View Full Version : Dogs, just there for you...

10-03-2010, 01:01 PM
Saw this and thought it would be good to share here...

http://d3ywpg.bay.livefilestore.com/y1peOzKhbIssfbsAWXx5K4HQcotBWyNs49UubJKEr4zASMMCb4 zX9_OeEd38NKsap1zNh5v0quhEwDzOAOJPnp1OWWZ8w3pC4s5/image0202020.jpg

10-09-2010, 07:50 AM
Thanks BimmerBob. I like it.

Bow Walker
10-09-2010, 08:20 AM
Unless it's 5:30 in the dark and they want out to investigate the "noise" they thought they heard!

Good pic there Bimmer.