View Full Version : Tagged/Collared deer in Pemberton

09-30-2010, 12:08 PM
A reminder to all hunters - if you or your friends harvest a deer in the Pemberton area this fall which has an ear tag and/or radio collar attached please notify the MOE (Darryl Reynolds) or myself and return the tag or collar as soon as possible. PM me (Gatehouse) on here and arrange for the tag or collar to be returned.

PWA volunteers have tagged or collared 29 deer over the past two winters. The collars and tags were put on to help the MOE biologists gain a better understanding of the total population of the local deer herd and their migration routes.

Your cooperation would be appreciated - the final resting place of these deer will be important information to include in the study.

We know of one doe which was killed by wolves last winter and a young buck which was harvested last weekend. That leaves 25+ marked deer out there somewhere which you can watch for.

There is no "penalty" for killing a tagged or collared deer, we just want the information.

09-30-2010, 04:07 PM
If i notice a radio collar on a deer before I shoot.
Should I pass up on this deer??
Which is better for you study.
And how is deer pop. in Pemmy.?