfort in the camper :wink:..

10-21-2010, 05:59 PM
Last place I WOULD BE!!!!!!! In a coffee shop!!!!!! I WOULD RATHER BE OUT HUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-21-2010, 06:02 PM
I was away for a few days and came home to a private message of nonsense in regards to Wayne. If there is one thing that really burns my britches it's slanderous, libel innuendos about individuals.

Wayne, you are one of the most amazing, generous, friendliest, compassionate, adoring people I have had the pleasure to get to know. Although we have never met face to face, we have spoken on the phone numerous times just to shoot the breeze.

You have offered to me and to Peter a place in your camp. You offered us to stay in your camper and you offered to help us with gearing up our hunting skills through your expertise and guidance.

You know you are welcome anytime in my home.

Be safe in them woods and straight shooting always, Wayne


10-21-2010, 06:16 PM
Was there any buzz about the locals who set up their camp in the middle of a road last year in behind your place in one of the elk hot spots?

no I didn't hear about that, PM me the details and I'll ask around

10-21-2010, 06:59 PM
So I can assume now that you gutpile hunters on here can see where an internet chat line can lead....this could be on BCTV news one day!!!

Ghost Stalker
10-21-2010, 07:36 PM
no I didn't hear about that, PM me the details and I'll ask around

LOL that might have been my camp!! Wayner your always welcome in my camp buddy, and i promise to have beer. wish i made more of an effort to visit your camp but work and the high country took up most of my time. we should head out one day for a lil hunt or a beer. lemme know if ya still got my #.

10-21-2010, 07:52 PM
Sounds like a bunch of grade 5 school girls here. If you did nothing wrong who cares, seems like you have a ton of friends on here. You must be a resonable fella who seems to like to help people out. I sure wouldn't be losing any sleep about this.

10-21-2010, 07:55 PM
LOL that might have been my camp!! Wayner your always welcome in my camp buddy, and i promise to have beer. wish i made more of an effort to visit your camp but work and the high country took up most of my time. we should head out one day for a lil hunt or a beer. lemme know if ya still got my #.

So you admit to putting your camp in the middle of the road so no one else can get past?

Big Lew
10-21-2010, 07:55 PM
Keep moving ahead within your own convictions, Wayne, don't let gossip or rumours change your course, or get you down. I've never met you, but from reading your threads and posts, and reading the fantastic amount of support so many have given you and your character within this thread, it would be a pleasure. Between 1968 and 1983, I set up a waterfowl hunting camp at the same time and location every year until my kids couldn't afford to miss their schooling anymore. People from all over, including cowboys from Gang Ranch, some fellow workers, my friends, Dad, brothers and sisters, knew this and would drop by at some time or another. It was always a great holiday, and we looked forward to it every year, especially the visits from the local cowboys. Apparently someone also thought we were up to something because we were visited by the R.C.M.P. twice, but it never bothered us, we followed all the rules and kept a clean camp, setting a good example for our kids, and couldn't care less about what others thought.

10-21-2010, 07:56 PM
Sounds like a bunch of grade 5 school girls here. If you did nothing wrong who cares, seems like you have a ton of friends on here. You must be a resonable fella who seems to like to help people out. I sure wouldn't be losing any sleep about this.

Problem is Wayne cares what others think about/say about him (I know alot of others who don't care what others think of them, me included, sometimes...).....He is very proud of his reputation as a #1, solid, hell of a nice guy and some arsehole starts slandering him....WTF??? OVER???

No wonder Waynes got his dander up....

10-22-2010, 09:47 AM
Problem is Wayne cares what others think about/say about him (I know alot of others who don't care what others think of them, me included, sometimes...).....He is very proud of his reputation as a #1, solid, hell of a nice guy and some arsehole starts slandering him....WTF??? OVER???

No wonder Waynes got his dander up....
You nailed it down there Rocksteady, I personnally don't give a shit about other peoples business or what they think about me but 47 does. He respects his reputation to the fullest and is extremely proud of what he has achieved.

10-22-2010, 10:37 AM
Being so close to the LML, we get plenty of people coming up to hunt "my" deer. Maybe I should get pissed off.:-D:-D

There are no deer in pemberton ! not that we can find anyways :lol:

10-22-2010, 12:46 PM
I've often been the victim of small town gossip and misinformation, and usually shrug it off knowing that as long as they're talking about me they're leaving some other poor son of a bitch alone.
I did finally get my two bits worth though when, after extensive research, I traced one of the rumours to its' source. I waited for awhile then, when the opportunity presented itself in a large group I mentioned out loud that I had been the topic of several bits of gossip and knew that the Bible talked about some guy slaying thousands with the jaw bone of an ass and that gossips tended to use the same weapon. I then mentioned that the person who was spreading these stories just happened to be in the crowd and I was just there to check with her (it was a woman) if it was true and if there were any other real neat things that I'd done or said that I wasn't aware of.
I maintained eye contact with the person who basically shrivelled in front of my eyes and left. Never had any more gossip from that quarter again and several other "wannabe gossips" decided that it would be a good idea to leave me alone as well.

10-22-2010, 01:34 PM
the Bible talked about some guy slaying thousands with the jaw bone of an ass and that gossips tended to use the same weapon.

THAT is the best quote I've ever heard in that context. http://www.grandamgt.com/forum/images/smilies/beerchug.gif
I have an aunt that is always spouting off her mouth, talking bad about people, and usually lying at the same time. I'm so gonna use that one on her

10-22-2010, 03:23 PM
thats my dad, quick and cutting in the heat of the moment .

10-23-2010, 10:40 AM
thats my dad, quick and cutting in the heat of the moment .

Aw, you're just saying that because it's true. :wink:

Camp Cook
10-24-2010, 08:39 AM
You guys need to watch the Veggie Tales kids movie called "The Rumor Weed"...

Ghost Stalker
10-26-2010, 07:03 PM
So you admit to putting your camp in the middle of the road so no one else can get past?
no, never had a camp in the middle of the road. boy ur testy.

10-26-2010, 07:04 PM
double post

10-26-2010, 07:05 PM
Was there any buzz about the locals who set up their camp in the middle of a road last year in behind your place in one of the elk hot spots?

no I didn't hear about that, PM me the details and I'll ask around

LOL that might have been my camp!! Wayner your always welcome in my camp buddy, and i promise to have beer. wish i made more of an effort to visit your camp but work and the high country took up most of my time. we should head out one day for a lil hunt or a beer. lemme know if ya still got my #.

Sounds like it to me

mikek blacktail
10-26-2010, 07:35 PM
people get jealous wayner and spread lies.wayne has never done anything wrong I know of.Just a great guy and i don't think that's a crime

Ghost Stalker
10-26-2010, 07:54 PM
what the hell are u going on about brambles?

10-26-2010, 09:27 PM
what the hell are u going on about brambles?

Just wondering why you mentioned that it could have been your camp that was set up in the middle of the road?

Ghost Stalker
10-27-2010, 08:27 AM
did someone mess up ur road hunting? lol wish it was me but alas it was not. i had 2 broken bones in my foot from an opening day spill while sheep hunting so i was demoted to road hunting. wayne found me while i was quading with my 2 kids and i asked him to stop at my camp on the first swithchback on the boyd main for a beer. he did and i met a true gentleman. wish i screwed up a douchbags hunt like urs but i did not. guess i'm not that lucky. lol douchebag is a funny word.. douche!!

10-27-2010, 08:51 AM
douche is dutch for "shower"

10-27-2010, 08:56 AM
I didn't say it was anything to do with "their" elk, but when guys drive past the same camp day after day after day for MONTHS and see different trucks and groups all the time but one key player remains constant.... I can see it bothering guys and maybe raising some concern about what the hell is actually going on there.

Fact is he's been doing it for years but now that he lives in Cranbrook he's more able to hear the community chatter.

I know a bunch of hunters that drive by that camp regularly (for work and/or for play), and none of them resent it that I am aware of.

Hell, in a normal year its not really any different than the big camps set up by the WK (Trail) boyz up the Bull, up the Elk, down the Flathead....etc, etc...guys come and go from those camps too.

I don't think there's any local resentment, there's lots of camps out there that see multiple hunters passing through in a season. Don't worry too much about it Wayne, we aren't paying any attention to these dumb rumors.

I agree.

Probably just jealousy that the guy gets to spend the whole season out there.

Don't sweat it Wayne.

Cranbrook is about the cliquiest town on the planet....but I know you didn't move here to win a popularity contest anyway, so who cares! Enjoy your hunting!

10-27-2010, 10:06 AM
I cant believe this thread is still going.

Fact of the matter is you CANT see waynes camp from the road nor ANY of the trucks in it... so sounds like these guys need to give their head a shake and quit bitchin' & whining like a bunch of little girls.
If they scouted the surrounding mountains as much as it sounds like they scouted the activity at his camp, they'd be busy punching tags, packing and butchering instead of simmering tag soup.

10-27-2010, 11:39 AM
this "thread" needs

Dr Phil,

Dr Ruth,

and possibly Dr Death (whats for word for "thread euthanasia"):neutral:

10-27-2010, 12:22 PM
this "thread" needs

and possibly Dr Death (whats for word for "thread euthanasia"):neutral:

I think "Dr. Kavorkian" is the name you were looking for....

10-27-2010, 12:46 PM
I cant believe this thread is still going.
Fact of the matter is you CANT see waynes camp from the road nor ANY of the trucks in it... so sounds like these guys need to give their head a shake and quit bitchin' & whining like a bunch of little girls.

x2 BTS.
Jealousy is playing a big part of their reasoning. Pissing and complaining about Wayne doesn't make it go away. Just proves he's a better hunter and MAN! with a heart.:-D that knows how to get it done!..Keep at it Wayne..:wink:

10-27-2010, 02:56 PM
Freakin whiners!!!:wink:

Im coming soon to the EK, gotta love that place. Ill have cold beer and lots of Van island hospitality. :-D

See you on top of ........ Burn. LOL

And lay off ol wayne,toss your purses at someone else for a change ....

10-27-2010, 03:47 PM
I drive logging truck up where wayne camps and iam on the two way radio all day five days a week and have never heard any thing negative about wayne or his company,.i talk to wayne all the time on the radio, he's just doing what he loves to do,as well the rest of the loggers up there have no problem with wayne either.

10-27-2010, 04:10 PM
Wayne sounds like an awesome dude. It would be an honor to hunt with the man if the opportunity ever arose.:-D

10-27-2010, 04:20 PM
Wayne, is the man on here, do not forget that!
Jel ( The Main Man 47 )

10-27-2010, 04:24 PM
I've heard excessive whining being compared to the noise that a bunch of old women would make.

I'm starting to think that there would be less whining if membership on here was limited to only old women.

It's the middle of hunting season and I find it really ironic that a bunch of guys that consider themselves to be hardcore hunters spend so much time on here posting drivel and worrying about what everyone else is doing.

10-27-2010, 04:27 PM
Wayne sounds like an awesome dude. It would be an honor to hunt with the man if the opportunity ever arose.:-D

Bang On!!!, You have to spend some quality time with him to appreciate him, like some of us have had. He's a book of knowledge that can only be learned over time .:-D And for that I tip my hat to him..

10-27-2010, 04:55 PM
The soap opera love-in continue's. How about one last big group hug and then close this thread and get back to business.

10-27-2010, 05:02 PM
Were not worthy to use Wayne's elk call do not forget that pilgrim ...

Ghost Stalker
10-27-2010, 06:09 PM
LOL i still think that the word douchebag is funny.

Ghost Stalker
10-27-2010, 07:23 PM
i heard on the radio that there is a place in central park new york called "The Brambles" lol. i wonder what kind of things go on in "The Brambles".

10-27-2010, 07:37 PM
I must say I am very curious were this camp is I spend alot of time in the EK bush and have not ran across it. As for semi permenant camps in the EK they are everywhere hell some of the trailer/campers never leave there in spots all year long in a couple spots I know they have pulled the bridges out and those campers are not ever coming out. One I ran across a couple years ago had to have come in by Helicopter.
Don't worry about the Ek whiner crowd Wayne they are the same people who appose WT doe, and Elk cow seasons you know the ones that have trouble killing anything so obviosly there is no animals left cause they don't know how to hunt.

10-27-2010, 07:42 PM
I must say I am very curious were this camp is I spend alot of time in the EK bush and have not ran across it. As for semi permenant camps in the EK they are everywhere hell some of the trailer/campers never leave there in spots all year long in a couple spots I know they have pulled the bridges out and those campers are not ever coming out. One I ran across a couple years ago had to have come in by Helicopter.
Don't worry about the Ek whiner crowd Wayne they are the same people who appose WT doe, and Elk cow seasons you know the ones that have trouble killing anything so obviosly there is no animals left cause they don't know how to hunt.
report the spots to forestry of where those trailers never leave. they will get rid of them.

10-27-2010, 07:58 PM
report the spots to forestry of where those trailers never leave. they will get rid of them.

Why they all belong to locals and most are left unlocked which is real nice if you get stuck in the bush over night some also may belong to people who have mining claims or trap lines.

Ghost Stalker
10-27-2010, 09:57 PM
lmao douchebag is a funny word. lol douche

Ghost Stalker
10-27-2010, 10:03 PM
hey i got an infraction for calling bambles a douche indirecty. weather or not he is a douche is up to u. i have no opinion on the matter but a moderator thought i was out of line. apparently i started a squabble with bear boy but i thought i was confronted first. i now realize that i am a ****** and that bear boy is rite no matter what. i appologize for stepping out of line, but the word douch is f____ing funny and if the shoe fits! then wear the ass off it.. lol. douche still makes my giggle

10-27-2010, 10:23 PM
hey i got an infraction for calling bambles a douche indirecty. weather or not he is a douche is up to u. i have no opinion on the matter but a moderator thought i was out of line. apparently i started a squabble with bear boy but i thought i was confronted first. i now realize that i am a ****** and that bear boy is rite no matter what. i appologize for stepping out of line, but the word douch is f____ing funny and if the shoe fits! then wear the ass off it.. lol. douche still makes my giggle

Give it a rest already.

10-28-2010, 04:35 PM
I just got home from out of the bush having one hell of a lot of fun ,slept in my truck last night was -6c where I was last night.

I did a shed hunt two days ago and found one nice moose antler as for a WT and a elk shed.

Found a fantastic natural mineral lick from deer this lick is about 2 feet deep and about 3 feet wide.

I will be baiting this like with salt and oats next week ,there are 4 runways coming into this like as for lots of WT rubs from last year.

Will put a trail cam up in this spot ,I will be baiting 3 different areas when I go back in next week.

I want to help get a fine WT buck for my young friend come Nov long weekend.

I live in a small town now and I don't let rumors bother me ,LOL :wink:..

10-28-2010, 04:45 PM
Not sure why you bought a house in Cranbrook Wayne, you spend more time sleeping in your hunting camp and the front of the pick up:shock::shock:

Are you sticking around for a bit??? before you head back...We should get together for a coffee at Tim's, you gotta have a shower first though.....:mrgreen:

Any more video to post????

Glad to see you are back safe and sound, get worried that the wilderness is gonna swallow you up one of these days...

10-28-2010, 04:51 PM
Not sure why you bought a house in Cranbrook Wayne, you spend more time sleeping in your hunting camp and the front of the pick up:shock::shock:

Are you sticking around for a bit??? before you head back...We should get together for a coffee at Tim's, you gotta have a shower first though.....:mrgreen:

Any more video to post????

Glad to see you are back safe and sound, get worried that the wilderness is gonna swallow you up one of these days...

Thanks Mike ,any time you are welcome in my home my friend ansd yes we can have coffee at Tims.

I have some more movies of me in my spike camp and other stuiped things ,I think I am going a little funny in the bush filming my days outings ETC :confused:..

I will be home for three days before heading back in on Sunday so give me a call anytime in the next few days and we will shoot the shit Mike :-D..

10-28-2010, 06:33 PM
I am going out Sat morning but maybe I can make it back in time for a Coffee too,let me know ,I`d love to hook up with you guys for a visit.

10-28-2010, 07:11 PM
I will be putting down 4 beef with a friend on Saturday, so will be skinnin and guttin most of the day....

Maybe Sunday morning???ish...Prior to Wayne heading back in???

10-29-2010, 02:00 AM
Joe and Mike any time Sunday morning would be great ,how about 2am or:wink: ???.

I will only come if I can by the coffee and donuts :wink: http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon7.gif :-D...