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10-08-2010, 05:43 PM
I had a real bad encounter with this hunter 4 days ago ,i parked my truck back from a dead end road so I would not scare the elk out of the area.

I was set up and this clown drives right by my pick up truck that was parked about 400 yards from a dead end road.

I yelled at him when he got out of his truck ,I said don't you have any courtesy for others he said no and I am going to go up the hill right past you and if you try to stop me I will punch your lights out old man.

I went down and confronted him and said you are interfering with my hunt and its against the law.

He said so what I don't care ,I said I have your plate number in my mind and I will take action if you hit me.

He turned around run back to his truck and left he blew his truck horn 4 times when he left.

He had his 11 year old son with him when we had this disagreement ,what a way to teach your child the wrong ways..

10-08-2010, 05:45 PM
you have nothing but bad luck with all this d*ckheads this year hope fully it will get better

10-08-2010, 05:45 PM
I agree with you, except the part where you treatened to hit him.

10-08-2010, 05:47 PM
I agree with you, except the part where you treatened to hit him.

Read it again.

Bighorn hunter
10-08-2010, 05:50 PM
I agree with you, except the part where you treatened to hit him.

think you miss read Wayne's post

10-08-2010, 05:51 PM
You should move back to the Island.Sounds like there a little uptight in that country.Excellent,another moron with a registered firearm.You did the right thing,minimal confrontation and follow the law.I think you should buy a big dog for a partner.

10-08-2010, 05:51 PM
theres definitely some nut jobs out there, and all i can say is you get the respect you give and that point stands even more in the bush cause ya never know when ya might get in a bind and need some help, and i sure aint gunna help ya if your a dick.

10-08-2010, 06:07 PM
I am confused, why was this guy a bad hunter?

10-08-2010, 06:18 PM
I am confused, why was this guy a bad hunter?

Because he blew his horn 4 times when he left ,he ruined my evening hunt..

10-08-2010, 06:22 PM
Because he blew his horn 4 times when he left ,he ruined my evening hunt..

and because he was inconsiderate, rude, threatening , uttered threats!! how was he NOT a rude hunter???

10-08-2010, 06:23 PM
I am confused, why was this guy a bad hunter?

Read the post goofuss..Something you would do???

10-08-2010, 06:27 PM
Because he blew his horn 4 times when he left ,he ruined my evening hunt..

Not to mention threatened to hit you and insulted you. Nonetheless be ignorant

Sorry lightmag didn't realize you said it already

10-08-2010, 06:29 PM
you parked 400yds from the end of the road. I'd probably drive down to the end of the road too. This is what happens when you hunt right by a road!!!!!!!!! If you start yelling at me right away when I got out of my truck I'd probably you to F off as well.

10-08-2010, 06:31 PM
how do you know that he knew this was a dead end road ?? , i drive past parked crs and trucks all the time while out hunting an area , and if i did so and some old guy came out yelling at me , i might just show junior just what kind of treatment being overly confrontational gets you. yep , i can honestly say i might have blasted the horn myself. with that said some good people on this sight seem to hold you in pretty high regard so i feel for you having your hunt ruined , but again the question i would ask is , how do you know he knew this was a dead end with the occupier of parked vehicle a couple hundred yards back sitting at the end of it ??

10-08-2010, 06:33 PM
and yes he crossed a line in threatening to beat on you , but it was in my opinion YOU who initiated hostilities.

10-08-2010, 06:38 PM
Wayne do like most guys do here on da loops .. park on the road so people can't get by, if it's a dead ender .. bing bing banger ..
Jel .. Right in dah meee del ... stops anyone in a full sized wee hike L ..

10-08-2010, 06:44 PM
If he didn't know the road was a dead end, he should have said so.

Not threatened violence.

And you'd beat up someone a lot older than you, just because they yelled at you? To teach your kid a lesson?

Please do stick to fishing.

10-08-2010, 06:45 PM
i wish i was there with you hunter1947....what an ass...grrr

10-08-2010, 06:46 PM
Well I dont agree with the threating or the horn, please realise we all dont know every road out there and perhaps he just didnt know it was a dead end.

That said, if you had come at me yelling, I might get my back up also.

I also fail to see how driving by you truck is interfering with your hunt. It was a public road wasnt it?

10-08-2010, 06:47 PM
yep and you shouldn't have the expectation of privacy when you hunt right off the road!!! give your head a shake

10-08-2010, 06:56 PM
I had two guys fly by us when going to the Quinn closure as we were only one km from the sign .. I saw em coming from behind and they were going real fast so I went into the middle to stop them, but one of my buddies was a doctor and said, Hey let go! So I did and we got there and they got out and ran up the road closure with their rifles going in for the big six.
Jel .. Man I was upset but the doc says don't worry .. I was agitated but cooled down after a while ..

10-08-2010, 07:09 PM
How did you know his son was 11 yrs. old?
Was there more to the conversation?
Do you know the other hunter? ..... just curious...

10-08-2010, 07:13 PM
This Is Why Ill Not Hunt The Long Weekends Ill Let The Rest Beat Each Other Up To Shoot 25lbs Of Spike Buck.

10-08-2010, 07:14 PM
not sure what driveing by your truck has got to do with getting upset with the fellow but some guy yelling at you is sure to get a negative response .

perhaps he thought you were being aggressive or plain crazy?

400 yrds is basically a 1/4 of a mile so if he wanted to hunt a 1/4 a mile away from you he would have to go by you. (assuming he knew it was a dead end)

perhaps they would have gone down seen it was a dead end and then gone on thier way?

Seem to be a whole lotta stessed out hunters out there.

10-08-2010, 07:15 PM
no demlake , i wouldnt threaten to beat up an old guy to teach my kid a lesson , i would rather , as anyone who can read could tell from my initial reply, blast my horn a couple times on my way out of the guys area , maybe you should stick to your entry level reading lessons.

10-08-2010, 07:17 PM
This Is Why Ill Not Hunt The Long Weekends Ill Let The Rest Beat Each Other Up To Shoot 25lbs Of Spike Buck.

Amen to that! I haven't really hunted crown land for a few years and I don't miss it much. If I do I make sure I go during the week to cut down on the amount of guys I run into out there. It not only gives me a better chance but a better chance coming back alive. Hunting the Skagit or Harrison on a long weekend is in a word... Insane.

10-08-2010, 07:22 PM
you parked 400yds from the end of the road. I'd probably drive down to the end of the road too. This is what happens when you hunt right by a road!!!!!!!!! If you start yelling at me right away when I got out of my truck I'd probably you to F off as well.

how do you know that he knew this was a dead end road ?? , i drive past parked crs and trucks all the time while out hunting an area , and if i did so and some old guy came out yelling at me , i might just show junior just what kind of treatment being overly confrontational gets you. yep , i can honestly say i might have blasted the horn myself. with that said some good people on this sight seem to hold you in pretty high regard so i feel for you having your hunt ruined , but again the question i would ask is , how do you know he knew this was a dead end with the occupier of parked vehicle a couple hundred yards back sitting at the end of it ??

Have to say I agree with these guys Wayne!
Even if the guy knew it was a dead end road, how is he to know that you walked to the end to sit????
Maybe you just headed into the bush from your truck???
If its a road or quad trail....expect trucks and quads! :)

If I drove to the end of a road, got out to go for a hike, and someone started yelling at me....You can bet Id tell them to F'off as well!
Sorry but...I think you started this one! :-|

10-08-2010, 07:30 PM
i think hunter1947 just saying....not cool....be cool to one another out there...like bill and ted said...be excellant to one another...in this day and age everyone puts themselves first wants to be first and doesnt care who they have to walk over to get there...its not just in hunting...its in day to day life...if everybody tried to put the other guy first for once...shit like this wouldnt happen...but thats not gonna happen...so if you threaten me...youre coming out the window son...

10-08-2010, 07:31 PM

10-08-2010, 07:32 PM
i get that a lot...

10-08-2010, 07:33 PM
Jelvis Its Time For Your Meds!!!

10-08-2010, 07:34 PM
Personally, if I see another vehicle parked by a clear cut near a dead end road, I turn around to find another area. However, at the same time, I do not expect the same from others. In fact, when hunting near a road, I often plan my hunt with the idea that another hunter may drive through the area. And so, I often look for draws or bowls that are not readily visible from the road. When under pressure, it seems that a lot of deer relocate to these areas.

I've also found that when encountering another hunter its best not to say anything at all. On a few occasions, I have let other hunters walk right past me. Recently, my father and I watched a hunter walk by within 50 yards. At the time, we were talking; in fact, we attempted to whistle to indicate our location. But the hunter did not notice our presence nor sound. It makes me wonder how he would have seen or heard any deer at all. In this instance, we simply went the opposite direction.

10-08-2010, 07:47 PM
Sorry Wayne but something about about ---- -- -- buttercup is starting to ring in this thread:neutral:. Sorry to hear it happen to you but roads bring up the most interesting threads for sure:-D.

10-08-2010, 07:47 PM
If that were me, I would have kept my mouth shut with the hope that the fellow would have discovered the end of the road, turned around and left the area.
I look upon these things as opportunities. Sometimes the animals hang back because they may have seen you park and saunter up the hill. Along comes Joe and his kid, this distracts the animal from you and upon them. When they leave, the animal may feel safe to walk out having forgotten about your presence. It has happened.
Not too much sense getting your gaunch in a knot or wedged if your hunting within sight of the road, this type of situation is going to happen more times than not.

10-08-2010, 07:48 PM
I leave to find another area when I notice its occupied most of the time, If someone started yelling at me I would also tell them off and get mad. Its public land and everyone is welcome. I have even day hunted with others that are trying to hunt the same area and I have made plans with others as to where I will be and to where they will be.I even hunted with a guy who shot a nice 5 point mulie and when he was dragging it out a guy on a quad came along. He helped the fella get another 5 pointer he seen and they loaded them both on the quad and made the trip out. Most people are friendly when you don't give them sh&t.

10-08-2010, 08:01 PM
If I come upon a truck parked on the side of a road-I will definitely ride by if it leads to another area. if i know it's a dead end, i'll turn around-not really comfortable having another armed hiker/sitter in the same bush as me.
That being said, I don't expect that from everyone else-and I'm a firm believer that these things happen for a reason. Maybe he'll scare something up for you-maybe you'll move to a location where that big bull will be, or maybe you'll shoot at an animal he got moving for you and scare the crap out of him! ;)

10-08-2010, 08:07 PM
I had a real bad encounter with this hunter 4 days ago ,i parked my truck back from a dead end road so I would not scare the elk out of the area.

I was set up and this clown drives right by my pick up truck that was parked about 400 yards from a dead end road.

I yelled at him when he got out of his truck ,I said don't you have any courtesy for others he said no and I am going to go up the hill right past you and if you try to stop me I will punch your lights out old man.

I went down and confronted him and said you are interfering with my hunt and its against the law.

He said so what I don't care ,I said I have your plate number in my mind and I will take action if you hit me.

He turned around run back to his truck and left he blew his truck horn 4 times when he left.

He had his 11 year old son with him when we had this disagreement ,what a way to teach your child the wrong ways..

first some body is shooting your elk then some body is driving by your truck and trying to hunt..... every one is out there to get you and get confrontantional with you !!


10-08-2010, 08:09 PM
I didnt know when I park my truck on a road that suddenly I own the road?:?
I dint know when I hunt a mountain it suddenly belongs to me and me ONLY!:?
I didnt know that when somebody yells at me I shouldn't tell them to FO !:?

gimme a break?:?

just because your squatting in the bush for a couple of months doesn't give YOU EXCLUSIVE rights more than the next guy!

10-08-2010, 08:13 PM
It's calm but windy in Black Creek Wayne.:-D:-D

10-08-2010, 08:14 PM
the parked truck could belong to some guy that was up at 2 in the morning to hike to the top of a distant mountain. so i guess no one should drive up that road for the rest of the day?

10-08-2010, 08:23 PM

I've still hunted on cut blocks near the road. I expect people to come by at some point because I'm hunting right beside a ROAD! usually I wave at them and let them know where I am at.

If someone comes ranting out of the woods at me because I parked at the end of a FSR and I ruined his hunt I would for sure tell him to F-off.

Seriously I can't even believe 1947 even complained about this!

10-08-2010, 08:25 PM
You can`t even believed? :D

10-08-2010, 08:27 PM
sorry can't type hence the name slowkey ! hunt and peck is my specialty

10-08-2010, 08:34 PM
I was just teasing you i don`t judge on keyboard skills :D

10-08-2010, 08:36 PM
I went down and confronted him and said you are interfering with my hunt and its against the law.

What? come on man -

10-08-2010, 08:41 PM
Don't forget hunters hunter1947 had a monster record bull elk shot from under him when he called the stag out into the meadow, and another guy blasted the giant bull elk. That was a couple weeks ago.
JP .. that would hurt big time ...

10-08-2010, 08:45 PM
Don't forget hunters hunter1947 had a monster record bull elk shot from under him when he called the stag out into the meadow, and another guy blasted the giant bull elk. That was a couple weeks ago.
JP .. that would hurt big time ...oh ya that was the bull that was shot by the guy that he told where to sit and that he would cow call for him?

10-08-2010, 09:09 PM
Welcome to the Ek I hope you survive your first year.

10-08-2010, 09:18 PM
It doesn't sound like the guy did anything wrong until you confronted him. Did you think that no one else was going to drive down that road? The chances of another truck coming down there were good because......well.......its a road.

You and Devilbear ought to get together for a hunt.

10-08-2010, 09:20 PM
take a 2x4 and a handfull of three inch nails and set it down the road abit

10-08-2010, 09:25 PM
this is why i prefer hunting during the week, ya just get less clowns.

1- hunting miles off the beaten path doesnt make you any more superior to the guy who hunts roads.

2-I dont think i own the road or the mountain or anything else but if theres sign that theres another hunter roaming the area i would rather leave him to his thing and ill move on to the next area...and for those who say how do you know the truck isnt that of some hiker, i dont know bout you but there is usually some sign that its a hunter.....gun cases, bullets i could go on forever.

3-if i am in an area and someone comes in ill usually just stay where im at instead of hollering at the guy because seriously....you hollering at the guy just scared everything in a 10 mile radius off anyway long before the "asshole" even did anything.

for the most part i think most on here understand the common courtesy of things but like common sense i guess common courtesy is becoming less common.

and for all the tough guys, thanks for the laughs im sooooo sure you would all just knock everyones lights out:roll:

and nice excellent adventure reference shawn

10-08-2010, 09:35 PM
this is why i prefer hunting during the week, ya just get less clowns.

1- hunting miles off the beaten path doesnt make you any more superior to the guy who hunts roads.

2-I dont think i own the road or the mountain or anything else but if theres sign that theres another hunter roaming the area i would rather leave him to his thing and ill move on to the next area...and for those who say how do you know the truck isnt that of some hiker, i dont know bout you but there is usually some sign that its a hunter.....gun cases, bullets i could go on forever.

3-if i am in an area and someone comes in ill usually just stay where im at instead of hollering at the guy because seriously....you hollering at the guy just scared everything in a 10 mile radius off anyway long before the "asshole" even did anything.

for the most part i think most on here understand the common courtesy of things but like common sense i guess common courtesy is becoming less common.

and for all the tough guys, thanks for the laughs im sooooo sure you would all just knock everyones lights out:roll:

and nice excellent adventure reference shawnyep every parked truck i pass i stop to check for empty shell boxes.

10-08-2010, 09:49 PM
Expectations of hunting near a road or in a cutblock.

Another hunter will drive to the end of the road, turn around and drive out even if your vehicle is parked before the end of the cutblock.

Another hunter will hunt the same cutblock as you even if they know you're there.

Another hunter will park their truck near yours and hunt the same area as you.

It's no different than fishing at a lake or anywhere in the lower mainland except during hunting you can usually use the other hunters to your advantage.

10-08-2010, 10:12 PM
you yell and some body like that i would have punched your lights out maybe if your going to hunt walk alitle farther from the road if your worried about people driving by douce bag

10-08-2010, 10:13 PM
Have to say I agree with these guys Wayne!
Even if the guy knew it was a dead end road, how is he to know that you walked to the end to sit????
Maybe you just headed into the bush from your truck???
If its a road or quad trail....expect trucks and quads! :)

If I drove to the end of a road, got out to go for a hike, and someone started yelling at me....You can bet Id tell them to F'off as well!
Sorry but...I think you started this one! :-|

Yup if some random guy started yelling at me in front of my boy, I'd probably beat the tar out of him.

Maybe you should have been more polite then think that the guy is Carnak the magnificent and actually Knew you were 400 yards from your truck which was parked on the side of a FSR.

10-08-2010, 10:15 PM
i see lots of stuff here about road hunting, nothing wrong with it, some hunters can not get far from a road for some reason or other, hunting to each person is how they hunt, from a road, or walking miles into the woods,or quading, horseback, moterbikes, what ever way you hunt, is how you hunt, and there is no need for people to be like this, that is just bad hunting, allmost like drivers on the road, that think they owne the road,, no matter where you go or what you do you run into these people,, you just have to walk away and hope for the best, if you have a lic, plate number , turn it in to the CO's and let them deal with it, like road rage call the cops, thats what they get paid for, and you know it happens all over no matter where you go,, good luck hunting and have a good turkey weekend,, if your out hunting good luck,,,

10-08-2010, 10:17 PM
Im not about to start slammin on ya wayne. I know it can be real frusterating when something like that happens. Hopefully if nothing else you both learned a little something from the incident.

10-08-2010, 10:21 PM
you yell and some body like that i would have punched your lights out maybe if your going to hunt walk alitle farther from the road if your worried about people driving by douce bag

10-08-2010, 10:22 PM
Biggunner what the hell was the point of reposting and i don`t see the need to call him a douche bag maybe rephrase your words next time?

10-08-2010, 10:25 PM
you yell and some body like that i would have punched your lights out maybe if your going to hunt walk alitle farther from the road if your worried about people driving by douce bag

nice double post tough guy

10-08-2010, 10:33 PM
This thread is going now where. Yes we learned a little about road hunting but we can learn all that from FD's threads.

10-08-2010, 10:44 PM
This thread is going now where. Yes we learned a little about road hunting but we can learn all that from FD's threads.
going nowhere? it started nowhere..!

10-08-2010, 10:48 PM
You'al take a deep breath and lighten up. It's Hunter1947 time of the month.
We need to understand that it is going to happen and we will just have to make the best of it.
Stay concealed and let the situation play itself out.
Don't sweat the small stuff.

10-08-2010, 11:19 PM
It just occurred to me that these bullshit bickering threads usually die down after opening day but ive noticed that is not the case this year, so are you people just not getting out this year or what...i know i have and i got my moose and hope to go out for deer before the season ends........however having excess time on my hands at the moment i cant complain as it keeps me mildly amused:-D

10-08-2010, 11:27 PM
H47 -As you describe it, you are the one who started out with the yelling and name calling. Not sure what you expected in return. Perhaps things would have turned out differently if you'd been civil in the beginning. Take a look in the mirror.

Seems you were the one interfering in a legal hunt, not him.

10-09-2010, 12:39 AM
Well wayne ive read almost all of your post and enjoyed them all.but this is the first year ive read a couple of negative post about fellow hunters from you.I was,nt there and dont know the hole story ,but as you wrote it im not sure you handled it the right way & it really doesnt sound like you on a normal day. just remeber your liveing a dream out there for most of us & i hope things work out for you
and for the idiot who is calling wayne a douche bag give your head a shake & read some of his storys ,youd be lucky to be half the hunter & man he is

10-09-2010, 12:43 AM
sorry guys i have to agree with H47 on this one. What happen was ignorant from many points. Maybe Wayne shouldnt have yield.......i guess he wont do that again. But the other guy should have had a little respect. If i see another hunter parked on a road in front of me i turn around and give them space. Especially on a dead end road..............he got there first, come back earlier next time. Im sure this is how wayne hunts aswell...........thats why he was ticked off. Its an unwritten rule that i was taught by my old man and i live by it. The guy had no couth and by the sounds of it alot of you guys dont either.

10-09-2010, 12:44 AM
More drama ...

10-09-2010, 12:56 AM
this place is full of it..........

10-09-2010, 01:06 AM
More drama ...
nice coment @$$%#!!!!

10-09-2010, 02:27 AM
This hunter that pulled up at the end of the landing new what he was doing..

I asked him if he new that this was a dead end he said yes he new that the road ended a few hundred yards from where our truck was parked.

We even parked the truck a little out on to the road to let the others know that we where in there hunting.

If someone that did not know the area in this spot then I would understand if they drove past our hunting truck.

I asked this hunter when he pulled up at the dead end road if he new the road ended and yes he said he did this is what got me upset respect is what hunting is all about and I have always respected other hunters thats what all of us hunters have to do H-47.

I guess we are loosing respect from the old days..

10-09-2010, 02:36 AM
H47 -As you describe it, you are the one who started out with the yelling and name calling. Not sure what you expected in return. Perhaps things would have turned out differently if you'd been civil in the beginning. Take a look in the mirror.

Seems you were the one interfering in a legal hunt, not him.

Yes I yelled at this hunter because he was down the hill from me ,I had to yell at him to get his attention he was about 80 yards down hill from me.

My yelling was in a friendly matter I had to yell in order to get his attention ,I then said did you not see the truck and he said yes then all hell broke loose..

Honking the horn is illegal you can't inter-fear with another hunters hunt like honking the horn..

10-09-2010, 07:33 AM
Now now gentelman, we are all friends here. If you read all these it looks like everyone involved maybe could have done things a little differently. Live and learn.

10-09-2010, 09:01 AM
'47 - I agree with you that it would be nice if people respected others and did onto others... Unfortunately, many have a dog-eat-dog attitude these days.

I have a couple spots near teh road that I try to hunt in the first few days of teh season. I usually position myself near escape routes and expect guys to drive right down the middle. I had a big muley buck that I'd seen a few years in a row and he used to water all summer in a clearcut at the end of an FSR... I sent a young hunter and his dad in to shoot him last year on opening day and someone from the out of town had set up their camp right there... :rolleyes:

Sometimes you gotta expect teh worst and they you will be pleasantly surprised... :wink:

10-09-2010, 09:25 AM
wow........8 pages about this piddly BS????

That type of misunderstanding happens in the bush all the time......wayne, that other hunter you approached thinks you were the one being ridiculous......take a deep breath and head to the next cut block, lord knows the south country has enough of them.

10-09-2010, 09:32 AM
I guess we are loosing respect from the old days..

I'd beg to differ on this one. I think those types of interactions happened back then as well, however, with todays vehicles, atv's and road conditions people cover 20 times the country in one day and therefore bump into 20 times more people. As well, with the web, and bitch-fests like this, hunters hear alot more about this type of behaviour.

But as long as there has been men in the woods, there has been competition, greed and disrespect when it comes right down to feeding the family or worse yet, taking a big buck or bull.

Don't pawn this off as a generation difference, nothing has changed in hunting since the cave man days and never will.

10-09-2010, 09:35 AM
The only way this sort of thing will EVER get worked out SATISFACTORILY!

is to be aired on the JERRY SPRINGER SHOW,,,

and frankly ?, that is EXACTLY where IT belongs!:?

10-09-2010, 09:37 AM
I'd beg to differ on this one. I think those types of interactions happened back then as well, however, with todays vehicles, atv's and road conditions people cover 20 times the country in one day and therefore bump into 20 times more people. As well, with the web, and bitch-fests like this, hunters hear alot more about this type of behaviour.

But as long as there has been men in the woods, there has been competition, greed and disrespect when it comes right down to feeding the family or worse yet, taking a big buck or bull.

Don't pawn this off as a generation difference, nothing has changed in hunting since the cave man days and never will.


10-09-2010, 09:40 AM
I'd beg to differ on this one. I think those types of interactions happened back then as well, however, with todays vehicles, atv's and road conditions people cover 20 times the country in one day and therefore bump into 20 times more people. As well, with the web, and bitch-fests like this, hunters hear alot more about this type of behaviour.

But as long as there has been men in the woods, there has been competition, greed and disrespect when it comes right down to feeding the family or worse yet, taking a big buck or bull.

Don't pawn this off as a generation difference, nothing has changed in hunting since the cave man days and never will.

that I would like to see!:wink:,,,,,,,,,

some older hunter guy yells at another YOUNGER hunter guy, whom happens to be packin a BIG CLUB,,,,,,,,,,,,,


10-09-2010, 09:42 AM
The only way this sort of thing will EVER get worked out SATISFACTORILY!

is to be aired on the JERRY SPRINGER SHOW,,,

and frankly ?, that is EXACTLY where IT belongs!:?

I agree:-D

Sorry H47 I understand what your saying and I am one of those guys that would have turned around but had you started yelling and making a fuss with me you would have gotten an earful backl:wink:...

10-09-2010, 10:28 AM
you yell and some body like that i would have punched your lights out maybe if your going to hunt walk alitle farther from the road if your worried about people driving by douce bag

Show a little respect:confused:

10-09-2010, 10:33 AM
Wow the arrogance of peole on this forum never stops amazing me. So you park on the side of a road it means no one can go in there? You yell at him, he yells back and he is the ahole?

One Shot Willy
10-09-2010, 10:37 AM
Sorry to hear about this guy and that he ruined your hunt. Some people have no ethics.

10-09-2010, 11:14 AM
This hunter that pulled up at the end of the landing new what he was doing..

I asked him if he new that this was a dead end he said yes he new that the road ended a few hundred yards from where our truck was parked.

We even parked the truck a little out on to the road to let the others know that we where in there hunting.

If someone that did not know the area in this spot then I would understand if they drove past our hunting truck.

I asked this hunter when he pulled up at the dead end road if he new the road ended and yes he said he did this is what got me upset respect is what hunting is all about and I have always respected other hunters thats what all of us hunters have to do H-47.

I guess we are loosing respect from the old days..

It would have been helpful if this important info was included in the story.

If he knew the road came to a dead end, he should not have continued on. Although it seems as though he really didn't do anything wrong until after you confronted him.

Since when is honking your horn illegal?

10-09-2010, 11:15 AM
This hunter that pulled up at the end of the landing new what he was doing..

I asked him if he new that this was a dead end he said yes he new that the road ended a few hundred yards from where our truck was parked.

We even parked the truck a little out on to the road to let the others know that we where in there hunting.

If someone that did not know the area in this spot then I would understand if they drove past our hunting truck.

I asked this hunter when he pulled up at the dead end road if he new the road ended and yes he said he did this is what got me upset respect is what hunting is all about and I have always respected other hunters thats what all of us hunters have to do H-47.

I guess we are loosing respect from the old days..

i have a solution for ya... buy a private property and hunt it all alone.....if you are on crown land expect other people hunting..

10-09-2010, 11:24 AM
very ignorant to say the least wayne. i hope luck turns around and you get a huge trophy that you deserve

10-09-2010, 11:38 AM
It would have been helpful if this important info was included in the story.

If he knew the road came to a dead end, he should not have continued on. Although it seems as though he really didn't do anything wrong until after you confronted him.

Since when is honking your horn illegal?

Any kind of deliberate interference is illegal

10-09-2010, 11:46 AM
Wow the arrogance of peole on this forum never stops amazing me. So you park on the side of a road it means no one can go in there? You yell at him, he yells back and he is the ahole?

You don't get it man ,he was a local and he new this road ended a short distence up the road he should have showed some respect for others ,he ruined my hunt don't you get it :roll:..

10-09-2010, 11:51 AM
How the hell can a hunter hear you if you whisper at him at that distance ,you tell me????? ,don't some of you understand ???? he was 80 yards below me like I said I had to yell in order to get his attention ..

10-09-2010, 12:01 PM
Any kind of deliberate interference is illegal

How can you possibly prove it was deliberate?

"There was a chipmunk running in front of the truck and I didn't want to hit it.":wink:

10-09-2010, 12:03 PM
How the hell can a hunter hear you if you whisper at him at that distance ,you tell me????? ,don't some of you understand ???? he was 80 yards below me like I said I had to yell in order to get his attention ..

It probably would have been best if you let him drive to the dead end and go on his way. If you had not yelled from 80 yards away, he would have just kept diving on and your hunt wouldn't have been ruined. IMO

Johnny G1
10-09-2010, 12:06 PM
How the hell can it be deliberate interference unless you had the scope lined up and ready to drop the hammer???? And my thought's if you had been quiet, he might not have ruined your hunt??? and slowly drove away???

10-09-2010, 12:18 PM
How the hell can it be deliberate interference unless you had the scope lined up and ready to drop the hammer???? And my thought's if you had been quiet, he might not have ruined your hunt??? and slowly drove away???

Honking a your horn when you know someone is up a cut block hunting,is deliberate interference,You obviously know that honking a horn will interfere with somebodys hunt or shooting a rifle off 5 times whatever....I think you can understand what someones intensions are:confused:

10-09-2010, 12:25 PM
I will always give the right away to any hunter if I know he or she is in an area at a dead end road ,always have always will thats me and I will stick with my thoughts till the end..

I have said enough I will not post on my thread again http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon7.gif..

10-09-2010, 12:38 PM
I yelled at him when he got out of his truck ,I said don't you have any courtesy for others

So you don't feel this is in anyway confrontational and might be the reason you got the response you did?

I agree with what your saying he shouldn't have done what he did but what you and I might think is "ethical" might mean squat to someone else.

10-09-2010, 12:46 PM
Because he blew his horn 4 times when he left ,he ruined my evening hunt..
Was he hunting or was he trying to prevent you from hunting.
If you yelled at him first he could say to you that you were interfering with his hunt.
If he was pulling the old bear watch crap of following hunters to spook game then I understand.

He may have felt that your yelling at him in front of his kid RUINED HIS KIDS HUNT, and thought F you too buddy

10-09-2010, 12:48 PM
Read the post goofuss..Something you would do???
Stow the insults

10-09-2010, 02:09 PM
Get a hold of the local C.O. or Gun Club and let them know about this inconsiderate person and see if they can give you some concrete information.
Jel ( Rare Earth ) Get Ready .. Here I come .. dit dit doody dit dit dow .. some cement boots lol ..

10-09-2010, 02:29 PM
for one. you are hunting in the east koots.. a little honking is not going to scare the game away. i think there used to alot more

10-09-2010, 02:30 PM
next time park your truck across the road if you dont want no one down there wayne.. then see what happens

10-09-2010, 02:33 PM
next time park your truck across the road if you dont want no one down there wayne.. then see what happens

Great advice:)

10-09-2010, 03:39 PM
Used to be a day when if you saw some one parked on a known dead end road.. even 400 yards from the end you would show the courtesy of backing out. Yeah there is two sides to the valley.. but for the sake of safety, why would you walk where you don't know the other hunter is?
We cause our own grief by not respecting others while hunting and IMO it drags the sport down. The province is certainly big enough for us all.. after all.. we number half of what we used to. Too much me, my, I..
Side note.. the only place I used to see this kind thing was Fontain basin during the annual mulie migration and Frenchman's slough opening day for elk... Places where there was parallel parking only and you expected WWI to break out.. so you stayed to hell away.
'47, I usually stay hid and back out myself if someone parks right beside me and I'm close enough to the truck.. Then I honk my horn 4 times and leave.. maybe even shoot a grouse or two.. course that takes 9 - 12 rounds in semi auto mode..

10-09-2010, 04:59 PM
next time park your truck across the road if you dont want no one down there wayne.. then see what happens

I am scared to do that ,might have 4 cut tires or a windshield with a rock through it ,or keyed down the side of the truck..

10-09-2010, 05:12 PM
As for me if i know someone is hunting a certain area im not going to hunt there. I hate to bump into someone when hunting .