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View Full Version : A good day in Boston Bar (though no bear)

05-06-2006, 09:37 PM
Me and the wife went out for a drive this morn'n (though started later than I wanted to) out to Boston Bar.
We ran into a CO at the Huskey while getting coffee and chatted with him for a bit - let us know of a few others hunting in the area and about the road conditions.
Driving down Scuzzy we ran into a couple of deer. The road was much better than it was a few weeks ago, but we ran into snow just past the sand quarry, we parked at the quarry to go for a walk further up the road.
After a few KM up the road we figured it was time to go back to the truck for lunch. Back at the truck I'm putting the pack in the box and just as I unload the rifle, TL (my wife) squeaks - "I think I just saw a bear!" after she calms down she tells me she saw a "big black thing" standing at the top of the quarry (about 50 yards from the truck) that "all the sudden moved" and went over the edge - so I grabbed the gun and wander over to have a look - sure enough going right over the very steep edge are a nice set of prints. Walking back through the quarry the whole think was littered with track, we jumped in the truck and to the clearing below the quarry and sure enough theres a huge bear running through it at full tilt. got out but never got a shot at it. We then went over to Anderson FSR just to see how it was (lots of hunters) and soon decided to head back to Scuzzy. On the drive back in we nearly ran over a little blackie in the middle of the road.
Rounded out the day sitting, watching a clearing till near dark.
So far its the most animals I've seen the season, 2 bear, a few deer and a grouse - and I think I've convicned the wife that bears aren't that scary :biggrin:

05-06-2006, 11:55 PM
Good for you guys, I wish I could talk my wife into coming out for the day!!
Still better than any day working!!

05-07-2006, 08:14 AM
we jumped in the truck and to the clearing below the quarry and sure enough there's a huge bear running through it at full tilt. got out but never got a shot at it

Sounds like the story of my bear hunting this year so far. Have seen quite a few, but they have been very skittish. Then there is my new partner (wife) who has the final say whether the "cute" bears are big enough to shoot. At least one yogi owes its life to her so far.

Good part is.........the bear hunting is just going to get better from here to the end of the season, and sooner or later we will get a shot at one that isn't heading for the next region!:D

05-07-2006, 08:32 AM
Sounds like you had a good day too me. Nothing better than getting to hunt an area with out running into othe hunters all day. My ol Lady won't even consider coming out with me even though when we're drivin down the highway she can pick out every critter in the Province. Good luck next time, Rob

05-07-2006, 08:39 AM
LOC, sounds like you and your wife had a great day, i can't get my wife to go for a drive with me during hunting season.She saw me shoot a grouse and that was the last time she ever got in the truck during hunting season.

05-07-2006, 08:04 PM
On saturday I took the wife on an all day quadding trip. She had an absolute blast. I chose not to take my rifle and what do you know... We spotted three nice bears. I think I will be heading out after work this week to check out the area again.

05-07-2006, 09:28 PM
it was fun. I'm lucky, she can spot game, she has no trouble seeing me shoot grouse (and she doenst mind cleaning them!) - I just cant convince her to take her C.O.R.E
She's already talking about going out again to find more bears!

05-07-2006, 10:00 PM
I was up on the Whipsaw FSR on Saturday and ran into snow on the road at about 17K. I walked then drove off and on up to 18K where the snow was too deep for the Jimmy S15. What Was interesting was finding Grizz tracks going up and Elk tracks coming down the road. Those roads won't be open for at least another week or two. Fred

05-07-2006, 10:27 PM
I was up on the Whipsaw FSR on Saturday and ran into snow on the road at about 17K. I walked then drove off and on up to 18K where the snow was too deep for the Jimmy S15. What Was interesting was finding Grizz tracks going up and Elk tracks coming down the road. Those roads won't be open for at least another week or two. Fred