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10-16-2010, 07:18 PM
Ok guys its rut season soon for mule and whitetail, have anybody seen any new scrapes popping up yet, or has anyone seen any of the big boys posturing for position yet, is it time to get out and try a rattle?

10-16-2010, 07:29 PM
I have a newbie question .... I thought tree rubs only happened when they were getting rid of the velvet from their antlers. Do they also rub the trees come the rut???

10-16-2010, 08:01 PM
When I was in Cranbrook hunting with H47 we had a mule deer buck rutting it up with a doe just down from our camp and he was stinky!
That was on the 6th of October.

10-16-2010, 11:15 PM
I have a newbie question .... I thought tree rubs only happened when they were getting rid of the velvet from their antlers. Do they also rub the trees come the rut???

they have sent glands that get activated when rubbing, so it is not just to get rid of velvet it is a very important part of the rut, and finding where the dominant male is

10-17-2010, 07:15 AM
Found the first rub of the season yesterday, looked to be atleast a couple days old, but they are starting.

10-17-2010, 08:46 AM
i found a deer rub up in mccleese area tthree days ago and it seemed like it was at least a week old in an area we kill our deer every yr.This year no luck in 5 days.

10-17-2010, 08:55 AM
It not rut time yet guys.

It will not be for another +- three weeks before it happens and it happens every time every year. It has nothing to do with weather or rubs or even following a doe, it is caused by the amount of daylight in day, plus a few other things.

Deer will rub and scrape and follow does around anytime, especially the younger ones, but the actual rut will be in Nov. Do not forget that moose rub low down on trees like deer (Although much bigger trees usually)and will make rut pits that look just like a scrape.

Keep the hopes up as it will happen, just not right now.



10-17-2010, 10:47 AM
It not rut time yet guys.SS

I agree, no rut yet, but the pre-rut is on and the pre-rut can be a very good time to hunt and to use rattling antlers. The pre-rut is filled with activity as the bucks interact and spar with each other to establish dominance.

Also, I don't think mule deer make scrapes lines like whities. If you find scrapes with overhead licking branches it's a whitey and an area worth keeping a close eye on.

10-17-2010, 12:43 PM
It not rut time yet guys.

It will not be for another +- three weeks before it happens and it happens every time every year. It has nothing to do with weather or rubs or even following a doe, it is caused by the amount of daylight in day, plus a few other things.

Deer will rub and scrape and follow does around anytime, especially the younger ones, but the actual rut will be in Nov. Do not forget that moose rub low down on trees like deer (Although much bigger trees usually)and will make rut pits that look just like a scrape.

Keep the hopes up as it will happen, just not right now.



nobody is asking if it is rut yet, but more if the pre rut rituals have started,

10-17-2010, 01:32 PM
Pre rut rituals start when the buck loses it's velvet, and the bucks are ready to breed but the doe won't start estrus till end of this week .. zeek .. October 23 .. Whoopy starts .. Heavy breathing .. and hopping on
The bucks harass the females already but the doe won't stand still til October 23 and the mature does all bred by the Nov 4th then some yearlings then the left overs ..
Bucks rub trees from mid September on .. white tails are two weeks behind the mule deer.
Hi$ Jellyne$$ ( Expert Deer Rut Behavior Window Prognosticator ) Perfect positive pronouncements pronto ..

lone wolf
10-17-2010, 04:04 PM
I found a stack of tree rubs today . Some fresh and some older . Are they also territorial markings ?

10-17-2010, 04:08 PM
I found a stack of tree rubs today . Some fresh and some older . Are they also territorial markings ?

yes very much so

10-17-2010, 07:52 PM
Heck I saw a small alder rubbed in my lower field, new from a day ago, I'm thinking I better get a tree stand up in that area of the property quick.